MARCH, 2022
Newsletter of North State Writers (NSW), a Branch of the California Writers Club

NSW promotes the art and craft of writing across genres, connecting writers, editors, illustrators, publishers, reviewers, agents, and others interested in the continual renewal of creative thought and the written word.
President's Message
In like a lion and out like a lamb or is it visa versa? No matter it’s still the luck of the Irish with corn beef and cabbage, four-leaf clovers, and leprechauns hiding pots of gold. Our meeting date repeats itself from last month being the 21st of the month and at the same place and time. Also, as in February, I took another trip. This time to the lovely state of Arizona. Where I took a 13-hour tour bus ride to the Grand Canyon and back. So if anyone would like to see all 13 hours of my tour in pictures and video I’d be happy to do that for you after our speaker at our Monday night meeting. Just kidding I only have 2 hours of video and pictures to show. Don’t worry I won’t bring them to the meeting.

Jim Henson
President NSW
The meeting will be in person but if you would prefer to attend on Zoom please register and a link will be emailed to you.
Do you have a milestone you would like to share? Send it to using "Newsletter" in the subject line.
North State Writers Conference. We are looking for NSW members to participate in a committee to explore the possibility of our club hosting a conference in our area. The committee would look into possible venues, ideas for speakers and events, propose a budget and report ideas to the board. Please contact President Jim Henson if you would be interested in assisting with this project.

NSW member Susan St. Germaine invites all members to check into the information and challenges available to writers on this website. There are challenges available for many different genres..

Thank go to Susan who also located a website that provides valuable information on the craft of writing. It includes practice exercises which would be helpful to all of our members.
**Newsletter Editor needed. After six years, our current Editor has decided to step down from her role and a new editor is needed. She will provide training if desired. This is your chance to participate on the board and advance the future of the club. We have several members who have stepped forward to provide content. If you are interested, please contact President Jim Henson.
Register to join your fellow authors at this fun event.

Originally planned for February 17-20, the San Francisco Writers Conference has been rescheduled to July 21-24 owing to Covid considerations. A proud partner and sponsor of the prestigious event held at the Hyatt Regency Embarcadero, San Francisco., the California Writers Club will have a table there July 22-24. Because the California Writers Club’s mission statement mirrors that of the SFWC, we are able to reach out to many of the same writers who are seeking help, support, and encouragement in their writing by providing them with information about our club.

To view other CWC events please visit
President:  Jim Henson 
Vice-President: Lynn Tosello  
Secretary: Susan St. Germaine      
Treasurer: Nick Hanson
Director of Membership: Gwen Willadsen
Newsletter Editor: Linda Sue Forrister
Central Board Rep: Jim Henson
NorCal Group Rep: Jim Henson
Events Coordinator:
Social Media: Nick Hanson
Critique Group: Cathy Chase