January/February 2018
The dawn of the New Year brings a fresh set of opportunities as many developing countries move to REDD+ implementation and seek innovative ways to finance their forest-based development agendas. Linking sustainable development to forests, these governments are forging ahead through uncharted territory as they move forward along a climate-friendly pathway.
In the Perspectives section of this issue of The REDD+ Resource, you can learn about a potential win-win for aviation and REDD+, find out about ecological fiscal transfers implemented in India, see how REDD+ is triggering transformational change, and understand why the World Bank thinks we can be more optimistic about forestry and climate change.
This issue is filled with an assortment of stories coming from different parts of the world, among them an article from a bank in Viet Nam that is adopting a REDD+ based approach to promote the national green growth agenda.  
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Frenar la deforestación daría a Panamá $21 millones al año
04 Dec 2017 | La Estrella de Panamá 
COP23 Special: Recognizing gender bias, restoring forests  
20 Nov 2017 | Forest News
20 Nov 2017 | The Express Tribune
A Comparative Analysis of National Laws and Regulations Concerning Women's Rights to Community Forests   
Rights and Resources Initiative
The State of Food and Agriculture 2017   
Potential implications of corporate zero-net deforestation commitments for the forest industry    
Smoke on Water - Countering global threats from peatland loss & degradation    
UN Environment, GRID-Arendal
Forest Tenure in Cambodia, Nepal and Viet Nam    
Mangroves For the Future (MFF)
Training Programme
22- 26 January 2018

Ride for Climate at COP23  

Bosques Territorios de Vida 

Local knowledge: A key factor of success for natural forest protection
Hacia una estrategia nacional REDD+ en Argentina

Mongolia: A Call to Action for Forests and Green Development

Programa Integral Amazónico de Conservación de Bosques y Producción Sostenible

Myanmar: Role of Forests in Moving Toward Green and Sustainable Development


UN Environment Unlocking Sustainable Finance

A win-win solution for the aviation industry and REDD+
Gabriel Labbate explains why forest offsets originating in national REDD+ programmes with credible forest reference emission levels, reliable forest monitoring capacities and solid safeguards information systems are attractive targets for the airline industry.
India's new domestic finance instrument for forests and climate 
Jonah Busch shows how countries that devolve revenue across multiple levels of government can  adapt similar ecological fiscal transfers (EFTs) to India, and how developed countries should match India's efforts by increasing their own finance for REDD+.
Triggering transformational change in the forestry and land use sectors
It is important to feed a growing world population as it is to maintain and increase forest cover. While these two competing demands seem to be incompatible, FAO's Malgorzata Buszko-Briggs explains that increasing agricultural production does not necessarily have to come at the expense of forests.  
Why we should be more optimistic about forests and climate change...
The World Bank's Ellysar Baroudy explains how the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and the BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes (ISFL) are building partnerships to tackle the issue of forest-based climate change.
Integrating sustainable supply chain initiatives and REDD+ finance
Sustainable forests and land-use management and a green agriculture economy offer tremendous opportunities for those working closely with stakeholders in key commodity supply chains, from the producers to government and market actors.
Discover how a bank in Viet Nam is contributing towards the nation's poverty alleviation and sustainable development thrust by adopting REDD+ related credit programmes that promote reforestation, forest restoration, and environmental protection.   
During the last three decades, a remarkable change has occurred in the landscape of Java. Indonesian researchers and statisticians have reported a marked increase in forest cover. On the island of Java around 3 million hectares of land has been replanted with trees out of a total of 15 million hectares.  
It may come as a surprise to many that peatlands represent the world's largest terrestrial organic carbon stock. Despite this startling fact, only recently have these ecosystems received attention for the critical role they play in climate action. So why are peatlands so important?


Two events took place in West Africa to improve Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) and Enhanced Transparency, including MRV for REDD+ activities, and facilitate knowledge exchange at both regional and national levels. 
Learn more.

By watching the forest from a different perspective, we can understand the impact it has on our way of life.  Thomas Pesquet, an ESA astronaut, had a unique opportunity to do just that...  
Learn more.


La reconversión productiva para lograr la deforestación cero requiere también de la participación de pequeños productores y de la adopción de modelos productivos agroambientales. Muchos de estos modelos requieren de inversiones iniciales pero existen barreras de acceso al crédito que impiden su financiación, especialmente para pequeños propietarios.    

The PNG Government has affirmed its commitment to achieving sustainable management through key national strategies and policiesThe nation is one of the most naturally rich and diverse of any in the world, containing a remarkable 7 percent of the world's biodiversity in just 1 percent of the Earth's land mass.    

A high-level Cambodian Government delegation visited Ecuador to learn lessons and seek advice to advance their REDD+ implementation efforts. This visit provided the delegation with valuable insights into the implementation of effective locally-driven sustainable forest management programmes.  

Una alta delegación de Camboya visitó Ecuador para aprender de la experiencia de este país y de sus avances en la implementación de REDD+.

En el reporte se exploran los ingresos brutos y netos de costos de oportunidad que REDD+ y la Alianza por el Millón de Hectáreas pudieran generar en concepto de pagos por resultados en reducción de emisiones de carbono. También se presenta un análisis de las principales trayectorias de deforestación y degradación de bosques en Panamá.    

Over 40 forest monitoring experts from Pacific Island Countries met in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, for a Pacific Regional Workshop on Forest Monitoring in December. The training was held at the newly opened National Forest Inventory Office at the Papua New Guinea Forest Authority headquarters.    

Cerca del 20% de los bosques naturales que tiene Colombia se encuentran en territorios de comunidades afrodescendientes. Según el IDEAM en su reporte de 2016 el Pacífico es la región del país con mayor aumento en la deforestación.    

The solidarity and leadership expressed by these three countries through this joint initiative reflect the great strides being made on REDD+ in Africa and the strong co-operation among countries over the years.    

Mexico's SIS contains general information about REDD+ safeguards, detailed information on the national interpretation of each of the seven safeguards, and documents on the legal, institutional, and compliance frameworks.  

El Programa Nacional ONU-REDD culmina el año 2017 habiendo presentado la primera versión del Plan de Acción Nacional de Bosques y Cambio Climático (PANBCC) luego de realizar un importante trabajo participativo para su elaboración junto a distintos sectores de gobierno y de la sociedad civil.    
This resource is made possible through the generous support of the European Commission and the governments of Norway, Denmark, Luxembourg, Japan, Spain and Switzerland.

Content provided by UN-REDD Programme staff and partner countries. 

All images used courtesy of license holder or through Creative Commons license.