News from the International Plum Village Community | Issue 73: Week of March 13, 2023 - Special Events Edition -
"Where do you seek the spiritual? Seek it in every ordinary thing you do every day. Sweeping the floor, watering the vegetables, and washing the dishes become holy and sacred if mindfulness and concentration are there. Every minute can be a holy, sacred minute." ― Thich Nhat Hanh, How to Focus |
| Chronicling Thay's Continuation |
Full of joyful photos, reflections by monastics, and news from the past year, the latest Lá Thư Làng Mai (Plum Village Newsletter) is presented to you as a gift from Plum Village Monastery. It is available for free download in English and Vietnamese. |
Events Highlight
| There are so many wonderful opportunities to connect with the International Plum Village Community! Below we have identified a few that are coming up. We hope to see you soon, either online or in person. |
| Online Events |
"Love is Freedom" Earth Retreat June 17-22 (online dates)
This will be the first ‘hybrid’ retreat, meaning it is offered both online and in-person, at Plum Village Monastery. There are four adjusted schedules so you can select the time zone most convenient for you: Europe/ Africa, Americas East, Americas West, and Asia/ Pacific.
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| In-Person Events In North America |
Wake Up Retreat March 15-19 Magnolia Grove Monastery, Mississippi
In this retreat for young people aged 18-35, we will explore how the teachings of mindfulness and Engaged Buddhism can offer us concrete and sustainable practices to cultivate inner peace, joy and faith.
Rhythm of the Earth Mindful Music Festival April 15 Deer Park Monastery, California
This is a day for everyone—friends, family, children, adults, and sangha members— to come together for a fundraiser event to build a new monks residence.
| In-Person Events In Europe |
"Love is Freedom" Earth Retreat June 16-23 (in-person dates)
Online or in-person at Plum Village Monastery, France
Join workshops and panels on the themes of spirituality & activism; social & racial justice; how to take care of our grief and "eco-anxiety"; and more. Together we will cultivate peace and the insight of Inter-being.
| In-Person Events In Central & South America |
Gira Latinoamerica March 1 - April 30
La visita de los Monásticos Plum Village
México • Colombia • Equador • Argentina • Brazil • Chile
We would like to share with you our heartfelt gratitude for your continued practice and for your support for our beloved monastics and the International Plum Village Community. As we say in the Plum Village tradition, “You are, therefore I am.” We wish you and your loved ones safety, health, and ease.
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