The Reader Newsletter 

Opportunities in Baldwin!

The Literacy Alliance is expanding its resources and now has opportunities for adult education in Baldwin! AmeriCorps members Charise Jackson and Charles Wilson are now serving in Baldwin to increase literacy through adult education and GED courses in more areas of northeast Florida.

Interested in joining as a member or a student looking for resources? Access our website and fill out an interest form!

Student Spotlight!

Student, Vielumiere and her dad, Mokhles have been learning English, reading, and math at the Literacy Alliance since March 2023. Julie Krey has been tutoring the family and says she is drawn to volunteer as it “helps students with English, communication, and confidence.”

Julie says Vielumiere has great enthusiasm and patience which is essential when learning a new language. The trio share laughs while they learn and bond over food. We wish Vielumiere and Mokhles the best of luck as they continue their studies and achieve great things!

Giving Tuesday

Personal donations given in the months of November and December will be 100% matched by the Jessie Ball duPont Fund.


Donor Spotlight

For over a decade, the DOLLAR GENERAL LITERACY FOUNDATION has supported adult basic education at the Literacy Alliance of Northeast Florida. Dollar General’s co-founder, J.L. Turner, worked hard to build his business despite being functionally illiterate. In his honor, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation was created to help ensure that individuals of all ages have the opportunity to strengthen their education and pursue their dreams.

Dollar General Literacy Foundation remains the nation’s only corporate foundation focused on adult literacy. We are proud to partner with Dollar General Literacy Foundation in helping adult students improve their lives through education, regardless of where their journey begins.

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