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A 501-C3 non-profit ministry in Israel

The second PAJ - Prophetic Artists Journey was recently completed and we give all glory to Adonai for guiding us every step of the way!

The ten of us started in the Galilee with guest artist Hooman Khalili and several Israeli creative friends for Shabbat. We won't go into all the details of the prophetic acts we were called to do plus all the divine appointments Adonai brought, so this is just a brief summary...

After Shabbat we caught a bus to the highest city in Israel, Tsfat, where our son-in-love Yishai gave a walking tour of the city. While Tsfat is a Kabbalist stronghold, we highly recommend the walking tour with Yishai for prayer for these precious souls.

In Tsfat we met a unit of IDF soldiers singing in the streets. So of course I gave them our Psalm 91 bandanas and introduced them to the PAJ. When I told the soldiers these Christians love them and aren't afraid to be here during the war, they instantly sang a well known song in Hebrew "Those who have faith will not be afraid!" Then they grabbed our hands and we danced in the street!

From the highest city in Israel, we traveled to the lowest place on earth, hiking in a desert wadi. All along the way prophetic Israeli artists joined us for worship and waiting on Adonai and His presence was so evident.

While driving up to Jerusalem, we were suddenly called to visit Shiloh, the site of the original Tabernacle. In Joshua 18:1 "The whole congregation of the sons of Israel assembled at Shiloh, and set up the Tent of Meeting there; and the land was subdued before them." It's also the site where G-d answered Hannah's plea and blessed her and the nation with Samuel. At the place where Hannah prayed, we entered into intercession for the nation and the events to come, which includes the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem.

Now of course we don't need the blood of bulls and goats because Yeshua took care of that with His sacrifice of love for us. But the daily sacrifice must be reinstated because "you know who" is going to stop them one day. But for the sacrifices to start a purification needs to take place that only the ashes of a red heifer can suffice. A red heifer has not been sacrificed for over 2,000 years. When we actually saw the red heifers in Shiloh we all felt a sense of how close the return of Yeshua really is.

Recent dreams and visions are becoming more intense because

as the nations are preparing for war, Heaven is truly preparing for a wedding...

I'm in awe of how Adonai put the first PAJ's - Prophetic Artists Journeys together and now He is calling for two more, one in May during the Second Passover and the second one in June during Shavuot. If you're prophetic and creative in your field, please pray about joining us...

RH CH Singapore

What a joy to be a facilitator for Spirit-filled followers of Yeshua to love and encourage Israeli soldiers and civilians as Adonai leads us. And I'm also grateful for Richard who brought blessings to the PAJ groups with his insight and teachings on listening to G-d along with administrative skills that I don't have!

We are truly grateful for your love, prayers and support during this difficult season of war.  We have great hope because the light of Messiah is shining through many Israeli believers and Christians who feel called to serve here. If you need information about housing and volunteer opportunities, let me know.

And please keep praying for our sons and the Tree of Life Israel team!

Blessings in Yeshua's love,

Carolyn and Richard

Heart of G-d Ministries

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For secure SMS's use Signal or [email protected]. We write L-rd or G-d or יהוה (a Jewish custom Carolyn grew up with) but it's all for reverence for the Holy One of Israel. Thank you for understanding.