Upcoming events, the latest news, videos, podcasts and reports from the Harris Centre.
Yaffle Connects
Women on the Water:
Challenges & opportunities for women in the maritime sector
Join us as we take a closer look at the challenges and opportunities facing women in the maritime sector. As a major industry in our province traditionally dominated by men, what are the challenges still facing women in the industry? How can we overcome them? What else needs to be done to better recognize, increase, and improve the opportunities?

Registration and parking is free (only 30 seats available). Pre-order lunch is available for $15.
Tuesday, June 25
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Emera Innovation Exchange
Signal Hill Campus
or Watch Online
Synergy Session
Kick-starting Innovation in Rural Communities:
Stories from Ireland
Dr. Felicity Kelliher, visiting scholar from Ireland’s Waterford Institute of Technology, will share lessons learned from decades of fostering innovation in social and commercial enterprise in rural Ireland. Join us as we hear stories of growth and innovation, as Felicity shares details of Irish Government small firm initiatives, business innovation models and embedding design thinking in rural enterprise.

Dr. Keliher’s presentation will be followed by a workshop in design thinking for researchers and practitioners interested in learning more about this innovation capability development approach. Registration is free but required. Free parking.
Wednesday, June 26
Presentation 1:30 - 3:00 pm
Workshop 3:00 - 4:30 pm
Emera Innovation Exchange
Signal Hill Campus
or Watch Online
Sustainable Communities Conference
Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation & North Atlantic Forum

Join rural practitioners, researchers, government, business and non-profit representatives for inspiring presentations, breakout sessions, and interactive discussions on the stresses and solutions of sustainable communities.

October 1-5, 2019
St. John's, NL
Early Bird Registration until June 30.
Rural Routes Podcast
 Season 1: Episode 6
Rural Immigration with Philomena de Lima
We're revisiting some great episodes of Rural Routes from past seasons - this one on rural immigration is definitely worth a listen!

This episode of Rural Routes takes us to the other side of the Atlantic. Philomena de Lima is a researchers at the University of Highlands and Islands. She is located at the university’s Inverness campus. Philomena’s research is focused on the issues of immigration in rural areas. She is interested in immigrant and grant worker experiences, but, just as importantly, she is also keen to explore impacts of immigration and migrant labour on host communities.
Missed a Session? Watch Online
Synergy Session
Fishing for Sustainability:
How Community-based Fishing Enterprises Continue to Shape the Rural Economy of Coastal Labrador
For this Synergy Session the Harris Centre teamed up with the Centre for Social Enterprise to present a discussion about community-based fishing enterprises on the Labrador coast, the challenges they have faced over the last 40 years, and what other communities and enterprises can learn from their experiences.
Yaffle Connects
Too Many Pills:
Deprescribing for Health
Medications are meant to improve our health, but over time some medications may cause more harm than good. In this Yaffle Connects Dr. Cathy Balsam talked about how pharmacists at the School of Pharmacy’s Medical Therapy Services Centre are reducing pill consumption and improving clients' health and well-being.
Have a topic you want to present?
Yaffle Connects
Have a research idea to share? Need a platform to start collaborating? Want to start a conversation around an important topic? The Harris Centre is launching a new mini-forum for sharing big ideas and building collaborations.

Submit an idea, project or topic you’d like to present, brainstorm or collaborate on.

Call for submissions is now open!
Restoring and retelling the story of Grenfell Gardens
Sustainable Northern Coastal Communities Applied Research Funds
Vision Based - Pay As You Throw System: Motion Detection for Garbage and Recycling
Harris Centre-MMSB Applied Research Fund
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President's Award for Public Engagement
Memorial University’s President’s Award for Public Engagement Partnerships is now accepting nominations. The award celebrates exemplary community-university partnerships that are in keeping with the goals of  Memorial’s Public Engagement Framework (PEF) . The winning partnership will be presented with a certificate by the President of Memorial University during the annual President’s Awards ceremony and the collaboration(s) will receive a cash award of $5000 to support ongoing activities. For more information or to nominate a partnership visit https://www.mun.ca/publicengagement/funding/presidentsaward.php
The Harris Centre | (709) 864-3143 | [email protected] | www.mun.ca/harriscentre