Upcoming events, the latest news, videos, podcasts and reports from the Harris Centre.
Us & Them
Film Screening and Discussion
Join End Homelessness St. John's for this documentary film screening and discussion. To bring attention to the issues of homelessness and addiction, US & THEM is touring Canadian communities. At a time when Canada is in the midst of both a housing and opioid crisis, this film has never been more relevant.

The screening will be followed by a discussion with filmmaker Krista Loughton.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
6:00 pm (Informal Reception)
7:00 pm (Screening & Discussion)
IIC-2001, Innovation Hall
Memorial University, St. John's Campus
Book your free tickets online here .
Free parking in Lot 15B next to Music Building 
Watch the Trailer
Baie Verte Peninsula: Thriving Regions Workshop
The Harris Centre's Thriving Regions Partnership Process is a new program designed to build sustainable relationships between researchers and regional partners. Join us for the first Thriving Regions workshop in Baie Verte to share your priorities for the region

March 28 & 29, 2018
CNA, Baie Verte
Harris Centre Releases Latest Population Project Reports
New research reports from Memorial University’s Harris Centre examine municipal-level service delivery and the attraction and retention of professionals in Labrador. As part of the Harris Centre’s Population Project, the reports are a direct response to the population projections for the province released this past year.
Missed the Session? Watch the Video
Memorial Presents
The Future of the NL Economy:
Generating Exports and Wealth
The economic news in the province is almost unremittingly bleak: low oil and mineral prices, sky-high public debt, a decline in shellfish, declining rural populations – and the list goes on. But this is only part of the story; many businesses are doing innovative work that will help diversify the economy of the province and ensure its long-term sustainability. This session highlighted industries that have potential to drive the future economy of NL. Watch the session to learn more about what’s happening in the information and communications technology; oil and gas; mining; fishery and aquaculture; and tourism and hospitality sectors.  

Rural Routes Podcasts
Off the Runway: Rural Fashion Industry
Season 2: Episodes 12
Take a deep dive into the rural fashion industry as we discuss small manufacturing, the cultural significance of the fashion industry designs and products and how a pair of shoes or a hat can help us bridge the rural-urban and North-South divides. Our guests are Liz Cohoe and Tracy Fillion from Nelson, BC and Nicole Camphaug from Iqaluit, Nunavut.

New Reports
Yaffle Your Next Project
Cricket revival in NL?
Interested in the history of cricket in Newfoundland and Labrador? Cricket NL is looking for Memorial researchers to examine and highlight the history and significance of cricket in the province.

Got Ideas?
Have an idea? Why not Yaffle it?
Do you have an idea for a new research project? Why not enter it into Yaffle? We can help broker the opportunity with researchers and experts inside and outside of the University.

Why not take it one step further? Create your own Yaffle profile to showcase your connections and expertise.
The Harris Centre | (709) 864-3143 | [email protected] | www.mun.ca/harriscentre