Upcoming events, the latest news, videos, podcasts and reports from the Harris Centre.
Festival of Knowledge
We're MUNbuttoning some really interesting Memorial projects with an evening filled with 10 fast and furious presentations on everything from democracy to tourism. Read more

April 4, 2018
7:00-9:00 pm
The Rocket Room, Rocket Bakery
Future of the Economy: Trinity Conception
Join CBDC Trinity Conception and the Harris Centre's RAnLab for a presentation and discussion about the economic health of the Trinity Conception region including detailed demographic analysis, economic drivers and future growth opportunities. 

April 17, 2018,
2:00-4:00 pm
Shelia NaGeira Theatre, Carbonear
Labrador Presentations & Forums
Population Project
The Harris Centre's Population Project team will be traveling to Happy Valley-Goose Bay for a series of presentations and discussions related to the project's research, including:

Synergy Session:
1:00-2:30 pm

Synergy Session:
3:00-4:30 pm

Memorial Presents:
7:00-9:00 pm

Click the links above to register to attend in person or watch online. Please register for each event separately. Further details regarding speakers and panelists to be announced.
April 26, 2018
Komatik Boardroom, 169 Hamilton River Road
Happy Valley - Goose Bay
Harris Centre 5 Year Plan Presentation - Happy Valley-Goose Bay
Over the last year, we've held a series of consultations with the public and key stakeholders to help shape our priorities and direction for the coming five years. Come hear about the resulting strategic plan and learn more about exciting new programs and opportunities.

April 26, 2018
9:30-11:00 am
Komatik Boardroom, 169 Hamilton River Road
Happy Valley - Goose Bay
Rural Routes Podcast
National Parks and protected areas (Part 1)
When it comes to Canadian identity, the popular imagination summons forests, wildlife, and untouched nature that goes on forever. In some ways, our national parks reflect that idyllic picture; however, in other ways, they are complex, complicated, and contested. Join us for the first in a two-part look at how our national parks are created, who determines what we do with our natural spaces, and the impact that parks have on the people who live in and around them. We’ll chat with Dr. Phillip Vannini, Dr. Alistair Bath, Dr. John Calder and Colleen Kennedy.
October 25-27, 2018
Registration is now open!
People, Place
& Public Engagement
This fall, Memorial University’s  Office of Public Engagement will host People, Place and Public Engagement, a conference taking place October 25-27 at Memorial's new Battery Facility .

People, Place and Public Engagement will explore how universities and the public, including communities, governments, industry, not-for-profits, and others, collaborate, and work together.

Call for Conference Presentation Proposals is now open.
Got Ideas?
Have an idea? Why not Yaffle it?
Do you have an idea for a new research project? Why not enter it into Yaffle? We can help broker the opportunity with researchers and experts inside and outside of the University.

Why not take it one step further? Create your own Yaffle profile to showcase your connections and expertise.
The Harris Centre | (709) 864-3143 | harriscentre@mun.ca | www.mun.ca/harriscentre