Upcoming events, the latest news, videos, podcasts and reports from the Harris Centre.
Upcoming Events
Scenario Sessions
Episode 5:
Fishery & Aquaculture
A key driver of the rural economy in Newfoundland and Labrador, the fishing and aquaculture industry was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic--from the impacts and instability it has had on the global market to the health and safety measures for workers. How is the industry adjusting to stay afloat? What role will the fishery play in the economic recovery in the coming years? What can or should be done to ensure the stability and strength of this key industry in the future?

Kevin Anderson
Head, School of Fisheries, Marine Institute
Laura Halfyard 
General Manager, Connaigre Fish Farms Inc.
WHEN : 1:00PM Thursday, July 9th
WHERE : Webex Virtual Platform
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Interesting Resources
Now Open
COVID-19 Quick Start Fund for Public Engagement
Have you got ideas to help solve the challenges of the pandemic? The COVID-19 Quick Start Fund (CQS) for Public Engagement offers up to $2500 for projects, partnerships or initiatives that contribute to addressing immediate and long-term needs of COVID-19 and align with Memorial’s Public Engagement Framework. 
Atlantic Provinces Economic Council
COVID-19: Assessing the Economic Impacts for Atlantic Canada 
Measures to delay and reduce the spread of COVID-19 are already having financial and economic consequences regionally, nationally, and internationally. As concerns about the economy grow, APEC is responding by dedicating its research resources to provide insights and analysis as the economic impacts of COVID-19 unfold.
New content is being added to these pages and select charts will be updated on a regular basis.
News from Memorial
Online Community:
Memorial's Public Engagement and Cultural Attractions Go-to Destinations
By Ashley Wright
The Botanical Garden and the Johnson Geo Centre hit the ground running after the university shifted to remote operations in March. Busy before the shutdown, Memorial’s public engagement and cultural attractions ramped up its social media presence – and it paid off. The garden’s Facebook page now surpasses 10,000 followers.
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The Harris Centre | (709) 864-3143 | [email protected] | www.mun.ca/harriscentre