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This was our fifth Understanding the Times bi-monthly event featuring Pastor Brandon Holthaus along with Pastor Mark Henry and Jan Markell. The evening included a message by Pastor Brandon Holthaus looking at how digital currency pushes us further into the New World Order and the imminent return of Jesus Christ, a panel discussion, and a brief Q&A.
Order the DVD
This was our fourth Understanding the Times bi-monthly event featuring Pastor Tom Hughes, along with Pastor Mark Henry and Jan Markell. The evening included a message by Pastor Tom Hughes looking at ten prominent signs of Christ’s imminent return, a panel discussion, and a brief Q&A.
Be encouraged. He is coming, perhaps today.
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The Reset Is Rising
June 14, 2022
We are just off of our June Understanding the Times bi-monthly event held June 9 in a suburb of Minneapolis, MN.
Find the entire presentation below featuring Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Jeff Kinley, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell.
The video of the program will equip you to get a glimpse of the globalist agenda and the timing of their implementation plan. Many issues are considered, such as . . . .
* The future of the godless globalists will be perfect in their eyes and it is true, people will own nothing and be happy. How is this possible?
* If the next crisis is already awaiting as they say, what might that crisis be?
* How might the Rapture play into this? It will devastate America, though some countries may notice little difference in a pre and post-Rapture era.
* The plan has been on the table for decades, but now it is in the final stage. The world lacks a leader, the U.S. President is ineffective, and no one will push back on this agenda.
* If their goal for such massive change is 2030 or sooner, is this the Tribulation, or Daniel’s 70th Week? The Church must vanish first!
* When might the new digital money system be implemented? These folks are open that a new system is on the horizon and the old system will be done away with. How soon will cash be gone entirely?
* Will the world accept their primary agenda which is respecting “mother nature” but not human life?
Access complete Understanding the Times June 9 program at the video above. Participants include Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Jeff Kinley, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell.
You can also find it on our website here. Previous events are also posted there.
What lies behind Klaus Schwab’s desire to recruit as many young global leaders as possible, and who are some of these people?
* What’s behind their statement that if you don’t believe in devastating climate change, you shouldn’t hold public office? If you reject the green agenda, you will be marginalized and even locked down!
* What is prompting statements like “capitalism is a wild beast that will chew up many people”?
* This globalist system is being called worse than Marxism or Fascism, but will the true believer even see it or are we first removed in the Rapture?
* What do these movers and shakers mean when they say the world will find “salvation” through their efforts? It is not salvation through Jesus Christ.
* Why are people threatened if they come against this agenda?
The “final reset” will be glorious as it is God’s perfect harmony in the Millennium and the New Heavens and New Earth. What must we do to be a part of the Rapture of the Church and the many glorious things that await the true believer in Jesus Christ?
You can purchase the DVD in our store here
It is the full two-hour program with Mark Hitchcock, Jeff Kinley, Pastor Mark Henry and Jan Markell.
Find the Global Reset: Do Current Events Point to the Antichrist and His Worldwide Empire book in our store here
(free shipping U.S. and Canada)
Jan Markell welcomes Dr. Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley to examine the coming great global Reset. They conclude the Reset is the Tribulation and we are seeing a run-up to that today. The global elite are awaiting the next global crisis to further implement their one-world plans. It is on the horizon.
Awaiting His Return,
Jan Markell
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Be Ready! The King is Coming!!!
"Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord."
1 Thessalonians 4:17