January 2023

For if someone comes into your assembly with a gold ring and dressed in fine clothes, and there also comes in a poor person in dirty clothes, and you pay special attention to the one who is wearing the fine clothes, and say, “You sit here in a good place,” and you say to the poor person, “You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool,” have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil motives? Listen, my beloved: did not God choose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?
James 2: 2-5


Close your eyes and imagine you are locked in a 6 x 8 room with someone you really don't like being around. You haven't heard from any family or friends for years. You are desperate, alone, feeling abandoned, forgotten, unloved. Then you hear your name during mail call. You are ecstatic because you have your first card from your new pen pal at 70x7's Cards For Prisoners! CFP has over 350 inmates on the waiting list. Many waiting close to a year. Please consider joining us as we help those inside to feel loved, valued, important and appreciated. We will provide you with everything you need to write for the first year. Click on the link below to sign up and help us take another name off that waiting list!

Paula Creswell
Cards for Prisoners & Restorative Hope Churches Director
Church of the Servant
Church of the Servant in Grand Rapids, MI is one of our incredible Restorative Hope Churches. Rich and Carol Reinstra, our connection at C.O.S. (pictured above) have been involved in restorative justice for many years and truly have a heart for our friends on the inside. Following is a quote from their church website - "Church of the Servant aims to be an inclusive congregation as we believe the Gospel calls the Body of Christ to be. We aim to not discriminate, on any level, on the basis of race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, economic power, mental health, or disability."
Church of the Servant is located at 3835 Burton Street SE in Grand Rapids, you are more than welcome to visit and become part of their congregation.
Your congregation can join us and become a Restorative Hope Church – walking alongside the often neglected and forgotten in our society.
Hannah was thrilled to stop by our office and pick up the gift we told her we received at our P.O. Box. We presented her with a birdhouse that her pen pal on the inside made for her as a Christmas gift. Time, effort, materials and shipping were a price her pen pal was willing to pay to show his gratitude for her taking the time each month to write him a card. Look at that smile! Thank you to Hannah for her dedication each month!
“My spirits are being lifted with every letter and card I get from you guys. I live and wait for a card to get me to the next one. Thank you for all you do! It's keeping me alive in a dark place”
-Inmate at Baraga CF
MINISTRY SUPPORT - 70x7 provides numerous programs and support to hundreds of participants every month that require funding from grants and donations to operate. Would you consider helping us continue these vital programs by becoming a monthly donor? A monthly donation will make a big difference in the lives of those that are so often forgotten. Click the link below to see how you can help!
CHURCH-WIDE BABY SHOWER!! Many of our incarcerated participants have families with very young children left on the outside. Our Helping Hands Closet needs constant restocking to be able to provide for families. Host a church-wide baby shower aimed at providing for the needs of kids 3 months - 3 yrs old. For more information email paulac@70x7liferecovery.org.
(616) 454-4925 Ext: 216