
Thank you for the overwhelming support with respect to my decision to not vote for Michael J. Madigan for Speaker of the House.   As expected, the retribution has begun.  Here are some examples:  
  • I did not receive a committee chairmanship (I am the only third-term representative without a chairmanship);
  • My Vice-Chairmanship position on the Judiciary-Criminal Committee was taken away; 
  • I have been removed from the Judiciary-Criminal Committee;
  • In a petty maneuver, the day after the Speaker vote, Speaker Madigan's staff provided Democratic caucus members with an engraved clock as a gift -- I did not receive one.
The actions described above are intended to make members fearful of "stepping out of line."  This leads to decision-making based on self-interest, not public interest.  For instance, I recently learned a colleague felt compelled to vote for Mr. Madigan for Speaker out of fear of losing a chairmanship position and the $10,000 stipend that comes with it.   

The disparity between the feedback I have received from real people versus "Springfield types" has truly been amazing.   While the public has universally applauded my recent actions, Springfield has resorted to grade-school intimidation techniques -- such as name-calling.  Springfield has also criticized me for not "going along, to get along."  History has shown that this old way of doing business leads to dismal results.

We will keep you posted on this issue and our other efforts to reform Illinois. As always, thank you for the privilege of allowing me to represent you.


State Representative Scott Drury | 847-681-8580 | [email protected]