In this Edition:
- ParentPlus Portal
- Fiber Arts Club
- Admissions
- Parent Council Corner
- Announcements and Upcoming Events
- Community Ads
- Scenes from School
We are so pleased to be opening our Gathering Waters ParentPlus Portal system! The online Portal system, accessed by web browser and mobile phone app, is a school communication system and information hub that we hope will connect our faculty, students and parents in many beneficial ways.
We are excited to be launching this robust system to better connect our school community.
To “opt-in” to the school directory, you will need to first log in to your account. On the Home page at the screen on the top of the screen to the far right, click on your name and select Directory Listing. This will allow you to decide which
information you would like made available to other parents in the portal directory (ie: email, phone number, address, etc). This information is not shared beyond the portal and all parents are asked to respect the privacy of their fellow school community members and not share personal information outside of our community.
For those wishing to take a deep dive into the different functions of the portal, there is a detailed Help page located at: PlusPortal Help Page, also accessible from your Home page in the top right corner next to your name.
Once you have set your official password, if you wish to access the Portal with a mobile device you can search your AppStore for Rediker ParentPlus to download the app for the Portal.
Currently on the portal you can find information about your child’s schedule, their teachers, school announcements, the School Handbook, a live school calendar which is continually being updated, and access to your class teacher’s newsletters.
Grades and Semester 1 written reports will become available the week of February 14th.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to Fiona or Lisa
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all navigate this new system together!
Very Warmly,
Fiona Laurie
Lisa Muilenberg
The Offices
Gathering Waters School
Would you like to join the Middle School Fiber Club? Mondays from 3:15-4:15 in the Upper School Art Room. Open to 6th-8th graders.
NEW Admissions
Do you have a student who is not currently enrolled in GWCPS or do you know of someone who is interested in our school? You can apply below. Applications need to be submitted with proof of residency by 2/15/2022!
The Gathering Waters Charter Parent Council is dedicated to being a resource for parent voices in the Gathering Waters Community. Our focus is on volunteerism, open communication, and providing a welcoming space for all parents.
Our First Saturday FamilySled and Skate meet-up was a great success so we are doing it again on Saturday 3/5 at Robin Hood Park from 10-12.
Please bring any and all safety equipment as the sledding hill can get icy and consequently be fast. We also ask that if you are skating, please check the ice conditions beforehand.
Our next meeting will be Thursday, 3/10 via Zoom (link to come). All are welcome!
Among other agenda items, we will be discussing the 5th Grade curriculum and the Waldorfy podcast. You can find the link for the podcast HERE.
We have created a private Facebook group for our school community. We hope that in these times of limited in-person gatherings this will serve as a community building resource. Please follow this link and request to join, making sure to answer the questions so we know you are a currently enrolled family.
Announcements and Upcoming Events
6th Grade Class Meeting: Wednesday, 2/16, 6:30pm at Upper School and via Zoom
5th Grade Class Meeting: Thursday, 2/17, 6:30pm
A message from Principal Goodwin:
Dear Gathering Waters Community,
It is with equal parts deep appreciation and excitement for the future, that I announce that Business Administrator, Justin Somma, will be transitioning in his role at Gathering Waters for next school year.
Justin will be transitioning out of the daily operations as our Business Administrator and into a role of strategy and leadership on our Board of Trustees Finance Committee. Justin was one of the first official employees of Gathering Waters, joining the school last winter when we were in our pre-operational phase. He has successfully guided our operations, facilities and financial affairs for the last 12 months to effectively launch our new school. Justin will remain with GW through this school year and will be an integral part of the identification and hire of our new Business Administrator.
Thank you Justin for your ongoing commitment and support of Gathering Waters. We are all indebted to your leadership in opening our school.
Luke Goodwin
School Principal
New Consignment Store: Dreamseed Consignment & Craft Boutique at 24 Roxbury St. in Keene is open for business from 11-5 on M, T, W, F, & Sat. or by appointment. Buy, Sell, & Upcycle: women & children’s clothing; educational and natural games & toys, and home décor that sparks joy. If you consign regular items it’s a 50/50 split; for upcycled arts and crafts it’s 75/25 split and you can choose to donate your portion to a local non-profit/school/church of your choice (including Gathering Waters!) There is also a “Make-it-New” space in the back of the store for upcycling projects where you can use the tools & materials to do your own upcycle projects. Available tools include a sewing machine, a cricut, Dremel, large photo printer, paints, tools, 3d pen, fabrics and a selection of salvaged materials. Fees for the Make-it-new space are on a per-project basis at this time as I work out details. Call (603) 354-3030 or stop by during regular hours to consign or discuss project ideas. Warmly, Jocelyn Goldblatt (5th, 7th and 9th grade mom)
Project Shakespeare, a theatre education company, seeks students in grades 3-12 for our Spring One Play In One Week production of OLIVER TWIST by Charles Dickens and adapted for the stage by director Deborah Shakespeare Thurber. Rehearsals begin Saturday April 23 through April 29; performance on Saturday April 30th. No prior theatre experience necessary. Students must be engaged and self-motivated. Scholarships available. Location and times are TBA. Interested students please contact Deborah at
Dickens’ popular tale follows the life and adventures of Oliver Twist, an orphan, as he confronts poverty and crime; unlocking the mystery of his birth and learning the true meaning of family through the power of love and resilience. This is a family-friendly adaptation.
Immersion in the Arts Summer Camp: In Harrisville, Ages 7 and up.
Grand Monadnock Youth Choirs is auditioning singers in grades 4-12 for our Spring Season! Families with younger singers are encouraged to fill out an online form so that we can provide programming that works best. For more information and to schedule an audition, visit
Rolling auditions occur on Tuesday afternoons in Keene. Rehearsals go from 4:45 - 6:00pm, and are held in Keene on Maple Ave. This concert season we will be singing Music in Nature! It will be really fun.
To reduce the spread of Covid-19, GMYC lends "singers masks" to all accepted singers, singers rehearse 6' apart, we use hepa filters in the room, and ventilate the room with outside air using fans.
Summer Camp at Glen Brook: Weaving Waldorf education together with traditional New England camping since 1946. Read more HERE!
Housing Needed:
Our request for housing options has been in The Ripple for a few weeks. I am grateful for those of you who have responded. Since my family has only lived here for a handful of months, I need some support in figuring out what resources to use to find a housing situation that can fit our needs. My 2 boys and I are willing to do some property care in exchange for part of the rent if this is an option. We need at least 3 bedrooms for 3 teenagers, but it also has to fit within my single parent budget. Thank you for any help you can provide. I can be reached at
In gratitude,
Kelly Corson (3rd Grade teacher)
2nd Grade
Valentine making
Drawing by Max (9th)
for World Studies
Upper School spherical
model making
3rd Grade field trip
to Whitney Bros.
Lower School: 603-733-8970
Upper School: 603-733-8969
Gathering Waters is a K-12 school community cultivating lifelong capacities for creativity, critical thinking, compassionate moral strength, and purposeful action.
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