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The Risk of Birth

—Madeleine L'Engle

This is no time for a child to be born,

With the earth betrayed by war & hate

And a comet slashing the sky to warn

That time runs out & the sun burns late.

That was no time for a child to be born,

In a land in the crushing grip of Rome;

Honour & truth were trampled by scorn-

Yet here did the Saviour make his home.

When is the time for love to be born?

The inn is full on the planet earth,

And by a comet the sky is torn-

Yet Love still takes the risk of birth.

Be Honest

As we draw closer to Christmas, some of us are all in on the twinkly glow of the season. But some of us are frantic or fearful or desperate or heartbroken and we don't have room for one more party or pretense. Still, God-with-us comes.

“Maybe you’ve feared, just like I have, that your choices, identity, transformations would influence your family to put out the No Vacancy sign at the next gathering. Some of us have made choices in pursuit of wholeness that there is no turning back from...It’s interesting that the way Jesus came into the world didn’t please everyone...And yet, his incarnation was given a way, and beloved, your incarnation will be given a way, too.”

—Scott Erickson, Honest Advent

What room do you need to have or make to be more fully yourself?

How can you make that room for yourself? What challenges are there to making more room? What would you lose if you gained this room? Who can encourage you or help you make the changes needed?

How comfortable is the idea that your very being is good news and a great joy to God? What do you need to make room for Emmanuel?

For more resources for daily reflection during Advent,

visit FUMC Austin on Instagram or Facebook.

Image used with permission from the artist, Scott Erickson.

Contact Rachel Wright, Director of Communications, with questions or concerns about these daily Advent devotionals.