Save the Date

Saturday, May 5 Annual Stewardship Dinner
See announcement below.

Saturday, June 9 Broadway Nights
A fundraiser with our own Kathy Roche-Zujko.
April 2018
5 00 West Section St. / PO Box 1203 / Mt. Vernon, WA 98273
360-419-9014 / /
Forthcoming Services

April 1

To Believe, or Not to Believe, That is the Question.
Easter/'s the perfect time to look at what we believe, and even ask this question: does it matter?
Speaker: Rabbi Kalish Leviel
Celebrant: Judy Hamilton

April 8

Here’s to the Women!
Through songs and stories, we hear the voices of women past and present whose voices have challenged and inspired us. We hear the voices of Suffragists who declare “Failure is Impossible” to the current generation breaking the silence with “Me Too”.

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Linda Allen
Celebrant: Garth McMurtrey

Souper Sunday

April 15

Living with Dementia.
The Rev. Jane Dwinell and Sky Yardley have been “Living with Dementia” since Sky’s diagnosis of probable early stage Alzheimer’s disease in the summer of 2016 at the age of 66. In the service, they share their experiences of what it is like to live with this disease. Jane is a retired UU minister and author, and Sky is a retired family mediator.

Speakers: Rev. Jane Dwinell & Sky Yardley
Celebrant: Rosemary Stevens

April 22

How Rare It Is, How Lovely
In this society that all too often encourages our lesser instincts, how can our faith community anchor us in responding with more integrity and wholeness?

Speaker: Rev. Thomas Bozeman
Celebrant: Matt Bianconi

Fourth Sunday. Donation to Concrete Food Bank.

April 29

Climate Justice: It's All About Me
Join our speaker on a journey from this body in this space out into the rest of the world. This is for you if you are concerned and committed to justice, especially the following:

Increasing awareness about anti-Jewish oppression
Addressing classism
Ending racism
Advocating for people with disabilities
Acknowledging sexism
Zeroing in on eliminating our xenophobia

Prepare to have an interactive, fun and challenging time.

Speaker: Eleta Wright
Celebrant: Jorge Manzanera


Creative Arts Eliot Camp 2018

"Creative Arts Eliot" takes place at the beautiful Seabeck Conference Center on Hood Canal in Seabeck, Washington from Saturday, August 11 through Wednesday, August 15, 2018.

It offers opportunities for UUs and friends and relatives to enjoy many wonderful aspects of a multi-generational “ summer camp" experience while also pursuing an interest in one or more artistic or creative endeavors.

Talented presenters will delight and inspire during a five-day camp full of learning and fun with morning workshops in Poetry, Small Art Quilts, Paper Maskmaking, Improvisation, Photography, Painting, and Songwriting; and afternoon workshops in Theater Games, Dragon Sculpting, and Intermediate Ukulele. An additional morning program, “Active Sports,” will be available for those wanting a more physical activity, with biking, hiking, kayaking all possible options based on the interests of those who sign up.

Campers choose one or two workshops to focus on while at camp, and spend the rest of their time enjoying waterfront fun, sports, games, walks, campfires, singing, UU community, worship, cards and board games, evening programs and entertainment, and numerous other planned activities including Firelight, music/talent shows/concerts, and an “Extravaganza” on the last day to celebrate the fruits of everyone's creativity.

For more information, please contact the Eliot Administrator at or visit our website at .

The free Annual Stewardship Dinner will be on Saturday, May 5th at 6 PM. The cuisine this year will be Italian featuring Bethany's homemade meaty red sauce and lots of garlic, Mama Mia, that's good. We will have very special entertainment, wine, laughs, music and pledge cards. In addition, Sally will be presenting an important survey that we would like you to fill out. This will give us a better idea of what you want to happen at SUUF.  

There is a sign up sheet this week in the coffee room, with a menu, tell us how many guests to plan for. Indicate how many adults and children will be coming and If you are gluten free. As always seating is limited and only pledging friends and members should attend. If you would like to pledge and have not so far, please come have fun and fill out a card.   Tom and Beth

Family Promise :   We have eleven volunteers to serve dinner four times a year to 7 to 14 homeless folks four times a year. However with more willing to participate, the work can be spread out. Please put your name on the sign-up sheet. We are also looking for a coordinator to schedule the volunteers.

The Building and Grounds Committee needs a few good men (and women) to help make the improvements to the church and grounds. Talk to Garth. (Rosemary)

Opportunities for Stewardship at SUUF:  On the entry table is a green book full of opportunities! Take a look, take a form and join in the fun. Skagit Unitarian Universalist Fellowship runs on volunteers. Your help is appreciated and invited! There is also a hospitality sign-up by the kitchen window. Other opportunities exist. Please speak with anyone on the Leadership Council.

The Spiritual Brain – Science and Religious Experience Class at SUUF   Classes 3 rd Sunday after coffee hour. There will be 24 classes of 30 minute lectures followed by 15 minutes of discussion.

April 15 topic:  In this lecture, you will explore how specific religious and theological ideas might arise in the brain and why they might be compelling to thinking creatures. You will also learn how religious ideas can derive from a variety of brain processes. These ideas can range from the practical or mundane to the very esoteric or even mystical. It may be that this entire range – all of the religious ideas that human being are capable of having – are not only related to brain functions, but are also structured and limited by what our brain can do.

The lectures on DVD are given by Andrew Newberg, MD, Director of Research at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. For more information, contact Nancy Miller 425-754-6138 or

Covenant Circle Group   Bring whatever book you are reading to Haggen’s on Division Street in Mt. Vernon and join an invigorating and far-ranging discussion. The first and third Thursday of each month at 1:30.  On the second Thursday of each month, lunch at a different place, meeting at 1 p.m. (Call Joy for location.) Questions? Call Joy Lindberg at 424-8090

CRE involvement opportunities!   Look for opportunities to get involved with our children and their religious education. Team teach with one of the teachers this year! We'll do all the work; you get to know the kids. Another option: donate quality musical instruments to our program. Kelly will make more announcements at church.

Member information handouts are available with UU Principles, SUUF history, bylaws, and more! Please see Laura Herman.
Pacific Western Regional Assembly

The four districts of the UUA’s Pacific Western Region will gather April 27-29 in Portland, OR for the 2018 Regional Assembly. Speakers include civil rights activist, the Rev. Dr. William Barber; Washington Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, advocate for women’s, immigrant, civil, and human rights; and the Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, newly elected UUA president. Programming includes workshops, worship, district meetings, and an optional social justice activity. A day-long Professional Day designed for religious professionals is planned for Friday, April 27, before the start of Regional Assembly. Discount lodging is available at the Portland DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, site of the Regional Assembly. Childcare and youth programming will be available. Registration will open by January 4. Watch the PWR website ( for full details to be posted soon.

The PWR Regional Assembly in Portland, Oregon (April 27-29) has something for people of every age. In addition to the main programs for adults, we'll have a UU Kids Camp for ages 5-14 , a Youth Assembly for ages 14-18 , and high-quality childcare for infants to age 4 . Families can spend time together, too, sharing the experiences of the opening ceremony, the Sunday morning worship, mealtimes, and more. Because of our UU commitment to including children and youth, the PWR is covering much of the cost of the programs for young people. The registration fee is just a portion of what it costs for these engaging, inclusive, and faith-building programs.
The Pacific Western Regional Assembly promises to be an experience that deepens UU identity and fosters hope and resilience in people of all ages. Register now and join us in Portland this spring!

The District Annual Business Meetings will convene at 4:00 Saturday afternoon, April 28, during the 2018 Pacific Western Regional Assembly . As materials for your district’s meeting become available, they will be posted at the District Business Meetings site.
Diane Brinson | Administration Manager | Pacific Western Region
Phone (206) 384-9718

See flyers and information posted on the Renters Bulletin Board in the hall.

 Mindfulness Northwest 3 Thursday evenings, Date change May 3,10,17 , 6-8:30 pm. Teacher Joe Arellano has devoted his 30 plus year career to the realm of complementary alternative medicine. See flyer in the hall for more information.
Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution Seminar Free to the public   every month of 2018.   Every third Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. We will explore the nature of conflict and strengthen our conflict resolution skills. It is not about politics. and it is non-religious.
Jorge Manzanera, M.A., Certified Professional Mediator
Office: (360) 399-6429
Healing and Intention Drum Group. 2nd Tuesday of each month 6:30- 8:00 PM. Rev. Elke Siller. 
Dances of Universal Peace. 2nd Sunday of each month 6-8pm.  Donation $5-10. No one turned away for lack of funds.

The Dances of Universal Peace are simple, meditative, joyous, multi-cultural circle dances that use sacred phrases, chants, music, and movements from the many spiritual traditions of the earth to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and recognize it in others.

For more information contact Aarti Cathy Wooten 360-629-9190 or
Meditation for Everyone. Monday nights 7:00 to 8:30 pm presented by Tom Unger Buddhist teacher.  Just drop in. Everyone is welcome. See flyer on bulletin board in the dining room.
Our Revolution Skagit . April 8, Sunday meeting, 2:00 – 4:00 pm at SUUF. Come and join others concerned about political issues. This group is an offshoot from Skagit County for Bernie Sanders.

Alzheimer’s Support Group . 1 st Thursday of each month, 10:00-11:30 am .

For caregivers of those with memory loss. A safe place for unpaid family caregivers, their family and friends to exchange practical information on caregiving problems and possible solutions, talk through challenges and ways of coping, share feelings, needs and concerns and learn about resources available in the community

Cheryl McRill, group facilitator 360-899-4643

Noteworthy Dates in April:

April 1 Easter
April 7 Last Day of Passover
April 17 Tax Day
April 26 Take our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
April 27 Arbor Day
Office Administrator: Claire Phillips / / Hours: Tu. & Th. 12-4pm
Newsletter Editors: Jim Heard,, Ken Stern,
Worship Team Leader: Sally Riggers