News and Updates

December 8, 2023

Children's Christmas Service December 10th

Join us at 11:00 a.m. on December 10th for our Children's Christmas Service! Children are invited to learn the songs in advance here, and are welcome to participate on Sunday!

Contact Pastor Jody with any questions.

Street Dog Back December 10th

Street Dog Coalition will be on campus Sunday, December 10th, from 9-12, providing free veterinary care for pets of people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.


Services Offered:

Physical exams


parasite control

pet supplies

and more...


Precautions: Dogs should be on leashes and cats in carriers.

Christmas Feast December 20th

The Christmas feast at the Downtown Welcome Table is on Wednesday, December 20th, from 10 am - 12 pm! Bring your friends and family to celebrate with us!

Habitat for Humanity Work Day December 21st

The next Habitat for Humanity work is Thursday, December 21st. We'll meet in the Haywood Street parking lot around 7:45 and carpool to the work site together.


If you have any questions, reach out to Pastor Seth.

Haywood Street Merchandise

Looking for a holiday gift idea? How about giving a bit of Haywood Street?

You can purchase a Haywood Street t-shirt and hat in our online store or come drop by and purchase one in person.

Public Health Mobile Clinic

The Public Health Mobile Team will be back at Haywood Street on Wednesday, December 20th from 10 am-2 pm.


The vaccines included will be COVID, Flu, MPOX, Hep A & B, Tetanus, and Shingles. The team will also work with folks to connect them to other county resources and clinical services. 

On-going opportunities to participate at the Welcome Table:

  • Have a meal! - Join us on Sunday or Wednesday to enjoy a meal with our community!

  • Dining Room Clean Up - As always, clean up is one of the places that we need companion support. We promise to make it fun! On Sundays, we need companions from 10:00-12:00, and on Wednesdays from 12:00-2:00

  • Kitchen Clean-Up - On Sundays from 10:00-12:00 and Wednesdays from 12:00-2:00, we would love for a couple of companions to help us clean up the kitchen and help serve the folks who come in during that time for a meal. You can sign up for this role on the sign-up sheet below!
Sign Up

Haywood Street in Photos

Pastor Brian and his two daughters during worship on Sunday!

Daniel, a dear friend of Haywood Street, was so excited to model the arrival of our new Potter's Mark hat! Stop by or check out the merchandise page to get your own!

In the midst of Wednesday at Haywood St excitement, Martha sat peacefully in the church lobby, stitching together squares of cloth. She is making a quilt for a friend.

Weekly Ministry Opportunities:


Sundays at 11:00 and Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. in the sanctuary

Tuesday Haywood Street Holy Ground Keepers:

8:30 a.m. in the parking lot. Walk the grounds of the church campus and our local neighborhood, cleaning up along the way.

Tuesday Prayer Group: 12:30 p.m. in Room 6. Gather for a time of communal prayer.


Wednesday Art Ministry: 8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Join us for a time of fellowship, prayer, and art-making.

Thursday Card Making: 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Gather together to make cards for our community and friends in prison or in the hospital. 

Weekly Sermons

Read each week's sermon and previous sermons on the sermons page of the website.

Community Resources

Click below to see a list of places in the community to donate and find clothes, and when recovery meetings are held.

Click Here

Fresco Viewing Hours:

Sundays 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

By appointment, contact April at [email protected].


The Road to Bethlehem

Not all roads lead to Bethlehem. I-85 west of Charlotte is snarled at the McAdenville exit- “Christmas Town USA,”- a drive-thru of ornately decorated homes. Off McDowell Street, tourists pay one hundred and twenty-five dollars to see the forty-five thousand twinkling lights inside the Biltmore House. On Balm Grove Avenue in East Asheville, North Carolina’s longest-running live nativity scene is on display. But the baby Jesus won’t be found in any of those places.

His parents were on foot, forced to walk the eighty miles from Nazareth. Joseph kept checking his wallet for tax money he didn’t have. Mary kept checking her underdress, anxious her water was breaking too early. They traveled the slow miles over ten days through the Jordan River Valley and past the Bedouin camps, north to south, hauling their provisions as they counted the contractions.

While the holy family eventually made it to Bethlehem, we are just starting the journey of Advent. Over the next four weeks, the distractions will only intensify, the glossy ads and blinking signs pointing us in every wrong direction. And when we lose our way, turned around by culture and consumerism, let us return to today’s text asking this question: how do we get to Christmas by the end of December?

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A witness to include the most excluded, Haywood Street not only welcomes every child of God–especially sisters and brothers of every mental illness and physical disability, addiction and diagnosis, living condition and employment status, gender identity and sexual orientation, class, color, and creed–but we celebrate your presence, certain that the kingdom of God is coming closer because you are here.