October 10, 2024

Zochreinu l’chayim/Remember for life: Ahead of Yom Kippur students are taking a memory walk and coming before the sefer Torah to reflect on the last year and pray for the future in a sacred space.

Yom Kippur 5785

Yom Kippur is called Yom haDin (the Day of Judgment), and our image of God is influenced by years of exposure to a liturgy describing a stern and unyielding accounting of our deeds. Yet, it is equally fitting to call Yom Kippur Yom haRachamim (the Day of Compassion) because God’s mercy always overrides God’s judgment. This is a central message in the Book of Jonah, the prophetic reading chosen by the rabbis for the Yom Kippur minchah (afternoon) service.

Jonah is unique among biblical prophets: He is the only one to cause an entire city to repent with just one warning! But repentance may not be the book’s central message. Dr. David Lieber (1925-2008; rabbi, scholar, and editor of the Etz Hayim chumash) says the real message is revealed by Jonah’s dismayed response when God forgives the Ninevites. Jonah explains this is precisely why he ran away from God’s call to prophecy: “For I know you are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in kindness, renouncing punishment” (Jonah 4:2). Why should Jonah risk his personal comfort and safety haranguing the Ninevites if he knows God will just forgive them in the end?

The book of Jonah offers two messages of compassion and mercy. The explicit message is to be grateful for God’s compassion, which is the true source of our existence (rather than our repentance). The inferred message is to emulate God’s generosity of spirit by offering more compassion and less judgment to those around us.

G’mar Chatimah Tovah/A Good Signing and Sealing

David Ackerman (Doc), Director of Jewish Living and Learning

Mark Your Calendars!

  • Friday, October 11 - EARLY DISMISSAL 12:30 p.m.: Erev Yom Kippur
  • Wednesday, October 16 - EARLY DISMISSAL 12:30 p.m.: Erev Sukkot
  • Thursday, October 17-Friday, October 18 - NO SCHOOL: Sukkot (no Roar this week)
  • Sunday, October 20 - Sukkah Parties — more info below
  • Wednesday, October 23 - All-School Simchat Torah, 9:30-10:15 a.m., Theater
  • Wednesday, October 23 - EARLY DISMISSAL 12:30 p.m.: Erev Sh'mini Atzeret
  • Thursday, October 24 - NO SCHOOL: Sh'mini Atzeret
  • Friday, October 25 - NO SCHOOL: Simchat Torah
  • Tuesday, October 29 - Picture Day
  • Friday, November 8 - Friday Dismissal Time Changes for Winter to 2:45 p.m.

View the full Heilicher calendar online

Key Dates for 2024-2025

Torah Thoughts With Doc

Read a brief message about this week’s Torah portion, Yom Kippur. Sin is a burden carried, not a personal attribute.

Spread the Word: Heilicher Information Day

Heilicher invites prospective families to learn about Heilicher from 10 a.m. to noon Sunday, October 27. Please help us spread the word! You can share our Facebook event or RSVP form with anyone you know who may be interested in Heilicher or is looking at schools.

School’s Out

New School’s Out Phone Number

Please note that there is a new phone number for School’s Out: 952.381.3504. If you need to reach School’s Out (HaBonim) after regular office hours, please call this number. If you leave a message, Jeremy Savran, the School’s Out coordinator, will get a notification. As a backup, the old phone number will still be in use through the end of October. This phone number is for School’s Out or Jeremy; other calls should still go to the main office (952.381.3500).

Winter Extracurricular Registration

Registration for winter after-school activities and athletics is open. Some programs are full, but waitlists are available. Contact Jeremy Savran with any questions.

*Registration for the 5-8 basketball teams closes tomorrow, Friday, October 11.

Early Dismissal Lunch

Lunch will be served on the following 12:30 p.m. early dismissal days:

  • Friday, October 11: Erev Yom Kippur
  • Wednesday, October 16: Erev Sukkot
  • Wednesday, October 23: Erev Sh'mini Atzeret

*We need lunch volunteers for the 16th and 23rd. Join us for All-School Lunch!

JCC Family Harvest Festival

The JCC is holding a Family Harvest Festival 2:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday, October 13, at the Sabes Center soccer field. Celebrate Sukkot; play family yard games; jump in the bounce house; make s’mores; and enjoy fall crafts, live music, gourd and pumpkin painting, and more! The festival is for children ages 2-17. The ticket price is $10 per child; adults attend for free. Get your tickets, and send any questions to Josie Donaldson.

Grade-Level Sukkah Parties

You should have received an invitation for your child(ren)’s class sukkah parties, which are Sunday, October 20. See the hosts and times below. If you did not receive an invitation (which has the address), please reach out to the host or the class’ room parent.

K — Tamar and Joel Ribnick, 1:30-3 p.m.

1 — Sharon Feinstein-Rosenblum and Mark Rosenblum, 2-3:30 p.m.

2 — Fran and Reuben Biel, 3-4:30 p.m.

3 — Mindy and Daniel Chiat, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

4 — Zoe Stern and Avi Olitzky, 2-3:30 p.m.

5 — Fran and Reuben Biel, and Michele Kaplan Clinard and Alan Clinard, 10-11:30 a.m.

6 — Andrea Golden and Josh Fineblum, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

7 — Sarah Olitzky and Michael Hobbs, 1-2:30 p.m.

8 — Sarah Gollust and Ezra Golberstein, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Alumni — Wendy Lovell-Smith and Colin Smith, 2-3:30 p.m.

Join Us for Simchat Torah

You are invited to celebrate Simchat Torah with us Wednesday, October 23, 9:30-10:15 a.m. in the Edward and Dolly Fiterman Theatre. Our schoolwide program will simulate the custom of ending the Torah cycle and immediately beginning again. Each class will read a verse of Torah, and the kindergarten and eighth-grade classes will receive special honored roles.


Picture Day

Picture Day is Tuesday, October 29. This year we are working with Slow Road Photo, a local, woman-owned school photography company. Photos will be available online in mid-November, and you will be able to order prints and products from there. Picture Retake Day will be Tuesday, December 3.

Order Gesher Challah

Beginning Friday, November 1, Gesher challah will be available every week! Both plain and raisin challot will be offered. Please place your order by 5 p.m. on Tuesday of the week you would like your challah. Proceeds will be shared between Heilicher and JCC Inclusion to support programming.

*We need volunteers to help braid challot Wednesdays 1-2 p.m. Please email Ali Berdass if you are interested.

Paint Donations

Heilicher is looking for donations of leftover interior paint for the 7-8 play. All colors are welcome. Please drop off any paint outside the art rooms. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Heilicher is proud to have an active community of parents and grandparents. Please consider getting involved with one of our many volunteer opportunities:

  • All-School Lunch: We are looking for volunteers to help set up and clean up before and after all-school lunch on Wednesdays. During lunch, volunteers may help bring milk and other items to tables. Helpers get to enjoy the community atmosphere of all-school lunch. This is open to parents, grandparents, or others you may know looking to volunteer.
  • Art Room: Ms. Orkin is looking for volunteers to assist in art class for Grades K-3. Volunteering in the art room can be fun, inspiring and interactive. We are looking for volunteers to assist in your child's art class this year.
  • Challah Braiding: Join Chef Liz and other parents in the kitchen to braid challot for the Gesher Challah program. Challah braiding is 1-2 p.m. on Wednesdays.
  • PTO Volunteer Opportunities: Check out our other opportunities through the Parent Teacher Organization.
  • Welcome Desk: We are looking for friendly faces to help volunteer to staff the Heilicher welcome desk. Please sign up for as many slots as you can. This is open to parents, grandparents, or others you may know looking to volunteer. The position entails welcoming guests and helping them sign in, helping gather students who may be leaving early, and helping with little projects.
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