September 5, 2024

The middle schoolers are at Camp Ihduhapi for the middle school retreat. They started off with some team building exercises.

Volunteer Opportunities

Heilicher is proud to have an active community of parents and grandparents. Please consider getting involved with one of our many volunteer opportunities:

  • All-School Lunch: We are looking for volunteers to help set up and clean up before and after all-school lunch on Wednesdays. During lunch, volunteers may help bring milk and other items to tables. Helpers get to enjoy the community atmosphere of all-school lunch. This is open to parents, grandparents, or others you may know looking to volunteer.

  • Art Adventure: If you enjoy good conversation and art or want to learn more about art, Art Adventure may be a great opportunity for you. Art Adventure is an art appreciation and art history program provided in conjunction with the Minneapolis Institute of Art for students in Grades K-4, with parent/grandparent volunteers as "Picture People." Picture people share six works of art from the museum's collection with the class — the year's collection theme is "How People Lived." View the art and learn more about volunteering for Art Adventure.

  • Art Room: Ms. Orkin is looking for volunteers to assist in art class for Grades K-3. Volunteering in the art room can be fun, inspiring and interactive. We are looking for volunteers to assist in your child's art class this year.

  • Thursday Lunch: We need a consistent lunch server for Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

  • PTO Volunteer Opportunities: Check out our other opportunities through the Parent Teacher Organization. You can host a grade-level Sukkah party, join a committee, and more.
  • We still need sukkah party hosts for kindergarten and seventh grade! These parties are about an hour and a half long on Sunday, October 20.

  • Welcome Desk: We are looking for friendly faces to help volunteer to staff the Heilicher welcome desk. Please sign up for as many slots as you can. This is open to parents, grandparents, or others you may know looking to volunteer. The position entails welcoming guests and helping them sign in, helping gather students who may be leaving early, and helping with little projects.

Mark Your Calendars!

  • Thursday, September 5-Friday, September 6 - Middle School Retreat, Camp Ihduhapi
  • Thursday, September 12 - Back-to-School Night, 6:30-8 p.m., Manny Fingerhut Auditorium and Heilicher Classrooms
  • New parents: Come to the library at 6 p.m. to meet with other new families and school leadership.
  • All parents: Join the PTO afterward at Punch Bowl Social!
  • Thursday, September 26 - EARLY DISMISSAL 2:45 p.m.: Conferences
  • Friday, September 27 - NO SCHOOL: Conferences
  • Wednesday, October 2 - EARLY DISMISSAL 12:30 p.m.: Erev Rosh Hashanah
  • Thursday, September 3-Friday, September 4 - NO SCHOOL: Rosh Hashanah

View the full Heilicher calendar online

Key Dates for 2024-2025

Torah Thoughts With Doc

Read a brief message about this week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, and the unique role of Jewish kings.


Rescheduled: Back-to-School Night

Back-to-School Night has been rescheduled for 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, September 12. New parents are invited to come at 6 p.m. for a nosh, meet and greet, and time for some questions. All parents are invited to join the PTO at Punch Bowl Social after the program. This is a parent-only event.

Back-to-School Night is an opportunity for you to hear from your child's teachers about their grade-level curricula and educational goals and to build relationships with faculty members and fellow parents. The schedule is as follows:

Grades K-3

6:30-7:10 p.m. Meet with general and Jewish studies teachers in classrooms.

7:10-7:30 p.m. Meet with specialists and the resource team in the auditorium.

Grades 4-8

6:50-7:15 p.m. Meet with specialists and the resource team in the auditorium.

7:20-8 p.m. Meet with general and Jewish studies teachers in classrooms.

If you have questions about how to best split your time with multiple children, please reach out directly to their homeroom teachers.  

Join the Heilicher Grades 2-5 Choir

Students in Grades 2-5 are invited to join the Heilicher choir. Practices will be once a week during recess beginning the week of September 23. If your child is interested in participating in the choir, please email Mr. Shaw by Friday, September 13 — be sure to include your child's first and last name, along with the name of their general studies teacher.

In choir, students in second through fifth grade have the opportunity to study choral music and explore a variety of musical styles. Your email acknowledges that you have read the Choir Group Guidelines. Early morning rehearsal dates are listed in the guidelines.

Basketball and Ultimate Frisbee Coaches

Heilicher is looking for middle school basketball (winter season) and ultimate frisbee (spring season) coaches. If you have any interest or know of anyone who does, please contact Director of Athletics Lee Metzger.

Order Gesher Challah

Heilicher is collaborating with the JCC's Adult Inclusion Program to sell our homemade Gesher Challah. Gesher is the Hebrew word for bridge, symbolic of this program bridging (or braiding!) the Heilicher and Inclusion communities together. Place your orders to receive challah for Friday, September 27*, Friday, October 11**, and/or Friday, October 25. Proceeds will be shared between Heilicher and Inclusion to support programming.

*Usually challah orders are sent home with your student. However for September 27, you must pick up your order at conferences on either Thursday, September 26, or Friday, September 27.

**For Erev Yom Kippur, we will offer both plain and raisin round challot.

Pizza Lunch

Pizza Hot Lunch is available on Fridays for students who don't participate in our regular hot lunch program for $8 per lunch. If you'd like your student(s) to enjoy pizza on Fridays, please use this form to indicate the weeks you'd like them to receive it through Quarter 1 (November 1).

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