The Roosevelt Review - January 6, 2023
Upcoming Dates

Project Night: Wednesday, January 11

Family Restuarant Night: Wednesday, January 11

Martin Luther King Jr Day (No School): Monday, January 16

Evaluations are Now Available!

The parent portal is now open to review your student's 2nd quarter grades and narratives.

Please use the link below to access your child's grades.

If you need assistance with access, please email Ashley Allison at

If you have any questions about the content of your student's evaluation, please reach out to your child's teacher for clarification and a conversation!
Project Night

Wednesday, January 11

All K-5 students will present their science projects during our Open House annual Project Night on Wednesday, January 11th from 5-7 PM.

During this Open House time, students will receive a short checklist to complete during Project Night, which should only take 20 to 30 minutes. Once this is complete, students and families are free to leave. Students should try to arrive sometime before 6:30pm so that they can complete their checklists before 7:00pm. We ask that all students be dressed in their school uniforms.

Students can bring their projects during morning drop-off to deliver to classrooms. Parents will not be allowed to deliver projects to the classrooms. Please reach out to your classroom teacher with any questions.

This is a wonderful event where are students and families come together as a community to share the knowledge they have gained about the wonders of the human body!
Family Restaurant Night

Wednesday, January 11

Join us on Wednesday, January 11th from 4-8 PM at Panera on Pebble Creek Parkway. Your purchase will support our school. We hope to see you there!
Spring Clubs

Please see the offerings for clubs for the 3rd quarter! A sign-up sheet will be sent early next week - please look for this in your email!
Uniform Expectations: Leggings, Shoes and Socks

We know there are many aspects to our dress code and uniform. Though our expectation is that the entirety of the uniform is adhered to, we want to give some special emphasis to particular areas of our expectations weekly so we can deep dive into any questions you may have. This week, we ask that all families especially take a close look at our policy on student shoes and socks. If you have any questions at all, please reach out to Mary Pim, our Dean of Students. Below is a quote from the Family Handbook (p. 42).


a. Color: The shoes should be solid white OR solid black—this includes sole and shoelaces
b. No colors on the shoes or soles (black shoes must have black soles and white shoes must have white soles)
c. No neon or bright colored shoelaces (black shoes must have black laces and white shoes must have white laces)
d. Style: Athletic (tennis, Keds) shoes. (No slip-ons or dress shoes)

Boy’s Socks

a. Color: Black, Navy blue, or white
b. Length: Ankle socks or crew socks 

Girl's Socks or Tights

a. Color: Black, Navy blue, or white
b. Length: Ankle or knee-high socks 
c. Leggings are not allowed 
Aces Athletics

Aces Athletics is excited to bring you our next session of Amateur Aces Training!!  AAT is our weekly Wednesday afterschool club run by Aces coaches to help Aviators improve their coordination, athleticism, character, and athletic skills, as well as instill a love of physical activity and sports. We are in the last couple of weeks of a highly successful first AAT session, which focused on basketball. Our next session, starting January 11th will be focused on SOCCER
You can sign up in the payment portal at in the “Amateur Aces Soccer Training” tab.
Please contact the Athletic Director Carl Wunsch at if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to assist in the trainings.
Banner Sponsorship: The Roosevelt Prep Aces would like to present our Athletic Advertising Opportunity to you! This unique opportunity includes high visibility for your company through our prep athletics. Athletic camps/clinics, games, and Roosevelt events such as fine arts and special occasions/ceremonies create outstanding exposure for our sponsors. In addition to our regularly scheduled events, schools, and clubs from all over the valley and state visit our location for athletic and nonathletic events.
T-Shirt Sponsors: The Roosevelt Athletic Program is seeking sponsors to help with the cost of purchasing T-shirts for our future Amateur Aces Training clubs. This is our weekly Wednesday afterschool club that is led by Aces coaches to help Aviators improve their coordination, athleticism, character, and sports specific skills, as well as instill a love of physical activity. It runs for 6 weeks at a time with a focus on a specific sport. Our current session is on the game of basketball, with soccer being planned for the January/February session. We currently have 78 Archway scholars participating in the basketball session.
Contact the Athletic Director to learn more about our upcoming events and/or the sponsorship program at
My Hot Lunch Box
The new line-up will be as follows:

M: Chick-fil-A
T: Firehouse Subs
W: Pizza Hut
Th: Cafe Rio
F: Noodles & Company

Online ordering is now available. If you are a first-time customer, visit the My Hot Lunchbox website to create your free account. 

The Roosevelt Lunch Program is entirely managed and distributed by our Parent Service Organization volunteers. This program is open to all students, faculty, and staff.
Need help? Send an email to

Lunch Room Volunteer Training

Please consider getting involved in serving lunch to our scholars! Second semester volunteer slots to serve lunch will be opening soon. Don't miss the opportunity to get trained before then. Volunteers will be credited $5 per shift on their MyHotLunchBox accounts. All volunteers MUST BE RAPTOR cleared.

Donate to the Lunchroom

Our students go through many spoons, forks, and napkins each lunch period. In order to keep these items stocked, we rely on donations to the lunchroom. Please consider sending in an item or two to help! Just label the item "PSO Lunchroom" and send it in with your scholar.

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

As part of the Great Hearts Roosevelt family, every single one of you are members of the PSO! There will be many opportunities throughout the year to offer your time and talent to the community.

If you are interesting in volunteering and supporting our school on campus in any way, all families must submit their application through our secure "Raptor" system. The link to this can be found here: This applies even to families who already have a fingerprint clearance card.

Raptor Clearance is a quick and easy background check that takes only a few minutes and costs $5. You will know within a few days if it has been approved. 

If you would like information on our PSO, aspects of available volunteer options or to just add your name to our volunteer interest list please email our PSO President at

Spalding Materials

If you have not yet purchased your child's Spalding supplies, the PSO has them for sale!

Please email with your child's name, grade and class section. PSO will invoice you and upon payment your child's items will be delivered to their classroom. 
Lost and Found Program

If your child has misplaced any items at school, please contact Brittany Smeal at

Staff January Birthdays

Hunter Thraen - 4th Grade Lead -January 7
Sandi Deppenbrook - KB Assistant Teacher- January 8
Liza Snyder - School Counselor - January 12
Falicia Allen - 3rd Grade Assistant Teacher - January 17
Lupita Harper - Archway Office Manager - January 23

Register for Athenaeum, the Great Hearts After School Program

After-School Athenaeum is focused on the liberal arts and promotes learning by providing students dedicated homework time in addition to a diverse array of culturally enriching, academically oriented activities beyond the classroom. Our activities and lessons are aimed at improving students’ scholastic performance by reinforcing the lessons, virtues and curriculum of the classroom.

But it’s not all academics! Athenaeum scholars also enjoy time for recreation, games, socializing and just plain fun. Athenaeum runs daily from the dismissal bell (even on early release and half-days) until 6:00 p.m. Flexible and affordable options are available to fit any family’s after-school needs.

Register for Young Hearts - The First Ever Great Hearts Preschool!

Registration is now open for the first ever Great Hearts Preschool, Young Hearts! The preschool will be on the east end of the campus. It will be run as an independent program from Great Hearts Roosevelt, but we will be working closely together to create a unifying experience for our families.

Please learn more by visiting the website:

Great Hearts Roosevelt Main Office: (623) 344-8003