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Keeping Our Members Informed and Connected

October 2024

Join us on November 7 from 5-7:30pm to celebrate local research and raise a glass to hope and new possibilities! Don't miss out - get your tickets now for Cheers to Hope.

Member Highlights and Successes

Letting us know about the accomplishments of you and your colleagues let’s us celebrate the great work being done in our region, build further collaborations, and ignite excitement about research in Windsor-Essex! Here are just a few of your latest successes.

New Projects

Gordon A Bloom, William J Harvey, McGill University, Todd Loughead, University of Windsor ($287,528) SSHRC Insight Grant. Understanding and Exploring Ways to Promote and Enhance Coach and Athlete Mental Health in High-performance Sport.

Alexander Daros, Skye Fitzpatrick, Juan Antonio Pascual-Leone, University of Windsor ($70,336) SSHRC Insight Development Grant. A multimethod investigation to improve the assessment of emotion dysregulation.

Adrian Guta, University of Windsor, Marilou Gagnon, University of Victoria, Carol Strike, University of Toronto, Emily van der Meulen, Toronto Metropolitan University ($91,754) SSHRC Insight Grant. Mapping surveillance in harm reduction: A new materialist analysis of emerging practices, technologies, and partnerships.

Hajar Fatemi Shariatpanahi, Laurette Dube, Serena Sohrab, University of Windsor ($65,356) SSHRC Insight Development Grant. Consumer Psychology and Female Infertility: The Role of Resource Scarcity.

Vikesh Maraj, Munira Sultana, Courtney Wood, Danica McPhee, Erie Shores HealthCare ($24,856) Ontario Ministry of Health - Seniors Community Grant. Achieving Long-Term Effectiveness of Nutrition Counselling for Indigenous Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes in Remote Southwestern Ontario with a Culturally Safe Nutrition Plan.

Publications / Articles / Presentations

Abushawish IY, Modak S, Abdel-Raheem E, Mahmoud SA, Hussain AJ (2024). Deep Learning in Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and Grading Systems: A Comprehensive Survey and Comparison of Methods. IEEE Access.

El-Dassouki N, Taylor M, Pfisterer KJ, Saragadam A, Nahkla M, Greenberg M, Landry A, Mukerji G, Mok E, Brazeau AS, Kichler JC, Cafazzo JA, Shulman R (2024). Supporting Adolescents and Young Adults through Digitally Mediated Type 1 Diabetes Transition Care: A Qualitative Description Study. Pediatric Diabetes.

Gorey CLR, St Louis AP, Chorna T, Brill JA, Dason JS (2024). Differential functions of phosphatidylnositol 4-kinases in neurotransmission and synaptic development. European Journal of Neuroscience.

Jaffri S, Kassas K, Farjalla M, Yousuf J (2024). Mental health and wellness of medical students in Ontario - A mixed methods approach. Medical Teachers.

Kaldis P, Porter LA (2024). Regulation of biological processes by ubiquitin ligases: a focus on the Pagano Lab's contribution. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.

Ladak R, Fifield BA, Porter L, Hirmiz K, Hamm C (2024). Long-Term Survival in Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Positive Bone-Only Metastatic Breast Cancer: Trastuzumab, Denosumab, and Potential Synergistic Effects. Cureus.

Ladak R, Sementilli M, Calandra J, Lazo-Langner A, Siegal D, Wang TF, Luo R, Cervi A L (2024). Physician practice patterns on the use of inferior vena cava filters in venous thromboembolism. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis.

Lombardi A, Byczynski G, Dmitrienko A, Dao M, Vukotic NV (2024). Analysis of Aluminum-Cerium Based Conductor Die-Casting Alloys for High Performance Electric Vehicle Powertrain Applications. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A.

Sadeghi S, Bui A, Forooghi A, Lu J, Ngom A (2024). Can large language models understand molecules? BMC Bioinformatics.

Sadeghi S, Bui A, Forooghi A, Lu J, Ngom A (2024). An Evaluation Toolkit for Molecular Embeddings via LLMs, presented at the 41st annual International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024).

Swaminath A, Parpia S, Wierzbicki M, Kundapur V, Faria S, Okawara GS, Tsakiridis TK, Ahmed N, Bujold A, Hirmiz K, Owen T, Leong N, Ramchandar K, Filion E, Lau H, Gabos Z, Thompson R, Yaremko B, Mehiri S, Louie AV, Quan K, Levine MN, Wright JR, Whelan TJ (2024). Stereotactic vs Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Inoperable Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. JAMA Oncology.

Yueng T, Agrawal R, Seesahai J, Warkentin T (2024). A spontaneously healed distal femoral fracture in an infant born preterm: A case report and review of the literature. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound.

Appointments and Awards

Erie Shores HealthCare, awarded the Inaugural Ontario Health System 2024 Quality and Innovation Award.

Erie Shores HealthCare placed first in the CCFP-EM category at the 2024 Western University Emergency Medicine Resident Research Day.

University of Windsor, Engineering professor, Dr. Jalal Ahamed, has been announced at the 2024 Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Computers, Science, and Engineering at Florida Polytechnic University.

University of Windsor, Nursing professor, Dr. Edward Cruz, newly appointed as associate dean of nursing for undergraduate programs.

University of Windsor, Chemistry and Biochemistry professor, Dr. Tranum Kaur, awarded the Dr. Alan Wright Award for Exemplary Technology-Enhanced Teaching.

University of Windsor, Law professor, Dr. Anneke Smit, newly appointed as a special advisor to the provost for sustainability in education.

Congratulations everyone!

Submit your news items to The Spark! (Pictures/links encouraged)

Research Toolkit

WE-SPARK Health Institute offers support to our researchers. Here are a few of the tools that you may find useful.

Buy your tickets now! WE-SPARKs annual Cheers to Hope event is happening on November 7, 2024 at the Ambassador Golf Club. To donate, buy a ticket, or learn more about this event, visit our Cheers to Hope website.

Want to make some new connections, eat great food, and converse with others involved in health research? Join us for our next WE-SPARK After Dark on December 5th @ The Bourbon on Ottawa Street.

Our next Think Tank is scheduled for this Friday, October 25, 2024 from 1:00 to 3:00pm via Zoom. Register for free today! Enjoy great discussions regarding new research ideas to end your week!

Share your news with us!

We want to hear about your latest projects, grants, publications, awards, and conferences!

Send your great news to wesparknews@uwindsor.ca

401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor ON N9B 3P4

(519) 253-3000 x 4394

Support WE-SPARK: wesparkhealth.com/donate
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