~ This Week at Trinity ~
October 30, 2022
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Throughout the month of October, we are highlighting the 2023 Trinity Stewardship Appeal, 'Moving Forward in Faith.'
To date, Trinity has received over $175,000 in pledges and gifts from ~ 60 households. Thank you to those who have given so generously!
As we enter the final week of the Appeal, we are counting on everyone to add your pledges to those of others to achieve our 2023 Stewardship goal of $450,000 from 150 households.
Your financial support is vital to our many Parish ministries, including Worship, Music, Youth Programs, and Outreach. To learn more about the pledging process and Trinity’s budget, please see the attached Stewardship materials.
We truly believe that we have something of great value to offer, and that “You will be enriched in every way for your generosity.” (2 Corinthians 9:11)
You may send your pledge by email to Melanie Andrews at finance@trinitysouthport.org, by returning a pledge card to the parish offices, or by entering your Pledge in the Giving tab on Realm by All Saints Day, November 1st.
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Sunday -
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist at Southport Beach. LAST BEACH SERVICE 10/30
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist in-person and online on FaceBook and YouTube
5:20 p.m. Trinity Southport Meditation Room (online)
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7:30 a.m. Daily Morning Prayer - Chapel open for individual prayer. Use the kitchen door for entry.
11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Healing Prayers in Chapel
6:30 p.m. Trinity Southport Meditation Room (Chapel and online)
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October 28 ~ Friday
- 6-7:30 p.m. A Trinity Spiritual Center Workshop with Mark Kutolowski
October 29 ~ Saturday
- 9-2 p.m. A Trinity Spiritual Center Event - Learn How to Meditate with Plants and Animals to Light Up Your Soul
October 30 ~ Sunday - Guest Preacher: Dr. Harry Schmitz
- 8 a.m. Southport Beach Service (LAST beach service - we return to the sanctuary on November 6th)
- 10 a.m. Trinity Church Service ~ In-person and Virtual (on Facebook & YouTube)
Childcare in Classroom 5
- 11 a.m. Acolyte Training in the Church
- 5:20 p.m. Trinity Southport Meditation Room (online)
October 31 ~ Monday - 5-7 p.m. Halloween Event - Trinity Lawn 🎃
November 1~ Tuesday
- 6-8 p.m. Youth Group in the Parish Hall
November 2 ~ Wednesday
- 9:30 a.m. Bible discussion of upcoming Sunday texts - Parish Library
- 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
- 6:30 p.m. Trinity Southport Mediation Room (Chapel and online)
November 4-5 ~ Episcopal Church in CT annual convention, Hartford
November 6 ~ Sunday - Daylight savings time ends
- 9 a.m. Forum with David Sturges: Who Were the Rectors of Trinity Church? Parish Library
- 10 a.m. Trinity Church Service ~ In-person and Virtual (on Facebook & YouTube) Childcare available in Classroom 5
- 11 a.m. Acolyte Training in the Church
- 5 p.m. Evensong featuring the Trinity Southport and the Christ & Holy Trinity choirs together! Reception afterwards
- 5:20 p.m. Trinity Southport Meditation Room (online)
November 11 ~ Friday - 6:00 p.m. Veteran’s Day Event in the church
November 13 - Sunday - 10 a.m. Youth and Family Sunday
November 20 - Sunday - 3 p.m. Youth and the Global Crisis of Connection:: A Conversation with Niobe Way, Ed.D.
November 27 - First Sunday of Advent - 11 a.m. Advent wreathmaking in parish hall
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For All Saints Sunday, November 6th, we would like to lift up all who have died at Trinity especially over the last year. Please send the name of your loved one to Annie in the church office by Monday, October 31st and they will be included in the necrology, just before the Eucharistic prayer is said.
Give rest, O Christ, to thy servants with thy saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing, but life everlasting. Amen.
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Upcoming Guest Preachers
November 20 - The Rev. Ranjit K. Mathews, Canon for Mission Advocacy, Racial Justice & Reconciliation
January 15 - The Rev. Tim Hodapp, Canon for Mission Advancement & Coaching
January 29 - Dr. Harry Schmitz, Diocesan Representative & Trinity parishioner
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Choral Evensong & Organ Recital:
November 6, 5 p.m. Trinity Southport
The choirs of Trinity and Christ & Holy Trinity will again combine for a service of Choral Evensong (Sung Evening Prayer). Join us for this fulfilling, centering service that will be a perfect way to end your weekend. After the service, Dr. Robert Kwan will present a short recital on the Wilhelm in honor of its 50th birthday. A screen will be set up so you can watch him play while listening; you won't want to miss that! A festive reception will follow.
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Acolytes have a special ministry!
Would you like to be an acolyte at Trinity at the 8 or 10am service? If you are 9 years old or older, and would like to be active on our Sunday rotation, please contact the Rev. Peggy Hodgkins.
Upcoming training:
Sunday, October 30 at 11am in the church
Sunday, November 6 at 11am in the church
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The forgotten cost of war
From WW1 shellshock to present day PTSD.
60 minutes of sound archives, personal accounts and drama.
Veterans Day Remembrance Event
"Lest we forget"
6pm November 11th at Trinity Church Southport, CT.
Free admission. All welcome. Refreshments afterwards in the Church Hall.
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Friday, October 28, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
“Wilderness and Contemplation as Practiced by Ancient Christian Mystics”
“A Workshop with Mark Kutolowski” (In-person only)
Mark Grayson & Sarah Houghton Home for dinner and discussion by a fire
Saturday, October 29, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Learn How to Meditate with Plants and Animals to Light Up Your Soul
Harry & Maria Schmitz Home for a guided trek through Trout Valley Preserve and lunch
Mark Kutolowski – veteran wilderness guide, survival skills instructor, Oblate of St. Benedict, and TSC favorite – returns to Southport for a weekend workshop outdoors. He will share disciplines of prayer and meditation in relationship with wild plants and animals, and the elements of earth, air, fire, and water that were utilized by Saint Francis of Assisi and other Christian nature mystics.
Participants should come prepared to dine and sit by a fire on Friday evening then spend the morning outside in the woods on Saturday.
Space is Limited. Tickets: $40. REGISTER
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“Youth and the Global Crisis of Connection”
Join us on Sunday November 20th at 3:00 PM for an urgent, timely conversation with NYU Professor Dr. Niobe Way.
For over thirty years, Dr. Way has been studying the social and emotional development of adolescents. Her research has documented the emergence of a global crisis of connection that is driving a dramatic rise in violence, aggression, suicide, and depression around the world.
Thankfully, Niobe’s work with adolescent boys points us towards a solution.
Live-streamed and in person. Book signing and reception afterwards. Registration required. Fee: $25
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Please consider opportunities to help others. Any questions, contact Thomas Benton. | |
Trinity is using the month of October as a sock collection month for the Greater Bridgeport Ministry Network.
GOAL? 2,500 pairs of new socks for infants, children, women & particularly adult men. WHEN? Through Sunday Oct. 30th. Drop your donation in the Socktober bin inside the red doors.
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Time to “Do the Mashed Potatoes”
Trinity Southport’s annual donation of boxed mashed potatoes for the traditional St. John's Thanksgiving dinner should be left in the Red Door entryway by Thursday, November 17.
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Thanksgiving Meal Donations
Trinity is working with Children and Family Services of Bridgeport to offer 50 Thanksgiving meals to families that without our help will not have a meal this year. Sign up here.
Please drop meals off Tuesday, November 22 between 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the Trinity Parish Hall kitchen.
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Toiletry Collection
We are collecting toiletries—soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, & feminine hygiene products like tampons & pads—for local shelters. Travel size is best, but regular sizes will be accepted. There is a donation box in the foyer beyond the red doors.
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Adopt-A-Social Worker: You can make a difference in so many lives through Holidays and more: such as Backpacks for School, Thanksgiving Dinners, The Giving Christmas Tree and Easter Baskets. Contact Thomas Benton. | | |
St. John's Food Pantry - Park Avenue, Bridgeport
They are in need of cereal, oatmeal, granola bars and other breakfast items; paper lunch bags, plastic sandwich bags, water bottles, and bags of chips. Donations can be left inside Trinity's red doors on Center Street weekdays 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
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Support Trinity's outreach initiatives to address food insecurity
If you can help, please send in a check made out to Trinity Church and in the memo line identify which food initiative you would like to support. For example: Outreach-Operation Hope
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Trinity Southport Meditation Room | |
Sunday Evenings: 5:20 - 6:30 pm. Online only. Learn new ways to relax, be calm, and connect with God through Christian and other wisdom practices, and modern science.
Wednesday Evenings: 6:30 - 7:00 pm. In the chapel and online. Join us for 30 minutes of silent meditation. No previous experience required. Printed guidelines also provided onscreen.
For information and Zoom invitation. Contact Harry Schmitz.
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Hospitality is a key part of Trinity. Join us for coffee and treats after the 10am service. Contact Michael Banten if you would like to help host in the future.
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Presiding Bishop Search Update: Nominating Committee Releases Survey
Participate by Monday, 10/31 and let your voice be heard!
The Episcopal Church Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop invites all Episcopalians to participate in a survey. The responses will help the committee develop a profile of the skills, qualities, and gifts the church seeks in its next presiding bishop, considering what the church and world may look like in the next decade.
The church’s General Convention will elect the next presiding bishop in the summer of 2024.
The deadline for completing the survey—which can be found online here in English, French, and Spanish—is Oct. 31.
The survey—which takes about 15 minutes to complete—asks respondents to define the most important issues facing The Episcopal Church and the world in the next 10 years, as well as the foremost gifts or skills the next presiding bishop will need to lead the church. Participants are also asked to rank in importance areas of experience for the presiding bishop to have.
The survey includes an open section for additional feedback and ends with optional questions requesting information on age, race, gender, role in the church, and years as an Episcopalian.
More information about the search and survey can be found here.
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Realm - Join the Trinity Community! | |
Join the Trinity Community! Realm is our application for managing all aspects of our parish.
- Find People
- Track Contributions
- Manage Activities
- Communicate with Teams
To access Realm you must register. To register send an email to Barbara Burian.
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Ministry of 12 Captain: October ~ Janet Wahnquist 203-216-0909
For light household repairs: Trinity Handyman Jim Funk 203-494-3954
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Safety Standards Task Force | |
Masks remain optional at Trinity Church. We thank you for taking care.
If you have any Covid related symptoms, please err on the side of caution and join our services virtually. Thank you!
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Have You Remembered Trinity in Your Will ? | |
Legacy Giving at Trinity
Did you know that there is a counsel in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) to have a will? It’s true. Read page 445 in the BCP about “the duty…of all persons to make wills.” Having a will or other estate plan is such an important part of our Christian faith and stewardship that it is explicitly addressed in our book of worship. For an adult Christian, having a valid will and estate plan is essential, and your gift is usually tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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Please remember Trinity while shopping. Click on the images below to sign up: Questions? Need help? Please don't hesitate to contact Bill Kennedy
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Come Visit and Connect With Us | |
Trinity has a Podcast! You can listen to sermons on your favorite podcast player in the comfort of your home or car. To add our podcast to your podcast player, search for 'Trinity Southport' and look for the logo.
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Church Offices: Open 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday - Thursday. The office is closed on Fridays.
Trinity Church: Open 8 a.m. - 1.p.m. Monday - Friday & Sunday
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To know Christ and to share God's love.
To provide a vibrant 21st century Episcopal community that inspires spiritual growth, nurtures genuine connections, and promotes charitable service.
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