On  July 02, 2019 , SQFI published the newest edition of the SQF Code – Edition 8.1. While the announcement of a code update may sound intimidating, we assure you that this edition update is not anything to stress over!
1.) Codex agrees to tackle E. coli in certain foods - via Food Safety News Starting the development of guidelines to control Shiga toxin-producing E. coli in certain foods was one of the decisions made by the Codex Alimentarius Commission at its annual meeting in Geneva this week. The work will cover Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) in beef, leafy greens, raw milk and cheese produced from it, and sprouts. It could take up to five years to complete the project. [...]” - Read the rest of the story on Food Safety News
2.) New Zealand Professor Explores Blockchain Uses in Sustainable Food Production - via NASDAQ
" Michaela Balzarova from the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, has been researching the possible applications of distributed ledger technology in global food supply chains and believes there is strong potential. In an article published on science news website  Phys.org , Professor Balzarova elucidates on both her methodology and some of the largest applications she has identified. Working with the university’s College of Business and Law, Balzarova has been focusing on the supply chain aspects of food production more than its biology, but has nevertheless identified multiple applications that can reduce food waste. [...]" - Read the rest of the story on NASDAQ
3.) Journal for Food Protection looks at 17 years of data on Salmonella outbreaks - via Food Safety News
"Halfway through this year, it is looking like most any other year when it comes to Salmonella.In eight multistate outbreaks involving a range of three to 41 states since the first of the year, Salmonella has sickened 527 people. One out of every four of those people have been so sick they had to be admitted to a hospital. Luckily, Salmonella outbreaks this year have yet to take a life. [...]" - Read the rest of the story on Food Safety News
4.) Supreme Court sides with Food Marketing Institute - via Feedstuffs
" In  Food Marketing Institute vs. Argus Leader , a case involving a newspaper's desire to publish commercially sensitive information on how many food stamp purchases various retailers processed, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the previous standard -- in place since 1974 -- that the confidential information businesses submitted to the government was subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) unless its disclosure was likely to lead to 'substantial competitive harm.' [...] " - Read the rest of the story on Feedstuffs
5.) EFSA Identifies Three Food Safety Research Priorities for the Next 5-10 years - via Food Safety Magazine
" Last week, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)  announced  a set of food safety research priorities the agency plans to focus on for the next 5–10 years.  
The plans—laid out in an editorial article entitled  Food Safety Regulatory Research Needs 2030  and published in the EFSA Journal—look at how research can stimulate innovation and how science can be communicated effectively to society. They also considered issues such as the provision of safe food for a growing world population. The authors’ recommendations will inform EFSA’s research agendas and strategy. [...] " - Read the rest of the story on Food Safety Magazine
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SQF Professional Update - September 11
Sept 11, 2019 - @ 12:00pm - 4:00pm US-Eastern
Cost:   $150
Auditing SQF Systems - Sydney, Australia
(4 Day)

September 16 - 19, 2019
Cost:   $1300

August 13, 2019 - @ 5:00PM - 6:00PM US-Eastern
Cost: FREE
2019 SQF Conference in
San Antonio, TX
JW Marriott Hill Country Resort
November 5 - 7, 2019
Cost: Varies
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What does this mean for SQF Certified Sites?
The SQF Code Edition 8.1 was released on July 2nd 2019.

Edition 8.1 features some of the feedback and updates we received from fellow food safety professionals. We've updated the formatting, grammar, and some content clarifications. While the majority of the Edition 8.1 changes do not affect the intent of the Code, there are some significant changes in Edition 8.1 of the Quality Code.
Ensure your site ready by Implementation Date:
Check out the resources SQFI has created to help your site integrate the fixes in Edition 8.1.
SQF Edition 8.1 Summary of Changes
The SQF Code Edition 8.1 Summary of Changes lists and details all the changes that occurred from 8.0 to 8.1. Review all minor edits a well as gain a deeper understanding of the SQF System Element Changes to the Quality Code
SQF Edition 8.1 Quality Summary of Changes
With significant changes to the intent of the Quality Code, SQFI has release a separate Summary of Changes document to help you understand our focus on controlling process variation.
Learn more about the changes to the SQF Code with the release of Edition 8.1 and what this means for your Site.

Understand our goals to develop a complete revision of the SQF Code in preparation for Edition 9.
The release of version 8 of GFSI’s Benchmarking Requirements in March 2020 gives SQFI the opportunity to assess and update the current SQF Code and address emerging issues and stakeholder concerns prior to releasing Edition 9 in late 2020. 
Join us for a 2 part session where you can speak up and help us shape the future of food safety in SQF Edition 9!
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Technical, Training, and Compliance Update
  • The foodservice self-study materials and tip sheets have been posted to sqfi.com. These new training tools have been designed to assist restaurant and catering sites in preparing for their audit to the SQF Food Safety Code for Foodservice. 

  • SQF’s presentation submission was accepted for the Cannabis Quality Conference & Expo, October 1st -3rd. SQFI will be provide a review of the various industry sectors where THC and CBD can be introduced, the appropriate standards or codes to apply and how companies and sites can contract with SQF licenced certification bodies to complete certification.

  • SQF Code Clarification: Can you please explain of what is currently acceptable by SQFI for hemp and/or cannabis related products? The position of SQFI has not changed as it applies to SQFI certification of US cannabis suppliers, whether for medical or recreational use. The laws in the US are sporadic, and we don’t believe there is sufficient regulatory oversight at the current time to warrant accredited certification by our international standard. At this time, and until there is a more Federal policy on this issue we will not sanction the certification of these facilities in the US. However, SQFI is a program based on ISO 17065 which provides for certification of “products.” We will allow facilities that produce cannabis derivatives such as CBD oils among other food products to certify those facilities, provided that the auditor explicitly excludes cannabis derivatives such as CBD and THC products from the scope of the audit. We also have our lawyers looking at the impact of current GRAS letters on certain cannabis derivatives. We have formed a working group that is reviewing the Canadian CFIA requirements, and we’ll be issuing guidance. Regarding SQFI certification of Canadian facilities that produce foods with CBD and THC, auditors will be required to be trained and meet SQFI requirements before certification of these facilities is accepted. A key note session at the SQF Conference is on the program that will provide a more in-depth overview of this topic including the outcome of the working group and SQFI certification of Canadian facilities that produce food with CBD and THC. Please go to the SQF Conference webpage (www.sqfconference.com) to learn more. 
Marketing, Communications, and Sales Update
  • SQFI Marketing Team has completed the new 2019 SQFI Brochure and have sent these to be printed.

  • The Marketing Team has also been working with Matrix Group to improve the functionality of our website. We are in the works of updating the "Find a Certification Body" and "Find a Training Center" page. We hope to launch these new functions within the next few weeks!
Business Operations, Database, and Customer Service Update
  • The Database team is testing a new system to send automatic receipts upon audit registration in the SQF Assessment Database. The intention is for clients to receive their receipts immediately upon payment, bypassing any reconciliation time our Accounting software is subject to.

  • SQFI Business Operations is proud to announce that Quarter 2 of 2019 has ended strongly for SQFI. We continue to see an increase in registration and Certificates.
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Introducing the New SQFI Technical Director!
Kristie Grzywinski   has been named Technical Director of Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI), a division of FMI. For almost eight years, Kristie has spearheaded all of SQFI’s food safety and quality training functions for SQF professionals, drawing on her extensive science and regulatory career. She oversees the development and delivery of seven training programs in more than five languages, and three online training courses; she facilitates the execution of training to SQFI’s food industry stakeholders by directing more than 30 licensed training centers and 75-plus trainers; and she will continue to support the SQFI team in updating and executing the SQF code.
Congratulations Kristie!
Good Bye & Good Luck Leslie!
It is with bittersweet joy that we announce that Leslie Jones, SQFI Marketing Specialist , has left the SQFI team. Leslie has been an integral member of the SQFI Marketing Team for the last five years. She has brought her diligence, creativity, and unbreakable spirit to our team and elevated SQF Marketing to the next level. During her tenure here, Leslie has spearheaded and managed numerous projects including, all E-Communications, website revamp, graphic design, and so much more. SQFI would not be where it is now without Leslie.

We have truly enjoyed having had the opportunity to get to know this amazing professional and effervescent person. While we are sad to let her go, we wish Leslie all the best as she advances in her career and moves onto bigger and better things!
Go get 'em Leslie!
FIRDI Welcomes 5 New SQF Certified Sites
At a certificate ceremony held at Hsinchu on June 20th 2019 , FIRDI , an SQF Certification Body welcomed FIVE new SQF food manufacturing sites to the SQF Program as Certified Sites. These sites showed exceptional dedication not only to the safety but also the quality of their products in their respective Food Sector Categories.
The five companies are Flavor Full Foods ; Standard Dairy Products ; Chen Hsiang Foods ; Hua Chang Industry ; and Lien Hwa Industrial Corporation . The sites were presented with their certificates by Director General Dr Chii-Cherng Laio.
Congratulations to the team at FIRDI and all five SQF certified sites.
FIRDI (Food Industry Research and Development Institute) , located in Hsinchu, Taiwan joined the SQF family as a Certification Body and Training Center in 2017.
In addition to its certification services, FIRDI houses the most comprehensive Bioresource Collection and Research Center in Asia, and is considered the foremost food research institute in Taiwan.
AEON Expands SQF Certifications
AEON , a longtime SQF Certified company, has recently released FOUR new SQF Certified products to the market.

On June 8th, 2019, AEON added 3 new Hamburger steak products and one new roast beef product using "TOPVALU Green Eye Natural Tasmanian Beef".

Originally obtaining SQF Certification in response to a rise in food safety concerns in 2003, AEON has since expanded from certifications for their "Tasmanian Feedlots" to having certifications for their meat processing plants.

FMI Foundation Scholarship
 The critical issue for accredited third-party auditing in North America is to source the next generation of well-trained auditors. As a way to help fill that gap, the FMI Foundation is sponsoring scholarships to students currently enrolled in food and agricultural science majors who have a true interest in the field of accredited food safety auditing.
Visit the FMI Foundation Scholarship website to access the application and additional details. Applications are now being accepted for the 2019 / 2020 Academic Year!
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SQFI Customer Service
Email - info@sqfi.com
Website - www.sqfi.com

Database Assistance - SQFI
Email - database@sqfi.com

Sales, Marketing and Sponsorship
Email - smalenich@sqfi.com

SQF Compliance /Technical (Code) Questions
Email - compliance@sqfi.com
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SQFI Out and About!

Nov 5 - 7 - 2019 SQF Conference -
San Antonio, TX