STEAM Parents and Students,
What a great Meet the Teacher Night! It was so good to see you and your child "changing classes" and getting a feel for a day in the life of your child!
We celebrate Grandparents' Day Monday (CLICK HERE IF YOUR CHILD IS GOING TO PARTICIPATE!) Grandparents are invited to come eat lunch with their grandchild, take a tour of the building if they want, and can check their grandchild out for the rest of the day. Lunch for middle schoolers is 12-12:30pm or 12:40-1:10pm. Please check with your child when he/she eats lunch on Mondays.
We have officially had our PTO fundraiser kick-off for the year. Remember, we have NO Title One dollars. This is our only supplemental fundraiser to provide classroom upgrades, technology, facility upgrades, student and teacher treats, (lockers), etc. Be on the look our for ways to give for the month of September so none of our students go without a great year!
It has been a scary and strange time in Memphis this week. I have reiterated to students and all stakeholders the importance of reporting suspicious behavior, being prepared for emergencies, and CAREing for each other. I spoke to the entire school this afternoon about the procedures and protocols for an intruder drill aka Full Lockdown Drill. We will have an Full Lock Down drill Monday to practice. Please discuss this with your children over the weekend.
Quick Updates:
- Bathrooms are open!
- New Intercom is almost complete!
- New Security Doors and Technology- soooo close!
- District Board Voted "Yes" to Circle Drive and Parking Lots
- New AC is currently being installed!
- We are still awaiting devices for our new to MSSA students.
Thank you for your support and CAREing Differently!
Andy Demster
#A Different kind of CAREing