As always, I want to express my sincere appreciation for the work everyone does at our institution. We are changing lives daily in every aspect, and we are set to continue to do so through innovation and your willingness to go above and beyond.
Recently, I had the opportunity to speak at the Andalusia Area Chamber of Commerce annual banquet. During the speech, I challenged our local businesses to truly examine their job postings. Since January 2023, over 78% of postings in our service area require either no education or a high school diploma. I believe, to truly move the economic needle, we must work with our businesses to articulate what they truly want in an employee and then align those desires with the unparalleled skills we provide through our associate and certificate programs.
We are at a pivotal point where we must continue to establish a standard of perceived excellence within our institute on all levels. Our grounds must remain in pristine shape. Our academic and technical programs must continue to connect career pathways with every student. It is imperative that our extracurricular activities such as music, arts, and athletics put a quality product on the field, court, or stage.
We must strive to develop a contagious atmosphere that our community is drawn to. We are the best vehicle to see long-lasting change within our community. Our impact on our community is immeasurable, and we must believe that we are making generational change in the lives of our constituents.
I believe in us. I believe in our mission, and I believe in what we are doing and going to do for our community. To do this, we must continue to articulate the significance of LBW in our service area. Thank you for your hard work.