Congratulations to these Employees for their Longevity Awards.
New Athletic Site is LIVE |
View all the schedules, scores, and athletic news for Saints™ Volleyball, Softball, Baseball, Basketball
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Re-designed website,, coming soon!
Congratulations to Kaylee Hall, Switchboard Operator/Office Assistant on the Andalusia Campus, and her husband Kyle on the birth of their son, Briar Mason Hall, on Thursday, September 23, 2021. Baby Briar was born at 6:14 p.m. weighing 6 lbs. 6 oz. and measuring 20 ¾ inches.
Congratulations to Sharon Stricklin, Mathematics Instructor, on the birth of her grandson, Sawyer Scott Stricklin, on September 21, 2021 at 12:39 p.m. He weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz., and measured 20 inches long. Proud parents are Stephen and Paige Stricklin.
Congratulations to Penney Watson, Payroll and Employee Benefit Specialist, on the birth of her grandson, Henry Thatcher Smith, on Wednesday, July 28, 2021. Thatcher weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and measured 19 ½ inches. Proud Parents are Morgan and Tyler Smith.
Congratulations to Chancey Wyatt, Welding Instructor at the Luverne Center, on the birth of her grandson. Wagner Timothy Jacob Wyatt was born on September 19, 2021, at 5:55 a.m. weighing 7 lbs. 2 oz. and 20 inches long. Proud parents are Sean and Alyx Wyatt.
Congratulations to Dean of Workforce Development & Strategic Initiatives, Ms. Jennifer Hall for starting a new position at the Alabama Community College System as the new Regional Workforce Director for the Southern Region.
Thank you, LBW, for 20 great years! For me, LBW has not just been my employer, LBW has been my life. This great college has made me the woman I am today. It is hard to put into words how much LBW means to me, it means everything. I have been blessed with the greatest friends and colleagues a person can have. They have been by my side through many highs and a few lows. It has been an honor to be a Saint for the last 20 years.
My next journey at the Alabama Community College System is an exciting one…a dream come true. And while I will no longer be employed by LBW, it will still be my home! I look forward to working with all of the great community colleges in south Alabama as the Regional Workforce Director for the Southern Region. The future is bright! Stay tuned…a lot more to come!
Amy Payton
Distance Education Student Support Specialist
Joseph Fernandez
History Instructor
Bricken Cope
Industrial Electronics Instructor
Andrew Meadows
Building Construction Instructor
Dr. Karen Kelley
Nursing Instructor
Hannah Sasser
Nursing Clinical Supervisor
Deborah Guinn
Part-time Adult Education Teacher
Chad Duffell
Police Officer
Courtney Morrow
Part-Time Tutor for Career Pathways Youth
Katie King
Director of Student and Community Engagement
Tammye Merida
Associate Dean of Career Technical Edcuation
Mary Ann Hudson
Biology Instructor & Coordinator for Distance Education Faculty Development
Steve Helms
Athletic Director/Head Baseball Coach/Fitness Center Director
Missy Middlebrooks
Assistant for Adult Education/Program Manager for Career Pathways Youth
Ashley Williams
Associate Director of Human Resources
Meredith Beck
Part-time Adult Education Teacher
**New headshots will be disseminated to employees later this month**
Thank you to all those who participated! I have a few t-shirts left for employees.
Diaon Cook
Director of Student Activites and Cultural Diversity
END OF A CHAPTER: Diaon Cook retires after 43 years at...
Making a difference just came naturally for LBW Community College Director of Student Activities and Cultural Diversity Diaon Cook, who retired after a 43-year career. "I began in September 1978 after receiving both my bachelor's and master's...
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Larry Newton
Maintenance/Custodian on the Greenville Campus
Voluntary flu vaccination clinics next Wednesday, October 13, on the Andalusia Campus (8-11 a.m.) & MacArthur Campus (11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.)
Andalusia | Greenville | Luverne | Opp
Phone: 334-222-6591