The Saints Express | Employee Newsletter


First and foremost, I want to express my sincere appreciation to all faculty and staff. Once again, we eclipsed last year’s enrollment numbers by serving more students than we have ever served. We also have witnessed our Adult Education grow exponentially with an increase of over 115%. Within our non-credit workforce training, we are among the leading institutes in total registrations and industries served. The overall increase in enrollment is credited to everyone’s dedication and ability to create a positive learning environment. We continue to offer additional opportunities for our students to get involved in campus life and expand our footprint within all communities of our service area. Nonetheless, our commitment can’t be stifled by our achievement. There continues to be people in our community that need our help, and I believe it is up to us to innovate our processes and procedures regarding recruitment, retention, and enrollment to better serve our constituents.


This semester we embarked on a journey to add Men's and Women's Golf and Cross-Country teams. Both teams continue to improve and represent our institute at the highest level. All teams have mandated each athlete to participate in a number of service hours within the community and around our campuses. As we continue to look for ways to serve our community, extra-curricular activities will play an integral part in providing opportunity and excitement for our prospective students.


We are in the process of capital updates to many areas around each location and are working with architects to design several renovation projects poised to bring LBW into the 21st century of campus development. Our academic classrooms and career and technical programs continue to need updates, and we hope that with support from Chancellor Baker and the Board of Trustees, we will see these projects come to fruition within the next few years. In January, we will begin our first phase of construction and will continue to do minor renovations in the coming months and years.


It is an exciting time to be a part of the Alabama Community College System because we are poised to make a lasting impact across the state. It is hard to quantify the impact we are having but people are taking notice of the work we are doing. I challenge you to never lose sight of the impact your class, your hello, or your smile may have on someone. I love this school, and I love your commitment. LBW is alive in our communities. Let’s continue to be difference-makers in the lives of our constituents. We are in this together, dedicated to our mission, and committed to moving LBW forward.

Enrollment up across Alabama Community College System academic courses, workforce programs

Spring enrollment in Alabama's community and technical colleges is already surpassing last year's numbers, following a record level of enrollment in fall semester classes and a third consecutive year of enrollment increases statewide. LBW Community College reached a record-breaking 2,119 students for fall semester, a 9.74% increase from last year's enrollment.

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Congratulations to Sandra Hale, Math Lab Facilitator on the Andalusia Campus, on the birth of her grandson. 

Lewis Garrison Hale was born on Sunday, November 12, 2023, weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. and measuring 22 inches long.

Proud parents are Thomas and Nicole Hale. Many of you may remember Thomas when he was a student at LBW from 2012-2014.

Congratulations to Cosmetic Arts Instructor Denise Sauls who was chosen to serve as a panelist for the SkillsUSA Pour the IndusTEA event.

Congratulations to Physical Therapist Assistant Program Director T-Michael Dougherty for being selected as Board Chair for the Alabama Board of Physical Therapy.

Congratulations to the Director of LBW Adult Education, Kate Dust for receiving the Champion Award at the ACCA Conference.

Pictured with Chancellor Baker (left) and Dr. Terri Dunn (right), Mrs. Dust was selected by her peers on behalf of the Alabama Community College System, Adult Education Program.

You can help support an LBW Adult Education GED Graduate's Cap and Gown by donating today! Please consider a gift of $10 or $20 to the GED Graduation Giving Tree.


The Camellia City Classic Golf Tournament Raises Over $60,000 for LBW Community College Foundation

The annual Camellia City Classic 4-person scramble golf tournament, organized by the LBW Community College Foundation, achieved resounding success this year, bringing in over $60,000 in proceeds. The event took place at the stunning Robert Trent Jones at Cambrian Ridge golf course and drew support from dozens of local businesses and individuals through sponsorships and donations.

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LBW announces fully endowed scholarship in honor of beloved student

LBW Community College is proud to announce the establishment of the Ms. Sierra Newman Memorial Scholarship, a testament to the enduring memory of Sierra Newman, a cherished member of the LBW Ensemble, who tragically lost her life in a car accident in November 2019.

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New Employees

Charvez Hill

Welding Lab Assistant 

Natalie Darden-Ray

Assistant Director of Financial Aid for the Greenville Campus

Internal Changes

Jarak Williamson

Part-time Maintenance/Custodian

Lorrie Stacks

Assistant to the Fiscal Office

Elizabeth Cravey

Part-time IT Technician

Dr. Karen Kelley

Nursing Division Chair

LBW was selected as the Andalusia Chamber of Commerce Candyland Cheermeister for holiday cheer and decor.

Download Photos from the Employee Holiday Brunch

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Email Maggie

Deadline: December 20

Do you need Business Cards?

If you are a full-time employee in need of business cards, please provide the following details to


-Official Title


-Phone Number

-Fax Number (optional Cell)

-College Email

If your position is grant funded, please make note of that in your email.

Do you need a Name Badge?

Please email Maggie Mash your request for a name badge.

Deadline: December 20

Email Maggie
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Check out our Holiday Reels

Cosmetic Arts Fashion Show, Christmas Parade, A Blue Christmas: Holiday Concert and Tree Lighting

Photos with Blue from Tree Lighting Event
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