Our Sunday service is online via Zoom ONLY

The Scoop

Sunday, July 2, 10:00am worship

"Declaration of Independence"

~ First Friday Women's Group

Our worship service will be via Zoom ONLY.

Click here to join our online worship service 

or call 646-558-8656 and enter Meeting ID 921 3956 4302, Passcode 266397

Click here for the Sunday, July 2 Order of Service

Please check our website and Facebook page for the latest info and updates about our Sunday services and other events.

Upcoming Events

  • Friday, July 7, 12:00pm, Daytime Women’s Group - Theresa Reynolds' home ~ Come join the First Friday Women's Group! Please bring your own lunch. Dessert and coffee will be provided. For more information contact Marilee ( or Theresa (

Upcoming Worship

  • Sunday, July 9, 10:00am, “TBA” ~ UUCHV

  • Sunday, July 16, 10:00am, “TBA” ~ FUSW Ethics Workshop Group

Share the Plate

For June, July and August, our Share the Plate donations will go to Neighbors Link. The mission of Neighbors Link is to strengthen the whole community through the healthy integration of immigrants. Their mission is achieved by filling a service gap for new immigrant families, offering education and empowerment programs, involving longer-term residents in volunteer opportunities and creating substantive partnerships with other local organizations. Their strategies to educate, empower and employ families include a Worker Center, English as a Second Language (ESL) education, legal services and advocacy, workforce development, parent education, early childhood programs and academic support for school-age children of immigrants.

We collect for our Share-the-Plate partner throughout the month. Visit, click “Donate,” and select “Share the Plate.”

One summer worship service is still open!

As you know, we are sharing summer Sunday services with our fellow UUs in Croton (UU Congregation of the Hudson Valley). All of FUSW's Sundays have been claimed--except for one: July 30 is still available. If you and/or your FUSW friends would like to present the service that Sunday, please contact Diane Guernsey (

Help us search for a new home!

The FUSW Board has established a New Home Committee for the purpose of searching for a more permanent home for FUSW. The committee is charged with conducting a search for appropriate rental property for FUSW that would include space for a kitchen, office, and storage space and that would provide a home for our piano. Any friends or members of the congregation interested in being included on the committee should contact Lenore Lupie (

Spend the Summer with FUSW Friends

Enjoy the summer in Westchester County. We encourage you to attend the many free concerts and events, and to consider inviting others to "meet up" with you there. There are concerts at Untermeyer Park; events at the Hudson River Museum amphitheater; Jazz Forum Arts concerts at Dobbs Ferry, Tarrytown, Lyndhurst, Sleepy Hollow, and Ossining; Farmers Markets (and stay for coffee).

Let us know of other opportunities for in person meet ups! 

From the Reproductive Justice Team at Community UU Congregation at White Plains:


Action Alert: Got friends in Florida? Forward this petition for women's healthcare!

In April, Florida lawmakers passed, and Gov. DeSantis signed, a new law that if it goes into effect, would ban abortion beyond six weeks of pregnancy — before many people even realize they are pregnant.

We are asking you to support Floridians Protecting Freedom ( and their ballot initiative campaign to amend the Florida Constitution to limit government interference in our reproductive health decisions and to protect abortion access.

We need to get almost 900,000 signatures, from a broad geographic spread across Florida, to be placed on the ballot. 

Help Floridians reclaim their reproductive freedom by asking friends and family to print, sign, and mail the Floridians Protecting Freedom petition today. Signers must be registered Florida voters. This constitutional amendment will protect ALL Floridians' freedom to decide what is best for their own bodies and lives.

Please contact CUUC Friend (and former member) Karen Schmitt if you have any questions (

FUSW Contacts & Information

Questions, Concerns, or Compliments for FUSW? Reach out to any member of our Board of Trustees, (place cursor over the picture, then right-mouse click to copy the email).

Board of Trustees - The Board usually meets on the second Monday of each month via Zoom at 7:45pm. Click here to join our meeting on Zoom. Meetings are open to any member of FUSW. For confidential matters, non-Board members will be asked to leave temporarily. At the end of the meeting, there will be an open forum, during which non-Board members can speak about topics of concern, limiting remarks to two minutes. To access the minutes from previous meetings, visit the Members page of and click on Board Minutes Archive. 

Scheduling Zoom Meetings or Submitting Information for The Scoop and FUSW Calendar - Contact our Administrator, Rina Schunk ( For Zoom meetings, please include the purpose and preferred date/time. Articles for The Scoop are due by Wednesday at 10:00am. 

We are a liberal religious community
shaping the world in our image of love
Deepening Spirituality · Nurturing Community · Advancing Justice / 914-478-2710
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