How can early childhood educators make a difference?
Be there for the children. You can be that special person for the children in your care to foster Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) every day through your individual interactions. Your supportive and soothing response when a child is anxious, angry, or afraid provides that child with the support that nurtures their development.
Be there for the families. Being a parent is stressful and we all deal with stress differently. It’s important to build those relationships with the families you work with so that if or when they encounter a stressful situation, you already have created a safe place to help them work through that challenging experience.
Be there for the community. Spread awareness for Child Abuse Prevention Month by displaying blue pinwheels. The pinwheel is one symbol of Child Abuse Prevention Month and planting them outside along the walkway, in your flower gardens, or displaying them inside is a great way to spark curiosity and start conversations in the community.