April 2024

Here's "The Scoop!" on Strengthening Families

Hello Providers!

As April showers us with new beginnings and fresh starts, we want to send a huge thank you to all the amazing child care providers out there!

Your love and laughter make every day brighter for the kids in your care. Thanks you for all that you do!

~ Child Care Aware of NH

Got something specific on your mind that you'd like us to cover? We're all ears! Your thoughts and ideas shape this newsletter, so send us an email at outreach2ccrr@snhs.org.

TA Tip: Be There!

Since 1984 April has been known as the National Child Abuse Prevention Month. This month a more focused effort is made to raise public awareness and inspire communities to act on behalf of our country’s children.  Studies show the impact of neglect on a child can harm a child’s development. It may lower a child’s self-esteem, affect their social skills, or may create challenging behaviors. The severity of the impact depends on the age of the child and the duration and severity of the neglect. 

Child Neglect Prevention

How can early childhood educators make a difference?   


Be there for the children. You can be that special person for the children in your care to foster Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) every day through your individual interactions. Your supportive and soothing response when a child is anxious, angry, or afraid provides that child with the support that nurtures their development.  


Be there for the families.  Being a parent is stressful and we all deal with stress differently. It’s important to build those relationships with the families you work with so that if or when they encounter a stressful situation, you already have created a safe place to help them work through that challenging experience. 


Be there for the community.  Spread awareness for Child Abuse Prevention Month by displaying blue pinwheels. The pinwheel is one symbol of Child Abuse Prevention Month and planting them outside along the walkway, in your flower gardens, or displaying them inside is a great way to spark curiosity and start conversations in the community. 

This TA Tip was graciously shared by Connie Davis,

Family Child Care Support Specialist.

Child Care Aware of NH offers a Progressive Training & Technical Assistance Program on Strengthening Families, and you can learn more and apply at the link below

CCAoNH Progressive Training & Technical Assistance Program on Strengthening Families

Resources for Providers

Positive Childhood Experiences

Resources for Families

April is Prevention Month!

Strengthening Families helps to build strong communities, and child care programs play a big role in this effort. Providers can help build protective factors in families with young children, building on individual family strengths and guiding caregivers with information they need to support healthy child growth and development.

The Five Protective Factors are: 

• Parental Resilience  

• Social Connections  

• Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development  

• Concrete Support in Times of Need  

• Social and Emotional Competence of Children 

Join New Hampshire Children’s Trust in celebrating Prevention Month, a time to recognize the strengths of families and the communities that uplift them! Every April we have the opportunity to not only acknowledge the challenges families face, but also celebrate their incredible resilience. Family is New Hampshire’s best investment, and together, we can build strong communities where every child and family thrives.

Ever wondered how you are prevention? Check out New Hampshire Children’s Trust’s 2024 Resource Guide to learn how you play a role in creating safe and nurturing environments for children, and how else you can support NH families.

Celebrate Prevention Month!
New Hampshire Children’s Trust’s 2024 Resource Guide

Positive Parenting Tips

“As a parent you give your children a good start in life—you nurture, protect and guide them. Parenting is a process that prepares your child for independence. As your child grows and develops, there are many things you can do to help your child. These links will help you learn more about your child’s development, positive parenting, safety, and health at each stage of your child’s life."

Positive Parenting Tips - CDC

Child Care Aware of NH is a Child Care Resource and Referral Program of Southern New Hampshire Services. The preparation of this (report, document, etc.) was financed under a Contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, with funds provided in part by the State of New Hampshire and/or such other funding sources as were available or required, e.g., the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

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