January 2024

Here's "The Scoop" on High Quality!

Happy New Year, Providers!

Wishing all early childhood educators a fantastic start to the year ahead! Your dedication is incredible, and we're here to support you through this chilly season.


~ Child Care Aware of NH

Got something specific on your mind that you'd like us to cover? We're all ears! Your thoughts and ideas shape this newsletter, so send us an email at outreach2ccrr@snhs.org.

TA Tip: High Quality

Every family who is looking for child care wants to know their child is enrolled in a high-quality program. Take a few moments to reflect on the environment and interactions at your program to ensure you are providing high quality child care.

Is This the Right Place for My Child Checklist


  1. Look at your program’s daily schedule to see if there is a mix of indoor and outdoor, active and quiet, and teacher directed and free play activities.   
  2. Look at the toys and materials to see if there is a variety for the different age groups you care for and if they are accessible to the children. 



  1. Listen to the adults. Are you warm and welcoming? Do you give each child individual attention? 
  2. Listen to your interactions with the children. You should hear a positive, nurturing tone of voice at an appropriate volume level. 


If you would like to share your passion and commitment to providing high quality child care with the families you work with, check out the link below for more information on becoming Credentialed. The credential looks very impressive on your wall, and we willbe happy to help you with the process.    

Credentialing - NH Connections

This TA Tip was graciously shared by Connie Davis,

Family Child Care Support Specialist.

Child Care Aware of NH is here to assist you! To learn more about how we can support your practice, please refer to our Services and Supports Guide.

2023-2024 Services and Support Guide

Quality Care Matters - NH's Quality Recognition and Improvement System (QRIS)

NH has a voluntary quality recognition system for licensed child care providers, known as Granite Steps for Quality (GSQ). With this QRIS, programs will focus on two quality standards which will promote a culture of continuous quality improvement.

GSQ uses a systemic approach, recognizing quality practices that meet a set of defined standards and supports programs on a path to Continuous Quality Improvement.

GSQ focuses on two Standards: 

Standard 1: Staff Qualifications 

Standard 2: Learning Environments*  

*Family Child Care Providers and Center-Based Early Childhood Programs have the option of two pathways for Standard 2: Environment Rating Scales pathway or Pyramid Model pathway. 

Quality Care Matters - NH Connections
Granite Steps For Quality Guide

Learn More about Environment Rating Scales (ERS) with Child Care Aware of NH

Child Care Aware of NH offers all early care and education programs training on the Environment Ratings Scales

Environment Rating Scales - NH Connections
Register on NHCIS

Upcoming Intro and Overview of the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) Training Opportunities:

Register through NHCIS

Upcoming Community of Practice (CoP): Beyond the Intro and Overview of ERS Training Opportunities:

Mastering Classroom Transitions in the Winter

Resources for Providers

2023-2024 Early Childhood Credential Challenge

Get ready for the Early Childhood Credential Challenge happening right now!

Whether you choose to participate individually or team up with colleagues, this is your chance to engage in credentialing and be acknowledged for your professional growth.

Celebrate achievements in education, skills, and your dedicated service in our field. The Credential Challenge offers an enjoyable experience and the opportunity to win fantastic prizes.

Plus, don't forget to take advantage of valuable technical assistance from Child Care Aware along the way.

Credentialing - NH Connections
View the Credential Challenge Flyer
Individual Credential Commitment Form
Team Credential Commitment Form
Credential Professional Development and Virtual Office Hours Flyer

Upcoming Professional Development sessions to support Credentialing:

Creating a Professional Development Plan using the NH Workforce Competencies

Register through NHCIS

NH Early Childhood Credential Process: Applying for Your Credential

Register through NHCIS

Additional Credentialing Support available during Virtual Office Hours:

Technical Assistance on Staff Qualifications

The Progressive Training and Technical Assistance Program (PTTAP) offers child care programs an opportunity to participate in focused and facilitated training and technical assistance. This program provides individualized technical assistance to improve program quality. 

Technical assistance, coaching and consultation is provided via the phone/email, virtually and/or onsite.

More Information on Technical Assistance

Staff Qualifications Initiative: Supports Programs and their staff in navigating the NHCIS Professional Registry, assess individual knowledge and skills using teacher competencies, creating annual professional development plans and applying for individual credentials and/or endorsements through the NH Early Childhood Professional Development System. Complete an application below to get personalized assistance from one of our Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Specialists!

2023 PTTAP Application

Please email application to ccrrta@snhs.org

Resources for Families

Choosing Child Care

Choosing Child Care that Boosts your Child's Developing Brain

Parents are their child’s first and most important teacher. Parents know that positive learning experiences at home and in the care of other trusted adults are important for helping children get ready for school and life. Families and early childhood educators are critical partners for building young children’s brains!

For families searching for child care in New Hampshire! Join us every 3rd Wednesday at 1:00-2:00 PM for a helpful session by Child Care Aware of NH on finding great childcare that suits their family.

Searching for the Right Child Care - Child Care Aware of NH
Register through Eventbrite

Helping Children Grow

Families are a child’s first teacher. They are instrumental in their child’s growth and development. Providers also play an important role in the early learning process.

Together, families and providers can utilize tools to better support the children that they care for. Click the link below to access resources that promote child development.

Helping Children Grow - NH Connections

News & Resources from Our Collaborative Partners

CCSNH Early Childhood Grant Programs

The Community College System of NH (CCSNH) has the resources, expertise and passion to support students completing certificate and degree programs, empowering them through inclusive, engaging, and inspirational courses paired with real world learning opportunities.

Completing your ECE program through CCSNH will equip you to intentionally foster the growth of joy and knowledge in the lives of children.

Click the link below to learn more about eligibility and funding!

CCSNH Early Childhood Grant Programs

UNH-CPS Early Childhood Grant Options

The UNH College of Professional Studies is pleased to offer eligible student applicants tuition assistance toward two courses per term.

Apply to receive tuition assistance through the Early Childhood Tuition Assistance (ECTA) and Preschool Development Grant (PDG) at the University of New Hampshire College of Professional Studies, funded by the NH Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration.

UNH CPS - Early Childhood Grant Options

Child Care Aware of NH is a Child Care Resource and Referral Program of Southern New Hampshire Services. The preparation of this (report, document, etc.) was financed under a Contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, with funds provided in part by the State of New Hampshire and/or such other funding sources as were available or required, e.g., the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

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