Provider Appreciation Day is an annual celebration on the Friday before Mother’s Day. It’s a day when the world says, “Thank You” and recognizes the hard work and dedication of the people who, educate, support, and spend tireless amounts of time caring for other people’s children.
Many multi-age providers face the unique situation that you work where you live. This makes walking away from work at the end of the day or on weekends a little more challenging. You give your all to the families you serve in order to provide the highest-quality care in a loving, nurturing environment. Your dedication to the children and families makes it easy to put in the extra time outside your regular business hours to tweak the curriculum, work on a project, do some paperwork, or just clean one more thing.
But please remember to take care of yourself too. It’s important to remember that the work you do matters, and you matter too. Making time for your self-care regularly is essential. Self-care can be one of the best ways for you to recharge and be the best version of yourself for you and those in your care.
It’s easy to forget about yourself when you are busy taking care of others. Make sure to find time for self-care and to do something you enjoy. Maybe you find joy in reading a book, taking a long bath, or simply having some alone time to close your eyes for a silent moment. We are told exercise can lower anxiety and improve your sleep and mood, in addition to helping you feel more focused and relaxed, so maybe you could take a few moments to go for a walk. You deserve it! You are essential and taking care of yourself is essential too.
From all of us at CCAoNH, thank you for all you do! We appreciate you!