The Scoop: For Mixed Age Care

October 2023

Child Care Aware of NH Updates

14th Annual Fall Leadership Summit

View the Flyer

Join Child Care Aware of NH, a program of Southern NH Services, for the 14th Annual Fall Leadership Summit with Natasha Coco Benitez!

Coach Coco inspires others as a successful wellness coach, promoting well-being

and finding balance in life.

Join us Thursday, November 2nd via Zoom from 12:00PM-1:30PM to indulge in learning helpful tools to become more mindful of your behaviors, interrupt negative habits, and embrace positive ones for a joyful life, and capping off the session with an interactive storytelling scavenger hunt!

Register Here!

NH Cares Scholarship

If attending the Leadership Summit is cost-prohibitive and you are a provider currently working 30 hours or more; you qualify. This scholarship will cover the total fee to attend the Leadership Summit. The “NH Cares Scholarship” is non-refundable and non-transferable. To receive the NH Cares Scholarship please send the information below to with the subject line "NH Cares Scholarship” and we will send you a Promo code to apply during registration.

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Place of employment
  • Hours you work per week
  • How the NH Cares Scholarship will benefit you

Email ccrrtraining

November is Family Engagement Month

November is Family Engagement Month here at SNHS, Child Care Aware of NH! We will be collaborating with Vroom all month long to bring you resources to share with your families.

Stay tuned for more information!

Follow Child Care Aware of New Hampshire on Facebook (CCAoNH) for updates!

CCAoNH Facebook

TA Tip: Continuity

of Care

Mixed-age care can be challenging at times but focusing on the relationships it fosters may help to be a reminder of all of the benefits. Mixed-age care allows the same teachers or Family Child Care providers to care for a group of children of all ages for multiple years.  

This Continuity of Care (COC) helps to establish trusting relationships between the children and their caregiver as well as with other children in the group. This is particularly important for infants and toddlers who benefit from a sense of security and attachment to their caregivers.

Over time, the children and caregivers develop a bond, creating a family-like atmosphere within the group. Families also benefit from these strong and long-lasting relationships with the caregiver, as they can build on the parent-teacher connection and bond with the caregiver over time.

The COC model also allows teachers to have a better understanding of each child's individual strengths and weaknesses, making it easier for them to tailor lesson plans to meet each child's needs.

This TA Tip was graciously shared by Connie Davis, Family Child Care Support Specialist.

Child Care Aware of NH is here to assist you! To learn more about how we can support your Mixed Age Practices, please refer to our Services and Supports Guide.

2023-2024 Services and Supports Guide

The Many Benefits of Continuity of Care for Infants, Toddlers, Families, and Caregiving Staff

Continuity of Care (COC) is based largely on attachment research that recognizes that infants and toddlers thrive in secure relationships with a small number of key adults. Click on the link below for more information on the many benefits of COC in mixed-age care programs.  

The Many Benefits of Continuity of Care for Infants, Toddlers, Families, and Caregiving Staff

Early Childhood Wraparound Model

NH Wraparound Model assists families with infants and young children in gaining the tools and supports needed to experience success and stability in their homes and communities. This wraparound model is different than a "typical" home based service sharing the benefits of engaging in a team dynamic. 

Check out NFI North and the Early Childhood Wraparound for more information.

Early Childhood Wraparound Brochure
NFI North - Early Childhood Wraparound

News & Resources from Our Collaborative Partners

Children's Environmental Health Day | October 12th

Children's Environmental Health (CEH) Day takes place on the second Thursday of October each year.

All children have the right to healthy environments in which to thrive. Environmental health means clean air; clean water; products free from harmful chemicals.

Take the FREE Environmental Health (use Code NHECO at checkout)
Take FREE Lead trainings on the ProSolutions website
View the Private Well Water Testing Toolkit for more information about testing your drinking water.

Parents, Providers, Caregivers:

Use the NH Environmental Health Guide to find fast answers to your questions from A-Z.
Children's Environmental Health Day 2023

Are you a new provider

or changing locations?

Contact NH APPLETREE for safe siting technical assistance.

Fire Prevention Week is October 8-14th here in NH. Check out your local Fire Department for how they are celebrating! See the link below for resources to support your curriculum.

Sparky School House

And for families, check out this great FREE resource.

The American Red Cross will install smoke detectors in homes for FREE! They will also help families with their “Fire Escape Plan”.

American Red Cross Free Smoke Alarm - Schedule an Appointment

Child Care Aware of New Hampshire is a Child Care Resource and Referral Program of Southern New Hampshire Services. The preparation of this document was financed under a Contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Economic and Housing Stability, Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration with funds provided in part by the State of New Hampshire and the US Department of Health and Human Services.

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