March 2024

Here's "The Scoop!"

As March arrives and spring comes closer, we want to say a big thank you to all of you dedicated child care providers.

Your love and kindness make a big difference in children's lives. We appreciate all the hard work you do every day.

~ Child Care Aware of NH

Got something specific on your mind that you'd like us to cover? We're all ears! Your thoughts and ideas shape this newsletter, so send us an email at

TA Tip: Building Family Engagement

Family Engagement is an important component of quality child care and research shows it can improve child and family outcomes.

Parents and Caregivers are their child’s first teachers and developing strong relationships with them is vital to improve child and family experiences. Family engagement benefits your child care program and the families you serve. It can be accomplished through simple daily interactions, hosting a fun family event, sharing community resources, involving families in curriculum planning based on their child’s strengths and interests, developing volunteer opportunities, and more! 

Here are a few family engagement ideas to consider: 

  • Invite families to share a favorite family photo or create an opportunity to take the family’s photo to print and hang in your program in an area where children and their families can see them each day.  
  • Create a wish list for recycled and gently used materials appropriate for Preschool-age children to enjoy while in your program. Parents and caregivers don’t always have the money or time to help on-site. However, they are happy to help in other ways, such as collecting needed items for the program. Ask for cardboard boxes, leftover yarn scraps, felt, ribbon, and fabric scraps. Additionally, specific children’s books and items to include in the dramatic play area can be fun and give families a sense of pride they can contribute in this way. 
  • Host a family pizza and game night.  
  • Create a Family Engagement Bulletin board or Binder to share resources that families may find helpful or services they need.  
  • NH Department of Health and Human Services NHEasy: SNAP, Child Care Scholarship information, etc.  
  • WIC contact information 
  • Early childhood screening locations and contact information 
  • Family Resource Center address and contact information and add a sample flyer for parent education 
  • Family-centered activities and events in your community 
  • List local parks, playgrounds, and community nature trails in your area 

For more ideas, write to us at and one of our outreach specialists will be happy to share more resources with you!

This TA Tip was graciously shared by Julie Choiniere, 

Training and Technical Assistance Specialist. 

Child Care Aware of NH is here to assist you! To learn more about how we can support your practice, please refer to our Services and Supports Guide.

2023-2024 Services and Support Guide

Resources for Providers

Three Ways to Engage and Empower Families

At its most basic level in early childhood education, family engagement is about the ways teachers and programs communicate to and with families. Deeper, more robust family engagement is about the centering of families as they are and using their input to inform instructional decision-making and goal-setting. This can empower families to be active and involved in the program in meaningful ways.

Three Ways to Engage and Empower Families

Family Engagement Activities and Resources for Child Care Providers

Family Engagement Activities
Actividades para participación de la familia

Resources for Families

Fall in Love with Reading: 10 Simple Things You Can Do At Home

There are many ways to enjoy reading with your child. Here are a few ways to make reading a fun part of your everyday life.

Fall in Love with Reading: Ten Simple Things you Can Do at Home

Book Tips

These free, downloadable resources offer tips for building children’s life skills based on classic and diverse children’s books.

Check out the Mind in the Making, Skill Building Book tips page here and sort by age and life skill.

Mind in the Making - Book Tips

Child Care Aware of NH is a Child Care Resource and Referral Program of Southern New Hampshire Services. The preparation of this (report, document, etc.) was financed under a Contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, with funds provided in part by the State of New Hampshire and/or such other funding sources as were available or required, e.g., the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

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