The Score Information for IM researchers, all in one place

Researcher Information/Updates

Awards & Nominations

Workshops & Retreats

Funding Opportunities

IM Research News


Call for 2025 SURP and SUARP Mentors

Are you interested in mentoring a student for our department’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) or Summer Undergraduate Alcohol Research Program (SUARP) for the summer of 2025? Take the first step and complete the mentor questionnaire or scan the QR code (left).

Contact Toni Goeser with questions.

2024 IM SURP & SUARP students

Researcher Information/Updates

The Writing Center @ UNMC: Fall Schedule 

The Writing Center @ UNMC offers free one-on-one consultations with trained advisors to all University of Nebraska Medical Center students, faculty, and staff to help improve writing abilities, critical thinking and productive reading skills, and effective communication. The Writing Center @ UNMC is staffed by consultants from the University of Nebraska Omaha Writing Center and is currently offering both in-person and online appointments. 

Fall Schedule:

Mondays: In-person: noon-5 p.m. | Online: 5–6 p.m.  

Tuesdays: In-person: 3-6 p.m. | Online: 6–8 p.m. 

Wednesdays: Online: 2–6 p.m.

Thursdays: In-person: 3-6 p.m. | Online: 6–8 p.m. 

Open Access Publishing Discounts through McGoogan Library

Cambridge University Press has been added to the list of publishers offering Open Access (OA) publishing discounts to UNMC authors.  

UNMC authors whose articles are accepted on or after January 1, 2024, for publication in most Cambridge University Press journals (download list of participating journals) can choose to publish their work OA at no cost to themselves. Eligible article types include research articles, rapid communications, review articles, brief reports, and case reports with a UNMC corresponding author. 

The McGoogan Health Sciences Library supports OA publishing at UNMC through participation in agreements with a number of scholarly publishers. These agreements enable UNMC authors to publish their articles OA in selected journals at no cost to themselves. 

View a list of current OA publishing agreements. 

For questions regarding these agreements, contact Heather Brown, Scholarly Communications Librarian. 

Research Match

ResearchMatch is a free participant recruitment and feasibility analysis tool for researchers at participating institutions. This tool is funded by the NIH and offered at no cost to researchers who are conducting health-related research. To learn more or register, visit the ResearchMatch website.

Contact Toni Goeser if you have an announcement regarding researcher information that you'd like to share.

Awards & Nominations


VCR's annual Research Award ceremony

Save the date!

This event will be held on Nov. 14 at 4 p.m. in the Durham Research Center Auditorium and will recognize the top researchers from all colleges and institutes across UNMC. Please make plans to attend and celebrate fellow Internal Medicine faculty awardees!

Kaleb Michaud, PhD

Research Leadership

Sara Hurtado Bares, MD

New Investigator

Harshraj Leuva, MBBS

New Investigator

See the full list of 2024 awardees.


The University of Nebraska System’s President's Excellence Awards

Nominations are now being accepted for the President's Excellence Awards. Consider nominating a fellow faculty member for one of the following research-related awards:

Faculty IP Innovation and Commercialization Award (FIPICA): Honors University of Nebraska faculty members who have developed and nurtured new intellectual property from concept to licensing/startup business.

Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award (ORCA): Honors University of Nebraska faculty members who have conducted outstanding research or creative activity of national/international significance.

Innovation, Development and Engagement Award (IDEA): Honors members of the University of Nebraska faculty who have extended their academic expertise beyond the boundaries of the University in ways that have enriched the broader community.

Applications are due by January 10, 2025. Award recipients will be selected in Spring 2025. Visit the webpage for more information and to submit your nomination.

Contact Toni Goeser if you have an Award/Nomination announcement that you would like to share.

Workshops and Retreats

Innovation Week 2024 Schedule - New!

Every fall, UNeMed sponsors Innovation Week, a popular series of events intended to celebrate and promote innovation and research at UNMC and UNO.

Tuesday, Nov. 5

Seminar: The Design Thinking Experience | McGoogan Design Hub, noon-1 p.m. | Learn about the free Design Thinking resources available in the Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library’s Design Hub. Presenters will walk attendees through the process of approaching a healthcare challenge using Design Thinking methodology.

Wednesday, Nov. 6

Panel: Alternate Careers in Science | DRCI 1005, noon-1 p.m. | Expert panel of scientists will discuss their careers away from the research bench and other opportunities available graduate students and researchers. A boxed lunch will be provided to guests on a first-come, first-served basis. Open and free to all.

Thursday, Nov. 7

Workshop: Hands-on 3D Printing & Design | McGoogan Linder Maker Studio, 10:30 a.m.-noon | Learn your way around a 3D printer and how to make the most of the free maker software and equipment available inside the Jim and Karen Linder Maker Studio at the Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library.

Lunch & Learn: UNeTech Services Showcase | DRCI 1004 & Zoom, noon-1 p.m. | Staff from the UNeTech Institute will discuss all the services they offer inventors to help advance their early-stage ideas into actual things. A boxed lunch will be provided to guests on a first-come, first-served basis. Open and free to all. Zoom link:

Catalyst Tours | UNMC Catalyst, 4 p.m.-6 p.m. | A limited number of guided hardhat tours will usher guests through the UNMC Catalyst building project located on Saddle Creek Road, just north of Leavenworth Street. Guests must wear closed-toe shoes, and hard hats will be provided. Tours are by reservation, but anyone can sign up here:

Research Innovation Awards Reception | UNMC Catalyst, 5-8 p.m. | A celebration of the research and innovations developed at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. All faculty, students and staff who contributed to a new invention disclosure, received a U.S. patent or had a technology licensed during the fiscal year will be honored. Special awards for Innovator of the Year, Faculty Entrepreneur, Innovation Champion, Startup of the Year and the Most Promising New Invention of 2024 will also be presented. Contact UNeMed to request an invitation.

Visit the website for more information.

Funding Opportunities


Nebraska Center for Cancer Prevention COBRE Program in Search of a Research Project Leader

Applications are being accepted for a Research Project Leader for BCC's Nebraska Center for Cancer Prevention (NCCP) COBRE Program. The NCCP will provide the following to Early-Stage Investigators whose research focuses on cancer prevention:

  • R01-level funding;
  • dedicated mentoring;
  • access to core resources;
  • inclusion in a program whose central focus is to provide you the resources and guidance to attain R01 funding and to become an independent investigator and ultimately a leader in the field.


  • Applicant must be an Early-Stage Investigator (ESI) [Determining Early Stage Investigator (ESI) Status]
  • Applicant's proposed research project must relate to cancer prevention
  • Applicant will be committed to working with leaders of the NCCP, specifically Ray Bergan (Director) and Ed Peters (Associate Director), to put together a high-quality proposal (Aims page + 6-page Research Proposal) according to a timeline that will permit its inclusion into a broader application. In essence, this means working with us to have your proposal completed by the end of December 2024.
  • Applicant should be committed to becoming an independent researcher and leader in the field of cancer prevention.
  • The applicant should submit their aims page and NIH biosketch to Ray Bergan by November 7, 2024.

Contact Ray Bergan with questions.


Community-Academic Partnership Program

Community-Engaged Research Pilot Project Award: A total of $25,000 is available. The application must detail an existing or forming community-academic partnership and how the partnership will use the funds to improve community health.

Community-Engaged Capacity Development Award: A total of $15,000 is available for three small awards at approximately $5,000 each. The purpose is to provide project development seed funding for investigators working to (1) develop or engage community partnerships for project design or planning purposes or (2) engage PBRN to identify local priorities and begin project planning.


Applications are due Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 5 PM CST. The earliest starting date will be July 1, 2025.

View flyer | Apply here


NIH Now Accepting Extramural Loan Repayment Program Applications

The NIH is now accepting applications for the Extramural Loan Repayment Program (LRP)! Awardees can receive up to $100,000 in qualified educational debt repayment with a two-year award.

To learn more about eligibility requirements, application dates, and the benefits of receiving an LRP award, be sure to visit the LRP website, check out our overview video, and attend one of our upcoming events:

October 7 – LRP Technical Assistance Webinar

November 6 – Ask Me Anything

Please note that the deadline to submit your Extramural LRP application is November 21, 2024.


Damon Runyon Physician-Scientist Training Award

In an effort to confront the crisis arising from a growing dearth of physician-scientists, Damon Runyon encourages more physicians to pursue research careers through a program designed to recruit outstanding U.S. Specialty Board-eligible physicians (MDs or DOs only) into cancer research careers by providing them with the opportunity for a protected research training experience under the mentorship of a highly qualified and gifted mentor after they have completed all of their cancer clinical training.

The goals of the program are to:

  • Transform these individuals into the highest quality physician-scientists, capable of conducting research that has the potential to transform the diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention of cancer.
  • Eliminate the financial disincentive to entering this career path.

The award will provide up to $460,000 over four years in financial support for

the award recipient. In addition, the Foundation will retire up to $100,000 of

medical school debt still owed. The application deadline for the Physician-

Scientist Training Award is December 2, 2024.

Visit the website for more information.



Applied Analytics & Data Infrastructure Catalyst Program

University of Nebraska faculty across all campuses and disciplines are invited to submit proposals for the Applied Analytics and Data Infrastructure (AADI) Catalyst Program — an initiative to support the rigor of high-quality field-based human research.

The maximum award request is $5,000. The open application deadline to submit proposals is December 4, 2024.

Visit the website for more information.


The Internal Medicine Scientist Development Award

This award is designed to support promising Department of Internal Medicine faculty candidates in the transition from fellowship/post-doctoral training or as early faculty into a career as an independent researcher. The award is intended to target individuals who plan to embark on long-term careers in biomedical and/or clinical research. The purpose of this award is to provide support for early faculty (at the level of Instructor or Assistant Professor) during which the applicant would participate in a mentored research training program. Applicants should be in the process of completing the final year of fellowship, with a faculty appointment anticipated by July 1, 2025, or in the first two years of a faculty appointment at the time of submission.

Award Amount: Up to $100,000 in total funds for 1 year

All applications must be emailed to Toni Goeser by 5 pm on December 5, 2024.

Application guidelines | UNMC SDA webpage



Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Data Science Methodology Pilot Award

The Great Plains IDeA-CTR Network is pleased to announce an opportunity for Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Data Science Methodology pilot funding through an NIH/NIGMS grant. The successful applicant will receive up to $30,000 in direct costs for a one-year project, as well as access to resources of the Great Plains IDeA-CTR to support their research efforts. The deadline to apply is 5:00 pm on December 23, 2024. The earliest project start date will be July 1, 2025.

View the flyer for more information and application instructions.


Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award 

The Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award supports independent young physician-scientists conducting disease-oriented research that demonstrates a high level of innovation and creativity. The goal is to support the best young physician-scientists doing work aimed at improving the practice of cancer medicine. 

The Clinical Investigator Award responds to three recognized realities:

  1. Though there has never been a more pressing need or more promising time for clinical cancer research, fewer young physicians enter this area of investigation every year.
  2. The number of institutions committed to training young physicians in the scientific discipline and methodologies of clinical investigation is critically low.
  3. The burden of medical school debt (averaging over $100,000) discourages many physicians from pursuing clinical investigation.

The $600,000 award will be for a period of three years. Funding in the amount of $200,000 will be allocated to the awardee’s institution each year for the support of the Clinical Investigator.

Visit the website for more information.

NIH Funding Opportunities

To view a list of current and upcoming NIH funding opportunities, visit their webpage. To sign up for email news alerts and RSS feeds to receive the latest grants news, upcoming event information, click here.

Internal Medicine Research News

New! Internal Medicine CY2023 Annual Research Report

If you have not gotten a chance to check out the department's 2023 Annual Research Report, you can do so here.


Has a researcher in your division recently received a substantial grant or research award? Have they been featured in a major publication? Does your division have other exciting research-related news to share with the department? Email Toni Goeser with the details if you would like to feature it in The Score!

Internal Medicine Research Council (IMRC) Members

For more information about research in your division, please reach out to your division's IMRC member(s):

Roslyn Mannon, MD

Vice Chair for Research

Matthew Lunning, DO, FACP

Associate Vice Chair for Research, Hematology & Oncology

Lisa Chudomelka, MA

Associate Vice Chair, Research Administration and Development

Research Grants Administrator

Amber Brown-Keebler, MD

General Internal Medicine

Said Chaaban, MD

Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine

Infectious Diseases
Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism
Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Thuy Koll, MD

Geriatrics, Gerontology & Palliative Medicine

Anupam Kotwal, MD

Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism

Scott Lundgren, DO, MS

Cardiovascular Medicine

Angie Peppers, MBA

Internal Medicine Vice Chair, Finance & Administration

Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Prasanth Ravipati, MD


Hospital Medicine
Hospital Medicine

Todd Wyatt, PhD

Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine

Director, ACOR-N

If there is research information you would like to see included in this weekly correspondence, please email Toni Goeser

UNMC Department of Internal Medicine
983332 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-3332