St. James Cathedral is hiring an Assistant for Social Outreach and Advocacy. The incumbent will provide support for the Cathedral’s ministries for the poor and underserved, with a particular focus during the pandemic on meal programs and care for creation. This is a 25-29 hour/week position, non-exempt. To receive a job description and details, interested applicants should download the Seattle Archdiocesan Job Application and send it with a resume, via e-mail, to Patrick Barredo, director of social outreach and advocacy, 206-619-2879, pbarredo@stjames-cathedral.org.

The Western Washington University Newman Center located in Bellingham, WA is seeking the employment of one individual as a full-time Campus Minister. The Campus minister is tasked, under the direction of the director, to assist in providing appropriate care to students within the Peer Ministry team and across campus. The Campus Minister will creatively support the further promotion of the WWU Newman Center on the campus of WWU, focusing on hospitality, events, and collaboration between the Peer Ministry team and FOCUS missionaries. Additionally, this position will supervise the Peer Ministry team and assist in the programmatic aspects of the ministry. Please look over the full job description here: WWU Newman Center Campus Minister Full Job Description and send cover letter and resume to Emma Fisher, Director of Campus Ministry, at emmafisher@wwunewman.com
NEW: Adult eSports Rocket League!

Get ready for a 3v3 Rocket League season. Put together one or more parish teams and play against other young adult teams from all across the Archdiocese. Deadline to register is February 8th. You must be 18+ to play.
For gameplay details and registration go here.

If you'd like to play but don't have a team, contact Annie Bailey at ana.bailey@seattlearch.org
  • Northern
  • Snohomish

  • Eastside
  • North Seattle
  • South Seattle

  • Olympic
  • Pierce
  • South King

  • South Sound
  • Southern

Events listed below may be a mixture of virtual and in-person gatherings.

Please be sure to also check your local parish website for specific online events, daily/Sunday Mass, online group studies, etc.

All leaders are encouraged to follow the directives of their pastor, the Archbishop and public health authorities regarding events at this time.
Thank you, and God bless you!
w = Reoccurs Weekly    bi-w = Reoccurs Every Other Week    m = Reoccurs Monthly    ! = New Event
Friday, 8:00am, online via Facebook and Vimeo, in-person at St. James Cathedral, Seattle
  • Archbishop Paul D. Etienne invites you to the Mass for Life, a day of prayer for the legal protection for unborn children. In-person registration is required to attend at the Cathedral and space is limited. Or watch the livestream at @ArchidoceseofSeattle here on Facebook or Vimeo.
Sunday, 1:00pm-2:30pm, online and hosted by the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center (IPJC), Seattle
  • At this café, will discuss the value of essential workers and their vital role during the pandemic; share on the dignity and value of work; and actions we can take to promote the dignity of work. To join, email Samantha at syanity@ipjc.org and she will give you the Zoom information.
Join us for one hour on each of the six days: January 3 & 17, February 7 & 21, March 7 & 21. Contact Sr. Christine Still at cstill@osfphila.org to sign up or for more information. Hosted by the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia.
Tuesdays, via Zoom and hosted by The Sisters of Mercy
  • The Sisters of Mercy are hosting the northern AVOW discussion group, by Zoom, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Contact Sr. Moira at: srmoira@msn.com. To learn more about AVOW, click here.
Sunday [w] 8:00pm-9:00pm online via Zoom, hosted by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Bothell.
  • Join us for Bible Study, praise and worship music, prayer, and fellowship! Contact Kianna Garmanian at kianna123@hotmail.com for more information.
Monday [w] 7:30pm-9pm online via Zoom, hosted by Assumption Church, Bellingham.
  • Join us for a bible study on John to dive deeper into Scripture. Check our Facebook group for updates or contact Rose Achey at roselachey@gmail.com
Friday, Jan. 22, 2021, 7:00pm-8:00pm at Holy Rosary Church, Edmonds
  • Join in prayer for the protection of vulnerable human life in all its stages from conception until natural death. There will be Adoration, music, and reflections. Social distancing and masks required.

Friday [w] 6:30pm-8:00pm, Zoom and in person (socially distanced) options available - Assumption Church, Bellingham
  • In order to heal you must stay focused on Jesus. This ministry provides a space to share our struggles and challenges in a confidential, informative, and charitable way. Every week we have a different speaker teach on one of the mysteries of the Rosary. We then invite others to share about their own experiences and interpretations of that mystery. We incorporate Scripture, Tradition, and lay teaching in each of our meetings. All are welcome! For more information, visit our homepage.
Monday [w] 6:30pm-8:00pm online and hosted by St. James Cathedral, Seattle
  • Join this six-week program with other Catholics who have been away from active participation in the Church. Experience community, learn about changes to the Church, ask questions and perhaps again become part of your faith community. Please contact Rosanne at rmichaels@stjames-cathedral.org or 206-790-1519 with questions or to sign up.

Thursday [w] 7:00pm online via Zoom. Hosted by Eastside Disciples
  • Join us for a weekly virtual discussion on the next Sunday's readings. We're using ZOOM as our communication platform. Please contact eastsidedisciples@outlook.com for zoom meeting information.

Friday [w] 7:00pm, online via Zoom and hosted by Catholic Newman Center at UW, Seattle
  • Calling all undergrad and young adult ladies! It's about time we sat down for a girl's night. Our weekly or biweekly meetings will be a blend of fellowship and discussing our faith. Let's build our community and bring each other to Christ! The Zoom link will be posted in the Facebook comments on the day of the event. Contact Anna for more information.

Saturday [w] 10:00am, online via Zoom and hosted by Holy Family Church, Kirkland
  • Are you looking for a way to refuel and be refreshed while making authentic connections with others? Walking with Purpose transforms the lives and hearts of women by providing bible studies that enable women to know Christ through Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church. For more information, contact Alyssa or Jennifer at walkingwithpurposehfk@gmail.com.

Sunday [w] 7:00pm-8:00pm online via Zoom. Hosted by St. James Cathedral, Seattle
  • It happens every Sunday night. Please contact Rosanne for questions or more information. In order to receive a Zoom Invite, please RSVP to rmichaels@stjames-cathedral.org by Sunday at Noon.
Monday [w] 6:30pm-8:00pm, online via Zoom and hosted by Holy Disciples Young Adults, Puyallup
  • Every Monday young adults have the opportunity to grow in their faith and having a deeper connection within four Catholic community. Topics vary weekly and anyone can join. Send a message via Facebook to receive the Zoom link. Contact A'Dailya at adailya.bontemps@yahoo.com or 253-820-0973 with any questions.

Monday [w] online via Facebook
  • Young adults in the Greater Tacoma/Pierce County area are invited to delve in the Word and faith share while we discuss the daily readings. Mass Consumption will continue to commune online via posts on Facebook for the daily readings. We encourage everyone to participate in enriching our online presence. For more information, contact Diana.

Friday [w] 6:30pm, hosted by St. Andrew Parish Young Adults, Sumner
  • Becoming Saints is meeting in person! With social distance measures in place, join us to reflect on the upcoming Sunday readings and also for a lovely campfire!Please e-mail Catherine or go to our webpage for more contact info, and contact Catherine for the meeting address.

Sunday, 7:00pm at St. Anthony Church, Renton
  • Young Adults! Join us for our next "Break-In" holy hour this coming Sunday at 7pm! For those who cannot make it, know that we're keeping you in our prayers.Come as you are, that is, with a mask. No registration needed. /¡Jóvenes adultos! ¡Acompáñenos en nuestra próxima "Break-In" hora santa el domingo a las 7pm! Si no nos puede acompañar, estará en nuestras oraciones.

Sunday [w] 6:30pm at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Bremerton
  • On Sunday nights we will have supper and fellowship (BYOB for those 21+, but non-alcoholic beverages will be provided) along with one of the following: guided discussion (theology on tap style), video series and small group discussion, Bible studies, game nights, talks and testimonies, and Adoration. For more information, contact Bethany Szamocki.
Wednesday [w] Hosted by Holy Redeemer Church, Vancouver
  • The gatherings are on hold for a few weeks. Please check back for updated information. If you would like to join us for an online Wednesday Night Gathering via zoom, please contact Kevin for more information.
Events listed below are a mixture of virtual and in-person gatherings.
Events will be updated as needed as the Coronavirus shelter in place order mandates and all social distancing protocols for in-person gatherings must be followed .
01.31.21 The Wild Goose - Video and Discussion Group at St. Mary Magdalen Church, Everett

01.31.21 Interfaith Cooperation Presentation online and hosted by Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Vancouver
Are you a Hispanic young adult who loves your faith and wants to grow in community? Check out our Pastoral Juvenil Hispana FB & Instagram!
The Scroll contains a list of events + links to external websites. These events + links are being provided as a convenience + for informational purposes only. This does not constitute endorsement of the event. The Young Adult Ministry office of the Archdiocese of Seattle bears no responsibility for any of the policies, views, products or services offered, or the content of the events or websites. Users who attend these events or rely on these links do so on their own responsibility.