Events listed below may be a mixture of virtual and in-person gatherings.
Please be sure to also check your local parish website for specific online events, daily/Sunday Mass, online group studies, etc.
All leaders are encouraged to follow the directives of their pastor, the Archbishop and public health authorities regarding events at this time.
Thank you, and God bless you!
- Eastside
- North Seattle
- South Seattle
- Olympic
- Pierce
- South King
w = Reoccurs Weekly bi-w = Reoccurs Every Other Week m = Reoccurs Monthly ! = New Event
Saturday, Livestreamed via Facebook and Vimeo or in person at St. James Cathedral, Seattle
Join Archbishop Paul D. Etienne, Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, and Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg in celebrating the saints from our diverse cultural communities. Registration is required if attending in-person. View the flyer here. For questions or more information, contact Deacon Carl Chilo at carl.chilo@seattlearch.org or 206-382-4828.
Sunday, November 8, 2:00pm, online via Zoom, hosted by the Office of Vocations
Men in the Archdiocese of Seattle age 13-40 are invited to join a presentation by Associate Director of Vocations Fr. Justin Ryan on learning about the priesthood, steps for discernment, seminary life, and more! Register in advance and you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Tuesday, 7:00pm online via Zoom
Join us for our fall Theology on Tap series, COVID style (aka: online!). Grab your favorite beverage and join us for the evening! This fall, we will introduce a new speaker each month to offer their thoughts on a particular aspect of faith and theology, prompt discussion, and take questions from their area of expertise. All you have to do is call in! This month, Annie Baily will speak on the topic of Unity in Diversity. Register here!
Join us for any of these awesome opportunities to connect, message or
New Young Adult Group at St. Mary of the Valley Church in Monroe!
As young people we recognize we are called to resemble Christ in this world, walk alongside with others, and meet people where they are spiritually and personally. Come join us as we embark on this journey with one another as we grow in faith and friendship. REVIVE meets every weekend and welcomes young adults between the ages of 18 to 25.
Friday [w] 6:30pm-8:00pm, Zoom and in person (socially distanced) options available - Assumption Church, Bellingham
In order to heal you must stay focused on Jesus. This ministry provides a space to share our struggles and challenges in a confidential, informative, and charitable way. Every week we have a different speaker teach on one of the mysteries of the Rosary. We then invite others to share about their own experiences and interpretations of that mystery. We incorporate Scripture, Tradition, and lay teaching in each of our meetings. All are welcome! For more information, visit our homepage.
Thursday, 7:00pm-8:00pm online via Zoom and hosted by Holy Family Young Adults
Do you find it difficult to understand God's will? Do you yearn to hear God's voice? Join us Thursday as Fr. Tyler presents on Discernment for the return of our Catholicism 101 series. Email colinl@hfkparish.org for the Zoom link. Also, all of the topics this time around are based on your suggestions! If you have questions about the Catholic -- or if you're just interested in a particular topic -- let us know at colinl@hfkparish.org.
Thursday [w] 7:00pm online via Zoom. Hosted by Eastside Disciples
Join us for a weekly virtual discussion on the next Sunday's readings. We're using ZOOM as our communication platform. Please contact eastsidedisciples@outlook.com for zoom meeting information.
Thursday [w] 7:30pm-9:00pm, online and hosted by St. Francis Xavier Lay Missionary Society
- Deepen your knowledge and love of the beauty and mystery of the Triune God with leading Trinitarian theologian Fr. Gilles Emery, OP's "The Trinity: An Introduction to Catholic Doctrine on the Triune God." Join us weekly via Zoom this fall as the missionary team of Tricia Bølle and Josiah Ponnudurai as well as Dominican friars Fr. Isaiah Mary Molano, OP and Fr. Gregory Augustine Liu, OP leads us in a new Theological Book Study.
Friday [m] 8:00pm-8:00am at St. Anthony Church, Renton
St. Anthony Parish will be hosting a nocturnal adoration dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Spend some time with Our Lord and sign up for an hour (or more). You are welcomed to come physically to the church or pray virtually from home. Please wear a mask if you plan to come physically. For questions or more information, contact Sam.
Saturday [w] 10:00am, online via Zoom and hosted by Holy Family Church, Kirkland
- Are you looking for a way to refuel and be refreshed while making authentic connections with others? Walking with Purpose transforms the lives and hearts of women by providing bible studies that enable women to know Christ through Scripture and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. For more information, contact Alyssa or Jennifer at walkingwithpurposehfk@gmail.com.
Monday [w] online via Facebook
- Young adults in the Greater Tacoma/Pierce County area are invited to delve in the Word and faith share while we discuss the daily readings. Mass Consumption will continue to commune online via posts on Facebook for the daily readings. We encourage everyone to participate in enriching our online presence. For more information, contact Diana.
Friday [w] 6:30pm, hosted by St. Andrew Parish Young Adults, Sumner
Becoming Saints is meeting in person! With social distance measures in place, join us to reflect on the upcoming Sunday readings and also for a lovely campfire!Please e-mail Catherine or go to our webpage for more contact info, and contact Catherine for the meeting address.
Sunday [w] 6:30pm at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Bremerton
- On Sunday nights we will have supper and fellowship (BYOB for those 21+, but non-alcoholic beverages will be provided) along with one of the following: guided discussion (theology on tap style), video series and small group discussion, Bible studies, game nights, talks and testimonies, and Adoration. For more information, contact Bethany Szamocki.
Wednesday [w] Hosted by Holy Redeemer Church, Vancouver
The gatherings are on hold for a few weeks. Please check back for updated information. If you would like to join us for an online Wednesday Night Gathering via zoom, please contact Kevin for more information.
Wednesday [w] online via Zoom, hosted by Holy Redeemer Church, Vancouver
It's the Year of the Eucharist in the Archdiocese of Seattle. Enter in by joining Kevin every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Wednesday on Zoom for a live reading and discussion of the book Flesh of Christ, Flesh of the Church, a wonderful dive into the Scriptural and Patristic vision of Christian communion in light of the Eucharist. To join, simply go to this Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84075198097 on Wednesday nights. Contact Kevin for more information.
Sunday, personal time online and hosted by Holy Redeemer Church, Vancouver
Take the next step in your journey of faith as a young adult with a private day retreat. Kevin has prepared a step-by-step guide for a personal retreat. Schedule your own retreat between November 8th and November 22nd. Kevin will be available to meet and talk about your experience on November 25th from 6:30pm to 8:00pm or you can set up an appointment with him.
- We go on a retreat like this to seek guidance from God for our life, and above all to pursue intimacy with Him through contemplation. All of us are made for contemplation. The purpose of our lives is union with God in the Beatific Vision and we participate in that now through contemplation. Monks get to do this full time, but the rest of us, whether lay, priest, or active religious need to make time for it.
How do you practice contemplation? That's what the retreat guide is for! To get a copy of the retreat guide, simply fill out your name and email here.
Events listed below are a mixture of virtual and in-person gatherings.
Events will be updated as needed as the Coronavirus shelter in place order mandates and all social distancing protocols for in-person gatherings must be followed .
11.10.20 Theology On Tap online, hosted by Western Washington Catholic Young Adults
12.01.20 Theology On Tap online, hosted by Western Washington Catholic Young Adults
12.05.20 Living the Eucharist Advent Retreat led by Fr. Tyler Johnson, hosted by Western Washington Catholic Young Adults
The Scroll contains a list of events + links to external websites. These events + links are being provided as a convenience + for informational purposes only. This does not constitute endorsement of the event. The Young Adult Ministry office of the Archdiocese of Seattle bears no responsibility for any of the policies, views, products or services offered, or the content of the events or websites. Users who attend these events or rely on these links do so on their own responsibility.