A Message from Fr. Rafferty
Dear Friends,

During Lent, we are encouraged to make sacrifices. This is an ancient tradition as chronicled in the Old Testament. It has been observed by scholars, particularly those with backgrounds in early Middle Eastern Christianity, that little is asked of contemporary Western World Christians. We are asked to fast on two days, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday, and to refrain from meat on Fridays during Lent. I continue to experience some level of amusement and amazement at the pushback I experience over this. There is no such thing as a forced sacrifice! Ultimately, sacrifice is rooted in love. Love for spouse, family, and sometimes even strangers. And of course, love for the God who so loves us. Love and sacrifice find meaning when offered freely and unconditionally.

As we prepare for Holy Week, especially this year as we increasingly put the pandemic in the rearview mirror, I encourage you to participate in some or all of the Sacred Triduum liturgies. They are beautiful expressions of faith and worship. They are effective means of catechesis and conversion. Please consider this message an invitation. We are not obligated to participate. Instead, think about doing so as a supreme act of love.

Father Tom
Celebrate St. Oscar Romero's Feast Day
This Friday, March 24, we celebrate the feast day of our parish’s patron saint, St. Oscar Romero. An appropriate way to celebrate his feast day is to learn more about him. Toward that end, we are pleased to announce that Professor Ernesto Valiente of Boston College will offer a presentation on the life, ministry, and martyrdom of Oscar Romero on Sunday, March 26 at 11 am. It will take place in the church after the 10 am Mass and prior to the noon Mass. Professor Valiente will include his own memories of growing up in El Salvador while St. Oscar was Archbishop of San Salvador. We hope you will be able to join us.

Lenten Holy Hour and Stations of the Cross
Lenten Holy Hour and Stations of the Cross
Our last Lenten Stations of the Cross will take place Friday, March 31. [Wednesday, April 5 is the last day of Lent. Then we begin the Sacred Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Saturday (Vigil)].

Palm Branches Collection
You may be wondering what to do with your old Palms. At the Palm Sunday Mass palm branches are set apart by a blessing from the priest and made into a “sacramental,” an object that is meant to draw us closer to the celebration of the seven sacraments.
Throwing them away disregards their sacred purpose and treats them as any other object we no longer need. Since blessed palms need to be treated with reverence, we will be collecting old palms. There will be a basket at the entrance to the church where these palm branches may be placed. The palms will be burned and become ashes to be used on Ash Wednesday.
Holy Week - Sacred Triduum
Holy Week and Easter Schedule
Lent gives way to Holy Week, the most sacred period of the liturgical calendar, which culminates in the celebration of Easter. Holy Week includes both solemn Church observances and joyous feasts. The period between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday is filled with unique, beautiful liturgies. Holy Week is an excellent time to renew our commitment to prayer and draw closer to God.

Palm Sunday - April 2
Palm Sunday, a distinct liturgy that begins with a Gospel reading of Jesus' journey to Jerusalem at the entrance of the worship space, begins Holy Week. 

Those attending the Mass receive palms, a reminder of Scripture telling us that people welcomed Jesus by laying down their cloaks and waving palm branches.
The palm procession will occur at both the 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Masses. For the procession, please gather in the Mary Garden.
Holy Thursday - April 6 - 7:30 pm
The Sacred Triduum—the three days leading up to Jesus' Resurrection—begins on Holy Thursday. Its formal name is the Mass of the Lord's Supper, and it was the first Eucharistic celebration. The washing of the feet, which takes place during the Holy Thursday liturgy, is also noteworthy as the priest washes the feet of 12 parishioners. Jesus did this to show his disciples how they should serve others through selfless love.

Good Friday - April 7 - 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm
Good Friday, the day of the Lord's Passion, is the only day of the year when no Mass is celebrated. It's a solemn day marked by fasting and abstinence. 
Other distinctive aspects of the Good Friday liturgy include veneration of the Cross and solemn intercessions—a collection of shared prayer intentions offered universally on this day. 

Family Stations of the Cross will be held in the church at 12:00 p.m.
Easter Vigil - April 8 - 7:30 pm (No 4:00 pm Mass today)
This is the most unique and perhaps most important liturgy of the year. The Easter Vigil is the Mass celebrated on Holy Saturday and it begins the Easter celebrations of Jesus’ resurrection. It begins with a bonfire outside of the church, and all gathered light candles that gradually illuminate the church. 

The Liturgy of the Word begins in darkness. The readings demonstrate the connection between the Old and New Testaments and how Jesus fulfilled Scripture and achieved salvation for all humanity.

The Liturgy of Baptism, which follows the Gospel and homily, marks the culmination of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program. Catechumens, who have been preparing to enter the Church, are baptized, confirmed, and later receive their first Holy Communion.

The Easter Vigil is a joyous, celebratory liturgy, filled with rich music and prayer.

Easter Sunday - April 9 - 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon (No 5:00 pm Mass today)
The festive atmosphere is a continuation of the celebration from the Easter Vigil of Jesus’ resurrection with the worship space decorated with beautiful flowers, especially white lilies. It’s a Holy Day of Obligation because the Mass celebrates the most important teaching in the Catholic faith - that Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead so that we could share eternal life with him in heaven.

St. Oscar Romero Parish
700 Washington Street
Canton, MA. 02021

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