A Message from Father Rafferty
Dear Friends,

Embracing the fullness of the Lenten Season has always been a component of my own spirituality. That is hardly unique. Lent’s limited duration is part of its appeal. As valuable as it is, forty days is enough. One can’t help but contrast that natural expectation with the manner in which the pandemic seems to keep extending its duration. The ongoing presence of the virus seems to cast a pall over the rhythms of our lives. As much as it might be easy to say, “Take a pass on Lent this year,” it may be just what we need.

I like to point out that the Lenten Season is forty days long and the Easter Season lasts for fifty. This reminds us that we spend more time in joyful celebration than we do in penitential mode. How we approach Lent’s three pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving is personal and unique to each of us. As a parish, we offer several initiatives. Pick and choose what appeals to you. Try something new. Encourage a friend or family member to accompany you.

Despite the increasingly busy nature of daily life and the specter of COVID-19 let’s allow the graces of Lent to enable us to feel closer to Jesus’ passion during Lent so that we can more deeply share in the joy of his Resurrection at Easter. 

In Christ,
Fr. Tom
Ash Wednesday ~ March 2
We begin this Lenten season by being reminded of our mortality as we receive ashes in the sign of a cross: “Remember you are dust, and to dust, you shall return.”

Participating in Ash Wednesday Services is a powerful way to start the Lenten season. We invite you and your family to join us for one of our Ash Wednesday Services on March 2nd. Ashes will be imposed at the morning Mass and all Services. The schedule is as follows:

9:00 AM Mass, 12:00 Noon Service, 4:00 PM Service, and 7:00 PM Service
Encountering Jesus
Encountering Jesus Daily Lenten Calendar is a virtual Lenten experience based on a classic Advent calendar, which invites you to slow down and reflect on the scriptures of Lent. Featuring short, daily Scripture reflections and suggested activities based on Lenten themes, the calendar focuses on the traditional practices of daily prayer and meditation throughout Lent. 

As Lent begins, we hope that this Lenten resource will help you in your pursuit of a stronger relationship with Jesus. 

Click on the button below to view the Lenten calendar or visit the parish website. Begin on Day 1 (Ash Wednesday, March 2) and open one window per day until you reach Easter! Each morning, a new window will be available to open. A reflection, a song, or an activity related to the season can be found behind each window.      
Keeping the Season
The Lenten Season is a wonderful time to deepen our relationship with God and others. This time can be 40 days of tremendous spiritual and personal growth. 

While the specific penances we choose are not our primary focus – in the end, it is always about our personal encounter with the Lord Jesus' passion and mercy – making the effort to change certain habits or attitudes in our lives can be our humble gifts to the Lord.

Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are fundamental Catholic practices that enable us to deepen our relationship with Jesus, in and through the community of faith, and to go forth as his disciples.

During the weeks of Lent, inspirational messages will be posted to our Facebook page. Follow us on Facebook for Lenten reflections, quotes, updates, and various music selections.
Forgiven: An Online Retreat

Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession
An Online Retreat
A Lenten Encounter with God’s Mercy

This online self-guided retreat offers parishioners the ability to access the content at any time - no matter where or when. Whether you are in the comfort of your own home or in your office or on your lunch break, you are invited to take some time for yourself and for God - to grow closer to God in prayer and discover his love and mercy anew through prayer, reflection, and music. 

Click on the button below to view the Online Retreat or visit the parish website.
Stations of the Cross
The tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross is an ancient devotion that walks through the story of Christ’s Way of the Cross. From His anguished prayers in the Garden of Gethsemene to his burial in the tomb, praying together through these fourteen moments in Christ’s final hours is a spiritual pilgrimage that opens our eyes to the depth of God’s love for us in the face of unimaginable suffering. We invite you and your family to join us on Friday afternoons to pray the Stations!

Stations of the Cross will take place on Friday afternoons during Lent 
at 4:00 PM in the church beginning on Friday, March 4th.

If you are unable to attend, a video of the Stations of the Cross is posted on the parish website at cantoncatholic.org, or click here to view the video.
Lent with Brother Francis for Kids
Learn and pray with Brother Francis this Lent. With several different seasons available to watch, Brother Francis will help children learn more about what Lent is all about and why it is so important. There are Daily Meditations with new episodes released every day.
You can also join Brother Francis in praying a special Stations of the Cross for children. The videos are available through the parish subscription to FORMED.

To create a new account:
Go to https://signup.formed.org/ for a FREE account.
Enter our parish zip code - 02021 or Canton Catholic Community
Enter your name and email address. You’re in!

If you already have an account click the button below.
St. Oscar Romero Parish
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