Grace Episcopal Church
Kilmarnock, Virginia
Grace Church Sketch Yellow
The Second Sunday of Easter
April 2, 2016

Acts 5:27-32
Psalm 150
Revelation 1:4-8
John 20:19-31
Worship Participants 8:00 am
Celebrant, The Rev. David H. May; Preacher, The Rev. Megan Limburg; Organist , Patti Taylor;  Chalicer , Martha Johnson;  Ushers , Bob Murphy, Frank Birdsall; Coffee Hostess, Doris Willett, Greeter ; Babs Murphy. 

Worship Participants 10:30 am
Celebrant : The Rev. David H. May; Preacher : The Rev. Megan Limburg; Organist Patti Taylor; Music Director : Agnes French; Chalicers : Mark Clark, Jimmy Mackey Lector : Nancy O'Shaughnessy; Ushers :  Frank Burke, Derwin Booker, John O'Shaughnessy;  Altar Guild : Marge Gibson, Diane Ward; Greeter s: Jinks Holton, Rebecca Smiley;  Coffee Hostesses: Dana Smith;  Junior Acolyte: Sam Anontio; Acolyte :  Eliza Carr Schmidt.


Many thanks to those who contributed so much of their time to make the Lenten  Season special by baking our communion bread each week:
Ann Harris
Kathy Hurliman
Miriam MacCarthy
David May
Nancy O'Shaughnessy
Peggy Stalnaker
Jean Ward
What's going on in the Sunday Forum resuming April 10th?
We have an opportunity to keep in advance a promise we will make when Bishop Jones is here for confirmation on May 15th. In that service the Bishop will ask us: "Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ?  We answer: "We will." So in the five Sundays before the Bishop comes, members of our Inquirer's class will join the Sunday 9:15 Forum as we share with them in discussing some of the questions they have brought to that preparation.
We will no doubt discover that some of the questions raised by members of the Inquirer's Class are matters very much on our hearts and minds as well, so this will be learning and growing time for all of us.  Some of us may even discover that we have forgotten the answers to some of the questions from our own Inquirer's or Confirmation Class from years ago, so we have an opportunity for our own renewal. It will also be a very visible witness to those who are confirmands that we really are serious about supporting them in their journey in faith. An even added bonus is that we will get to know these persons who will be renewing their Baptismal Covenant and officially becoming members of this community of faith known as Grace Church even as they get to know us. 
Your Prayers For The Sick: 
Margot Jenkins; Brian Rohr; Mary Bauman; Jeanne Kenny; Daniel; Thomas Luichinger; Nancy Fox; Penny Huger; Jane Jarvis; Clay; William Micou; Linda Troise; Nancy Reath; Jennifer Vincente; Ricki Mies; Carol; Lee Stephens; Ida Au; George Wiley; Bonnie Rumsey; David White; John Tower Churchill; Charlie Carter; Angela Rollins; Yvette Mallams; Peter Burke; Conde Palmore Hopkins; Angela Stockhaus; Susan Stuart.
Parish Cycle of Prayer:
W e offer prayers of thanksgiving for the lives and ministry of: Jill Lawrence; Kerley and Sallie LeBoeuf; Ann Carter Lee; Kay Lehmann; Wallace and Mary Helen, Joshua, Nathan, Tyler and Caleb Lewis.

Calendar For Upcoming Week
Sunday, April 3, 2016  The Second Sunday of Easter
8:00 am  Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:30 am  Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Monday, April 4, 2016
      3:00 pm    NNK Audubon Society Board Meeting ~ Conference Room
6:30 pm    NNK Audubon Society Program ~ Grace House
Tuesday,  April 5, 2016
10:30 am   Parish Visitors ~ Parlor
 1:00 pm   Staff Meeting
Wednesday April 6, 2016
  9:00 am    Yard Sale Committee Meeting ~ Conference Room
12:05 pm   Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing ~ Grace Chapel
  4:00 pm   Contemplative Prayer ~ Grace Chapel

Thursday, April 7, 2016
4:00 pm   Christian Formation ~ Conference Room 
6:00 pm     Inquirer's Class ~ Grace House

Saturday, April 9, 2016
10:00 am - 3:00 pm   A Celtic Pilgrimage ~ Grace House

Sunday, April 10, 2016 The Third Sunday of Easter
   8:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I
 9:15 am Sunday Forum ~ Grace House
  10:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II
 4:00 pm  Confirmation Class ~ Grace House


Parish Visitors: 
Parish Visitors for April  are Ginger Klapp, Barbara Flannagan; George Wiley and Shirley Crockett.  March and April Visitors will meet Tuesday, April 5th in the parlor at 10:30 am. If you know of anyone who would like a visit, call the church office at 435-1285.     
Wanted:  Jewelry for Yard Sale
As you begin your spring cleaning, please consider donating some of your jewelry to the Grace Church Yard Sale.  Simply place in a bag and address to Kate Muller and leave in the choir room.  Thank You!!
Grace Book what are we reading? 
The book for March and April is An Altar in the World , by Barbara Brown Taylor. We will not meet in March, but will meet on April 25th to discuss the entire book.   In the New York Times bestseller  An Altar in the World , acclaimed author Barbara Brown Taylor continues her spiritual journey by building upon where she left off in  Leaving Church .  With the honesty of Elizabeth Gilbert ( Eat, Pray, Love ) and the spiritual depth of Anne Lamott ( Grace, Eventually ), Taylor shares how she learned to find God beyond the church walls by embracing the sacred as a natural part of everyday life. In An Altar in the World , Taylor shows us how to discover altars everywhere we go and in nearly everything we do as we learn to live with purpose, pay attention, slow down, and revere the world we live in.   All are welcomed to join us on Monday April 25th at 5:00 in the Grace living room.  
Needed:  Kairos Cookies:  Sid and Jim are going into Buckingham Correctional Center on Wednesday, April 27th through the weekend.  They would like to take 200 dozen home baked cookies with them.  Recipes are available on the Kairos Bulletin Board in Grace House, or you can use your own.  They must be packed 1 dozen to a quart size freezer bag.  You can place them in freezer in Grace House prior to April 22nd or leave on the kitchen counter.   Deadline is  no later than 12:00 noon on April 27th.  Sid & Jim are leaving early afternoon.  Thank you for your support of this vital ministry.
A Celtic Pilgrimage
Saturday, April 9th from 10am to 3pm, at Grace Episcopal Church
Led by Margaret Woodson Nea and Susan Brock Wilkes
The spirituality of the ancient Celts appeals to many contemporary seekers for its deep reverence of nature and celebration of the sacred in everyday life.  Using song, photographic images, and experiential activities, Margie Nea and Susan Wilkes will lead  participants in a learning journey of sacred places and people in Celtic spirituality.  Special attention will be given to the concept of pilgrimage as we explore the mystical  island of Iona, the legacy of Bridget of Kildare, and the importance of spiritual friendship.
Please plan to bring a bagged lunch from home.  Beverages will be provided.
A $10 offering for the day is welcomed though certainly not required.
Reservations will be taken until April 1st.  Please sign up in Grace House or call the church office 435-1285.
The Women of Grace ~ Christian Living Award
The Women of Grace have offered a Christian Living Award to a graduating senior in our community for some years.  This monetary award has been funded through the proceeds of funding raising from the fall nut sale which we no longer do.  But this award is extremely important to a number of our parishioners and I've been encouraged to announce that the church would be glad to receive gifts to fund this award this year.  If you would like to make a contribution, please make your check payable to Grace Church and put Christian Living Award on the memo line.  Thank you!  David+
Movie Theology
The next Movie Theology will take place Thursday, April 14 in the Grace Living Room.  We will be showing "As it is in Heaven"   Doors open at 4:30, movie starts at 5:00.  Note the change in time due to the length of the movie.  Price is $5.00 for movie, pizza, and popcorn.  Bring the beverage of your choice.  Sides to share are optional. Remember, we now have two showing spaces.  "As it is in Heaven" is an Oscar nominated drama which tells the story of a small town boy who becomes a famous international conductor and, for health reasons, decides to retire and return to his childhood village in northern Sweden.  He ends up leading a local church choir and becomes a leading character in an inspiring story about life, humanity, and music as a catalyst in healing.  Tom Edwards recommended this movie and will be leading the discussion.  A sign up sheet will be posted at the back of Grace House.  Reservations and cancelations will be accepted through 2:00 pm on the 14th.  Please notify Elizabeth Harris @ 462-0662 or the church office of last minute changes so we  can purchase the correct amount of pizza. 
Diocesan Meeting of Women
Enjoy fellowship, sharing, prayer and worship with Episcopal Women of all ages; learn about the 5 Marks of Mission with The Very Rev. Phoebe Roaf, Rector, St Philip's, Richmond.  When:  Saturday, April 16th, 1-5:00 p.m. Where: Richmond at Grace and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church: 8 North Laurel Street 23220.  Fee: $20 (Registration is waived for women under  50 and child care is provided.)  Register On-Line by April 12, 2016 at www.the, or contact the church office for a registration form.  Contact: Mary Elsesser for car pooling arrangements at 804 580-8408.
Replacing Old Patio or Beach Furniture?
The Plant Booth Committee is ready to clean, sand, and paint, to get your old outdoor furniture ready for the Yard Sale on May 7.  Your donations can be dropped off at the Boys Camp any Friday or Saturday in April from 9 to 12.  If you need to arrange for a pick up, call Jim Spangler, 436-4656.  Thank you for your donations, each one contributes to another successful  year!
Calling all gardeners!
We need plants!  The Plant Booth would love to have some of the treasures of your garden.  As you divide your perennials, please share some with us.  Shrubs and trees are also happily accepted and houseplants are always a big seller.  We'll be delighted to help you dig and will even tend the potted plants until the sale.  Please call Linda
Burnett 758-4260 ([email protected]) to set up a "dig."
Parish Potluck Suppers are Back!
The first Potluck Supper will be held on April 13th at the home of Dick and Marty Wilson beginning at 5:30.  Please sign up in Grace House and indicate if you will bring an entrĂ©e or side dish or salad.  Parish Potluck Suppers are a great way to meet new members to Grace and get to each other better. 
Christian Formation at Grace
Members of your Committee, Peter Bennet, Marcia Billups, Dana Burnett, David Charlton, Martha Gilbert,  Brandon Rohr, Charles Sydnor, and our Rector and Associate are beginning to plan for our Sunday Forums next Fall and invite and welcome  hearing from you about the topics you would like to be addressed. We also invite you to check Church Next, a wonderful site developed by the Episcopal Church to help persons grow in faith and currently featuring a teaching series by our own Bishop Susan Goff entitled "Finding the Resurrected Jesus."  Church Next offers many other courses including understanding other faith traditions such as Islam.