Fun, Friendly Duplicate Bridge Games
December, 2019
Whether it's music, conservation or help for the food insecure, Sun Valley Bridge members are helping make the Wood River Valley a happier community this holiday seasons.

Learn about the talents of our members, often a secret at the bridge table, in the items near the end of this newsletter.
-- Chuck Abramo and Jo Murray
Keep Diamonds on Your Fingers, Not the Card Table
You've heard the old say, "Diamonds are for your fingers, clubs are for the golf course." When you have a choice of contracts, it's better to play in a major suit or notrump than in a minor suit. And when you and your partner have found a major suit fit, you know where the contract should be placed. All you need to do is to figure out how high.

Suppose opener bids 1 spade. If responder has three spades, it's rare that opener needs to know about another suit. Opener will be pleased if responder has good diamonds (or hearts or clubs), but why confuse the issue? Focus instead on how high.

Remember this guidelines: Bidding is an exchange of relevant information, not all possible information.
How Would You Bid This Hand?
* * *
North is dealer.
Neither side is vulnerable. See the answer here.
P.S. No one got it right at the Nov. 22 game. We'll discuss this in detail in the Dec. 16 online lesson .
How Come I Don't Know That? Online Lessons
We're continuing online lessons from the upcoming sequel to Jo Murray’s book, How Come I Don’t Know That?

  • Dec. 4 – How Come I Don't Know That? Bidding Strong Hands
  • Dec. 16 - How Come I Don't Know That? Bidding Notrump
  • Dec. 23 - Review & Quiz of Preempts, Hand Evaluation, Bidding Strong Hands and Bidding Notrump
  • Dec. 30 - Most Challenging Hands of 2019

Private lessons, online and in person, are always available. We hope to start lessons for beginning players in January, so please share this with anyone who may be interested.
Chuck's Corner
Test your skills. Here's the best bidding and a video on how to play the hand.
Need a Gift?
We have gift certificates for games and lessons and copies of How Come I Don't Know That?
When They're Not at the Bridge Table ...
Festival of Trees
Jo Harmon and Karen Dunn have been busy designing holiday trees, which will be sold to benefit The Senior Connection. Jo was chair of the first Festival of Trees last year, and continues to work closely with this year’s chair, Penny Weiss. Jo and Karen are helping to create 100 pairs of miniature trees. One will be sold and the other will be a gift to a Meals on Wheels client.. You can see the trees at a free preview evening on Dec. 6 from 5-7 p.m. at the Limelight Hotel. There will be a free fun day for children Dec, 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., followed by the auction at 6 p.m.. 
Sun Valley Opera
You can also see the talents of Jo and Karen in the table decorations at the Sun Valley Opera Holiday Soiree on Dec. 28. Karen’s husband, Dennis Dunn, is on the board as are Robyn Watson  and Edwin Outwater III, Tish Outwater’s husband.
Caritas Chorale
Judy Powell, frequent song leader for Happy Masterpoint to You at SV Bridge, also sings with the Caritas Chorale and serves on the board. The Chorale will have four free concerts Dec. 6-15, including "singalongs" that will benefit The Hunger Coalition.
Community Orchestra
Lynne Heidel will play the violin in the Wood River Community Orchestra's free holiday concert Dec. 15. Board members include Lynn and Lynn Whittelsey.
Local Scholarship
Sue Woodyard’s family donates to the Wilson/Woodyard Scholarship for a Blaine County student who plans to work in the construction industry.
Bringing Santa to Needy Children
Have you noticed the piles of gifts under the tree at the YMCA each year? Chris Turner helps coordinate an informal group of women who make sure that Santa visits the neediest families at the YMCA.
Wood River Land Trust
The Wood River Land Trust will celebrate its 25 th  anniversary Dec. 10 at The Argyros with a film created by Matt Larson, son of Susan Larson, who helps check people in at our games. Matt has lived in France for the past 10 years working as a filmmaker and producer. Last year he accepted an offer to create this film, returning to the valley where he grew up three times to capture the seasons. He'll be back for the premiere. The film is called Home with a voice-over by Mariel Hemingway. Board members of the Land Trust include Nick Miller and Roland Wolfram.
Wood River Community YMCA Turns 12
When the YMCA opened 12 years go, the turnout was so overwhelming that Jamie Lee Curtis pitched in to fold towels as Bruce Springsteen stood in line to buy a membership. Learn more about the Y and its "great partnership with Sun Valley Bridge" in Karen Bossick's video for Eye on Sun Valley.
Game Schedule
  • Wednesday, 3-5:30 p.m.
  • Fridays 3-5:30 p.m.
  • No game December 25
  • Game on Jan. 1, attendance permitting
acbl Live for Clubs
to Online Students
  • Judy Baer, Nationals, San Francisco
  • Bill Bumbarger, Charlotte Regional
  • Stephanie Campbell, Ventura Regional
Click here for details and November winners at Sun Valley Bridge Club games.
Sun Valley Bridge