Q1 2024 Update

We wanted to share the latest from the fund with our annual impact report, inclusion in Impact Assets 50 for another year, and some fun updates from our portfolio. 
Making an Impact
We are thrilled to share the summary of our annual impact report with you, highlighting the tremendous accomplishments of the portfolio despite the growing challenges facing the broader environmental and human health ecosystems. We continue to be blown away by our founders’ accomplishments and are optimistic about what the future holds. 
Shoot us an email if you want to read the full reports.
Speaking of impact, we are thrilled to announce that our firm has been selected once again for the ImpactAssets 50 (IA 50), a global list of impact fund managers across sectors, geographies, and asset classes. The IA 50 is the most recognized database of impact investment fund managers for investors and financial advisors.
Portfolio Companies in the News
Tired of bad breath after a cup of coffee? Looking to impress your dentist on your next appointment? Oralucent's Pro edition, with 2x the light intensity for twice the bacteria-fighting power plus more, is just what you're looking for. Grab yours today for a healthier and brighter smile.
Get ready, Houston—Partum Health has expanded! They now deliver their comprehensive approach to support expecting women and families. They're also making waves in the industry, having recently been accepted into a prestigious maternal health accelerator program.
DERMALA launched in ~150 CVS stores with its natural probiotic and prebiotic topical acne treatments and supplements. Products are now on shelves; find them here.
BrainCheck announced a $15M financing to fuel the adoption of its next-generation digital cognitive assessment and care planning platform. Read about it here.
Aeromutable was awarded a CalSEED grant from the California Energy Commission to support its efforts in testing its aerodynamic modification systems to reduce the trucking industry's carbon footprint.
Queen of Raw was named to Fast Company World’s Most Innovative Companies of 2024, alongside NVIDIA, YouTube, OpenAI, Taylor Swift, Walmart, & Erewhon!
Rosy expanded beyond sexual health into broader women’s health with its evidence-based approach. They also launched “Quickies,” fun short-form educational videos about consumer health concerns from healthcare providers. 12% of U.S. OB/GYNs now recommend Rosy. More about it here.
Sara pitched Refiberd at the Texas Alternatives Investment Conference, showcasing the impact and return potential of its AI-enabled textile sorting and recycling system. She took home both the Audience and Judges Awards.
Interested in learning about Venture Capital?
Would you like to learn more about why only 2% of VC dollars were invested in women-founded companies again in 2023, why and how to fix it, and what investing in a venture capital fund means? We will host our "VC Primer for Women Investing in Women" session on April 10th from 12-1 pm CT. This primer is designed to empower (mostly) women investors to learn more about the importance and logistics of investing in women entrepreneurs via VC funds. If you know anyone who may be interested in joining, they can register here.

Can't make it? Sign up here to be notified of future sessions. Or if you’re in Austin, join Sara at the Women Transforming the World: Aligning Your Investments With Your Values on April 2, 2024, which we are co-hosting with Invest for Better, Brown Advisory, and the Austin Community Foundation. We will discuss the increasing number of avenues for leveraging your assets to create positive change. For more details and to register, click here.

Are you interested in hearing when True Wealth Ventures Fund III is open for investment? If you're an accredited investor, sign up here, and we'll notify you when we start fundraising, which will likely be in the second half of 2025 
Amplifying Women's Voices at SXSW: Powerful Panels and Pitch Competitions!
We had a busy SXSW week, during which we enjoyed participating in several panels and pitch competitions. Be sure to keep an eye on our Events Page and follow us on social media for real-time updates on where we'll be next.
Lastly ... send us interesting companies!
There’s never been a better time to be investing in early-stage women-led companies, so please send us any whose core focus is improving environmental or human health (more on our investment focus). 

Just email us or send the founders our simple web form so they can review our criteria and submit their company for our review. 
True Wealth Ventures
General Partners