Semaphore Masthead

The January 2025 Semaphore

Mike's Minute

Happy New Year to one and all.  As I look ahead, 2025 brings us some challenges and opportunities. 

A new editor for our newsletter is at the top of our to-do list. Until then, the monthly Semaphore edition will take on an abbreviated format and be delivered by email just like you are reading now. You will, however, also be able to find a copy of this Semaphore email on the FVD website.

Our meeting locations will continue to move around the division geography. The Gary Morava Center is always available to us but the room rental fee is significant. The Glenview Public Library allows us to use their facility for free, but it is not always available. Please check with local facilities (Library, churches, etc.) near you for possible meeting locations. We need to be proactive on this topic because of limited funds in the FVD coffer.

Denis Zamirowski, Jim Landwehr and I installed a display of RR artifacts and Division information in the lobby display case at the Mount Prospect Public Library. We have the entryway spot for the month of January. The MPPL has a very nice meeting room just off the main entrance, and it may be available for us to use IF we have a member who resides in Mt. Prospect. Is that You? Please let me know.

The FVD BoD began discussions about a summer outing or excursion. Any ideas? Let me know.

On the topic of suggestions, the BoD is very interested in yours. In a couple of days you will receive a brief questionnaire by email. Your responses are vital to shaping our activities. Please take a couple of minutes to help us plot a course for the future. We need your inputs.

Finally, I’d like to thank each and every member for their participation and support. I appreciate this more than you know. May all your signals be green. Best regards, MH

Looking for train events? Check out the RR Events web page on our site for the latest info.

Future Meets: January 19 at the GPL, February 16 at the GPL, March 16, April 27 and May 18

Here's a couple of interesting links:

Next Meet

January 19, 2025 -- 2:00 PM Start

This meeting will be held in person at the Glenview Public Library

and on-line via the Zoom conference application.

Please see the FVD Timetable at

for any zoom assistance.

Zoom meeting log-in credentials:

Meeting ID: 838 4986 6108

Passcode: 922802

Phone in: +1 309 205 3325 (USA) or +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Featured Live Presentation: Other ATSF Live Stock Operations

by Steve Sandifer

Steve gave us an excellent and detailed history of ATSF cattle operations in a previous clinic. This presentation will focus on other live stock that was moved by rail.

January Model Celebration: Vehicles

Share a model of your favorite vehicle that might appear on your pike with the division membership. RTR, Kit, Kit-bashed or Scratch built models are all welcome.

Here is a picture of a kit-bashed ice truck with a scissor box cooling a meat reefer on Jim Osborn's railroad.

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Visit our website for more information about the Fox Valley Division, its purpose, Board of Directors and how to contact us. You will also find train photographs of both models and prototypes, MRR Club listings, hobby shop info, estate planning for collections, and much more.

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