The Banner                 September 2014
In This Issue
Rector's Corner
Wednesday Weavings
Storybook Project
Invite a Friend to Church
SafePlace Ministry



4301 N. IH 35
Austin, TX 78722  

Phone: 512.454.2523


Church office hours:  

Monday - Thursday 

9 a.m. - 2 p.m.  


Sunday Schedule

8:00am - Holy Eucharist Rite I
9:00am - Contemplative prayer
9:45am - Choir rehearsal
10:30am - Holy Eucharist Rite II  
                   with Kids Word

4:00pm - St. Hildegard's Worship

The Rev. Kevin LJ Schubert


The Rev. Judith Liro

Assisting Priest & Minister to

St. Hildegard's Community


The Rev. John Brewer


Anne Weaver 

Music Minister 

Vanessa Nering
Newcomer Minister/
Office Administrator

Jerri Thompson

Day School Director


Melissa Eason Brackin

Patsy Chandler

Mark Casstevens

August Dolan-Henderson

Spencer Gordon

Stephanie Meldrum

Mary Stewart Miller

Alice Nelson

John Rickard


Patsy Chandler

Senior Warden

John Rickard

Junior Warden

Melissa Eason Brackin

Financial Secretary


Frances Rickard, Treasurer


August Dolan-Henderson, Clerk


Mark Casstevens, Day School Liaison  


Click on the following links to find:

Click here to sign up to be a reader or intercessor during our Rite I & II services.

October Banner Submissions
Deadline for news for the next issue of
The Banner is Thursday, September 25th.
Please e-mail information, schedules, photos and articles you would like included in next month's edition to .

Mark Your Calendars 
Sept 3        Wednesday Weavings
Sept 7        Bishop Fisher's visit 
Sept 14      Storybook Project Presentation
Sept 17      Wednesday Weavings 
Sept 18      Hallelujah Hour @ 5 pm
Sept 20      Pride Parade
Sept 21      Invite a Friend to Church
Oct 4         Blessing of the Animals Fair
Nov 14-16 Annual Parish Retreat

St. George's will be participating 
in the Diocese-wide 
Invite a Friend to Church Event 
Sunday, September 21st

On this Sunday, members are encouraged 
to invite a friend, neighbor or loved one 
to join in our fellowship.  
God is preparing someone in your life 
to receive an invitation to worship, 
so reach out in faith!

Invitation postcards to hand out are available at the narthex of the church.


Rector's Corner
Dear St. George's Family,


I pray that you and your family are well into the swing of things as the summer has wound down, school has begun, and the fall is fast approaching.  The month of September at St. George's is full of great opportunities to grow in relationship with God and your church family.  Check out articles below about the exciting events this month. 
September also begins a new year for our seminarians.  Below you will find a short message from each of them.  We welcome back for another year, our senior seminarians Josh and Ashley; as well as our middler seminarian, Andrew, as he begins his first year with us.  Over the summer we happened to pick up one more seminarian as well, Gerald Mendoza.  Gerald begins his studies at the Seminary of the Southwest this fall semester in the Diploma of Anglican Studies tract.  This one year diploma fulfills the requirements for a person already ordained in a different denomination to become an Episcopal priest.  Gerald, previously ordained in the Dominican Catholic orders, will fulfill his one year requirement of being 'anglicized'.   We welcome him to our family!  
Personally, Heather and I are getting excited about the birth of our second son this Fall.  As time progresses to his due date of November 20th, we thank you for your prayers and well wishes.  We are all doing great and can't wait to meet the little guy face to face.  
I hope everyone can make this Sunday's 10:30 service as we welcome The Right Rev. Jeff Fisher to St. George's for confirmation, and celebrate the newest confirmands to the Episcopal Church.  And, I especially pray that you may be blessed this month in all that you do!


The Rev. Kevin LJ Schubert  

Welcome to our Seminarians

Andrew Ellison: 

Hello St. George's,

My name is Andrew Ellison and I am a second year Mdiv student at Seminary of the Southwest.  I came to Austin from Arlington TX out of the Diocese of Fort Worth.  Before going to Seminary I worked with a company who provided services to individuals with developmental disabilities.  My family and I are very excited to spend the next two years with you all.

I am married to my High School sweetheart, Casie Ellison.  We have three wonderful children; Blake-6, Landon-4, and Kensley-2.  Casie and I are graduates of Texas Tech University, graduating in 2007.  After graduation we were married and moved to Arlington where we started our jobs and our family.  It was during college where I first began feeling a call to the priesthood.  I kept ignoring the call for a few years until finally Casie told me to talk to my priest.  After this discussion I entered the formal discernment process.  Two years later I was named a postulant and decided to attend the seminary here in Austin.  So far we are all loving Austin, and the seminary. 

As I said my family and I are looking forward to working with you all the next two years.  I know this will be a wonderful place to continue to grow. 

In Christ,  Andrew  


Gerald Mendoza:      

My name a Gerald Mendoza and I'm thrilled to be
 joining the St. George community.   I was born in Chicago to a Roman Catholic, Cuban-American family but raised in Miami where I went to high school and then college.  After college I worked in finance and marketing as well as running Asian martial arts schools (I started training when I was 5 years old).   After 15 years of working in both the private and public sectors I joined a Roman Catholic religious order where I received my theological training and was ordained and remained a priest until leaving the Order it in mid-2013.  In November of the same year I was received in the Episcopal Church and in January I was married to my best friend and confidant, Melissa.  I am currently in the Diploma of Anglican Studies program for the upcoming year at the Seminary of the Southwest while in the process of transfiliating my Roman Catholic priesthood to the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Northwest Texas.  I look forward to a season of serving and learning at our new community of St. George's.
- Gerald
Josh Shipman: 

Dear Saint George's Family,

I have had a really rich and full summer. On June 14th at 11:00 am (on the dot-I had a time keeper!), I was ordained a transitional deacon. Then, I took a relaxing road trip with my Aunt Debbie to Santa Fe, NM. From July 7th to July 25th Tim and I visited El Salvador to observe a thriving LGBT ministry there and to take part in a class on Public Theology. We were truly blessed by the people of that beautiful country. Upon our return, I took part in a Symposium on Small Churches in Ft. Worth, and then I went to the Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, NC for the Nuevo Amanecer conference-a conference that focuses on Hispanic Church leadership. I am really looking forward to seeing all of you again, soon, and sharing stories from my summer with you.

Peace,  Josh
Ashley Urquidi:
It is incredible that the summer has already passed, and I'm getting ready to join you all on Sundays again. I am really looking forward to being back! This summer for me has been both wonderful and challenging. I spent my time doing a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) here in Austin at the Seton Shoal Creek hospitals. My placement during the day was at Shoal Creek, the psychiatric hospital, and I also spent one night a week on call covering four different hospitals. This experience, combined with classroom learning focused on inward reflection and intense self-study has definitely changed me and helped me to better develop my skills as a minister. I can't wait to share more with all of you in the coming weeks, hear about your own experiences while we've been apart, and continue to grow together in faith.
- Ashley

Annual Parish Retreat
November 14-16, 2014

Each Fall, St. George's gathers for a time of rest, relaxation, and community building at the
beautiful Well Spring Retreat Center on Wessendorff Ranch in the Texas Hill Country.
This year's retreat will be held from Friday, November 14 - Sunday, November 16.
 The retreat is dedicated to enriching our communal bonds as we enjoy times of worship, family and individual recreation, social activities, community building activities, and great food! There will be plenty of dedicated free time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Texas Hill Country, including the spectacular sight of the famous 'narrows.' Accommodations for families with children will be in motel style rooms with a dormitory arrangement for others when the motel rooms fill up. There are no single occupancy rooms. You are asked to bring your own bedding, beverages and snacks to share.
Registration forms will be mailed shortly. 
The cost of the retreat includes sleeping accommodations and all meals. Scholarships
are available; please contact Kevin Schubert for more information. Come and enjoy a relaxing weekend in a loving restful environment!

Retreat Cost Breakdown

(Family Maximum cost is $125)
Friday - Sunday Adults: $45
Friday - Sunday Children: $25
Saturday Only Adults: $15
Saturday Only Children: $10

Wednesday Weavings


The adult discussion group known as Wednesday Weavings meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in different homes. We share a simple meal, have a short time of centering prayer, and discuss a selected reading for the evening. Readings come from the current issue of  Weavings: A Journal of the Christian Spiritual Life
and are circulated in advance.


Because we discuss a different reading each time, feel free to come any Wednesday you can. Please bring a contribution for the salad bar meal (for example, fruit, vegetable, or crunchy toppings). This month, the gatherings are on 
September 3rd at Sarah Campbell's home and September 17th at Sandra and Herb Dickson's home.


Printed copies of the reading will be available at church the Sunday before the group gathers on Wednesday. If you are interested in joining the site that provides a central source of information for the group, including meeting dates and an electronic copy of the upcoming readings, please e-mail David McGhee at


Commitment to Ministry Sunday
September 7th


At the 10:30 service, Sunday, September 7th, we will celebrate Commitment to Ministry Sunday!  At the core of our identity as Episcopalians and St. Georgians is the worship service, thus it is appropriate to lift up our interests in the ministries of the church during our liturgy.  Included in the bulletin for this day will be a separate insert that will have a list of all the ministries of St. George's. Each person will be invited to check off the ministries they are either interested in being involved with or are already participants of


There will also be a place on the sheet to include your name and contact information. At the offering we will have a special liturgy designed to offer these ministry sheets on the altar. The congregation will come forward to place them on the altar. After the service we will enjoy our regular coffee hour together. 


Storybook Project Ministry


From Hollie Gordon:

The Outreach Ministry for September is the Storybook Project, which I became involved the spring of 2012. The mission of the Storybook Project is to connect children with their incarcerated mothers through literature. The first time I heard about the organization was from a customer at my clothing store. She was volunteering at the Gatesville prison and thought St. George's Outreach might be interested in participating.


Matthew 25:26

I was naked and you gave me clothes. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.


Whenever I read this passage, I thought about how I typically donated to charity. Yes, I could give clothes or money to the poor. Yes, I could care and visit the sick. However, I didn't know how I could contribute to those in prison. I also had no skills to help the offenders; I was not a social worker, minister, teacher, doctor, or nurse.


The more I found out about Storybook, the more I realized how important an organization like this is to help rehabilitate incarcerated women and allow them to maintain a connection to their children, who are suffering most of all. It is our goal to allow for mothers, who may have made some bad decisions, to still provide love and support to their children, so the healing can begin even before their sentence is over. There are several ways you can make a difference by donating your time or dollars.


Here are some suggestions for donating dollars and time:

  • $25.00 will buy two new books, a mailer and postage for two children
  • $50.00 will pay for gas for one month volunteers to travel to prisons
  • $100.00 will purchase 8 digital recorders
  • $400.00 will purchase a laptop with a cd burner
  • Host an open book party
  • Become a volunteer to go to the prisons
  • Donate your time during the holiday book drive
  • Organize a new book drive
  • Organize classroom or scout projects
Judith Dullnig will be visiting St. George's Sunday Sept 14th. During coffee hour she will show a short film and talk about how Storybook Project has impacted the children of the mothers that are incarcerated. The Outreach Committee will provide a light lunch. Come and learn about the profound impact the Storybook Project has on women in prison, their children, and those who volunteer their time & energy to this wonderful ministry!
For more information about the Storybook Project program, click here.

Hallelujah Hour

Join us for our monthly community fellowship hour!  
Hallelujah Hour is held on the 3rd Thursday of the month. 
We will meet at the Draught House Pub & Brewery (4112 Medical Pkwy #100, 78756).  So mark your calendars for Thursday, 
September 18th at 5:00 pm!

Pride Parade 2014
Saturday, September 20th

This year's Austin Pride parade will be on Saturday, September 20th, at 8:00 p.m. in downtown Austin.  Members of St. George's and St. Hildegard's will march together to show our love and support for LGBTQ people and to let everyone know that St. George's is a safe, accepting and faith-filled community.

Invite a Friend to Church Sunday
September 21st


Did you know that people are more likely to attend church if they are invited by someone they know?


God calls us to share the good news of Jesus Christ and one way to do that is to offer an personal invitation to join the St. George's community in worship. 

On Sunday, September 21st, all are encouraged to invite family, friends, and neighbors to visit St. George's in the hopes that many who might not feel comfortable coming alone, will attend. Welcome cards with service time and information are available in the sanctuary.


Take a moment to prayerfully consider who in your life 

God may be preparing to  receive and accept an invitation to church. 


SafePlace Outreach

Our next assembly of comfort bags for SafePlace will be September 21st, with blessing the following Sunday.  If you are willing to sew bags, your skills are needed and appreciated.  The pattern is posted on the Outreach bulletin board in Kleberg, 
or can be emailed to you.  Contact Sarah at  If you are willing to shop, please check with Hollie Gordon.  We want to split up the list in order to avoid duplicates.  (However, if you are out and about and see something special, go ahead and buy! We can always store any extras for the following collection.)  The shopping list will be available for signup the next three Sundays. 

Blessing of the Animals
Saturday, October 4th

We have an exciting opportunity on the horizon and your help is needed!  St. George's is partnering with Austin Pets Directory to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis with a  Blessing of the Animals and Community Fair on Saturday, October 4th.  This event will be hosted on our campus and volunteers are needed to help welcome people and their pets the day of the event.  Look for a volunteer sign-up sheet to be posted soon!

Altar Flowers & Candles

Effective September 2014 the requested donation for flowers or candles 
services will be $35.00


Altar flowers and candles are donated by parishioners in honor or in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for a blessing in your life. The candles are donated monthly, the flowers weekly. If you would like to sign up for one of the two Sundays available this year for flowers, either Sept. 28 or Nov. 23, simply add your name to the flower chart hanging in the Narthex of the church.  Be sure to print your name clearly and note their purpose so it can be acknowledged in the Sunday service bulletin.


A tax-free donation of $35.00 is requested for either flowers or candles. 

The donation can be made by check to St. George's Episcopal Church with "Altar Flowers/Candles" clearly noted on the memo line. Checks are preferable but If paying by cash, place it in an envelope marked "Altar Flowers/Candles" with your name clearly printed on the front for accurate accounting and place it in the alms basin. Please do not mail cash. Checks can be placed in the alms basin or mailed to the church office at 4301 N. I-35; Austin, Tx. 78722.

Hildegard's Illumination: The Journey Continues


Sister Helena Marie, CHS, one of the 4 Sisters from Bluestone Farm in Brewster, NY, is visiting St. Hildegard's September 10-15.  The Community of the Holy Spirit is one of the sixteen traditional religious orders recognized by the Episcopal Church.  Besides the farm, they have a house in Manhattan where six Sisters live in a 'green' convent.  Since 1952 their charism has been education-originally elementary schools and, for the last decade, their organic farm has allowed a shift in focus to Earth education offered through retreats and opportunities to work the farm.  Cindy Ybarra and I had a wonderful retreat at Bluestone Farm in July 2013.   Besides being delighted with chanting the daily offices and the hands-on farming experience that included extracting honey, making wine and cheese, planting and harvesting diverse crops, and caring for chickens and cows, we found soul-sisters with common theology and interest in creative, inclusive liturgy and interspirituality.  The Constitution workgroup has been using the CHS constitution as a model as we've worked on writing ours this year.  With long experience as an Episcopal religious order, they can offer wisdom about life in community, the spiritual meaning of profession, formation and preparation, as well as listening to the Spirit guiding our journey.  Obviously there are significant differences between a traditional order and a Community, yet she can give both spiritual and practical help as we explore our call.  If you are curious see their website  There's a profile of Sr. HM and the other sisters as  Her visit will be a 4-day retreat (a stay-retreat instead of a staycation) for St. Hildegard's.  Besides prayer, silence and group work, we'll be learning basic Gregorian chant, mutually sharing liturgies and music, and exploring other common interests. 


The journey continues.  We will soon send a draft of our Constitution for input from members and turn to writing our Rule of Life and Vows.  There is a still a lot of organizational work left, including making a bridge from our current membership structure to the new one and writing by-laws.  I am actively contacting bishops looking for one with time and interest in being our Bishop Visitor.  Focusing on the structure can be tedious so it's important to stay in touch with their reason for being-holding sacred space for the living water of God's love.  We're hoping that time with Sr. Helena Marie will help us weave both important strands together and that the Holy Spirit will fill us with grace and energy to continue on our adventure of God's call to community.


Thank you for your ongoing encouragement and prayers!


Blessings and peace,




September Birthdays and Anniversaries

We wish the following parishioners a very happy September birthday:
Stephanie Meldrum (Sept. 1), Spencer Gordon (Sept. 6), Joey Trevino (Sept. 6), Beverly Williams-Hawkins (Sept. 9), Gladys Dykes (Sept. 10), Jennifer Long (Sept. 15), Suzette Puckett (Sept. 16), Divesh Manohar (Sept. 20), Gregg Miller (Sept. 22), Colin O'Donnell (Sept. 23), Donna Johnson (Sept. 24), Ramon Trevino (Sept. 24), Sandy Welles (Sept. 28), Hollie Gordon (Sept. 30), Leopold Trevino (Sept. 30)

Recommended Reading