March 28, 2024

Pastor's Column

Everywhere I turn, I see plans for the total solar eclipse coming on April 8.  In fact, I heard that Hill County (where Hillsboro is) anticipates 250,000 arriving in their midst to see the total eclipse.   I have a friend in Ohio who has been talking about it for over a year (a visit to Hillsboro was on his schedule at one point, but a work trip overruled his plans).  Scientists call the total solar eclipse a “rare celestial occurrence,” where everything lines up just right.  Sunday we gather to announce to the world an even rarer celestial event – the empty tomb!  Although it probably will be a crowded day of worship in churches around the world, I suspect fewer will attend worship than will put on sunglasses and watch the total solar eclipse.  But what a world-changing sight the women saw when they arrived and discovered the empty tomb.  God had acted to raise Jesus from the dead. Although it would be hard to say that everything had "lined up just right," unless betrayal and forsakenness qualify, God had acted to make things right in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sin, death, and all the worldly powers could not contain, control or defeat the God of resurrection. If you are looking for the next total solar eclipse, you will have to wait until 2044. If you are looking for the God of resurrection, you do not have to wait. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the God of resurrection continues to be at work in the world. Join us Sunday as we affirm the life-giving, life-saving presence of the God of resurrection.

Yours in Christ,


Sermon Series

March 28

Maundy Thursday mean and worship


Join us in the Fellowship Hall as we gather to eat and celebrate the Lord’s Supper

March 29

Tenebrae Service

7:00pm Prelude music

7:30pm Worship service

Join us as we tell the story of Christ’s crucifixion through song and Scripture

March 30

Easter Vigil

Join us on the front lawn as we tell the great stories of the faith that shape God’s people 

March 31

Easter Sunday

“Love Rises”

I Corinthians 15: 1-11

Easter Sunday

Worship Service

Sunday, March 31


Easter Morning Breakfast

Served Between Worship Services

9:15am, Fellowship Hall

We are having a breakfast between services on Easter Sunday in the Fellowship Hall.  Who is bringing the food?  YOU!!  Please bring finger foods, breakfast foods, and donuts to share with our church family.  This is our first time doing this event and we want everyone to feel welcome and fed! Worshiping at 8:30am? Drop your items by Fellowship Hall before worship!

Easter Sunday

Worship Service

Sunday, March 31


One Great Hour of Sharing Offering

To be received Easter Sunday, March 31

The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering will be received during the worship service on Easter Sunday, March 31. The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People - all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.

Super Wednesday

Wednesday, April 3

Dinner at 5:30pm

Menu: Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, dessert

Click to Register

Activities for Children

Nursery for infants & preschoolers,

Room 102, 5:30pm-7:30pm

Noel Choir, grades K-1st, Children’s Choir Room, 

Kirsten Trachsel, 6:00pm

Covenant Choir, grades 2nd-5th,

Children’s Choir Room, 

Kirsten Trachsel, 6:20pm

Recreation Grades K-1st, Malicia Curran, 6:20pm

Activities for Youth

Middle School and High School

Rec Center and The Den @ 6:00pm-7:30pm

Activities for Adults

Fredrick Sanders, Piano

Brad Leali, Saxophone

Keith Loftis, Tenor Saxophone

Roland Guerin, Bass

Duane Durrett, Drums

Gospel and Jazz

Fredrick Sanders, UNT

April 3, Sanctuary

Fredrick Sanders is discussing the fusion of Gospel and Jazz with St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, exploring its rich historical and musical context. By bridging formal and non-formal learning, he showcases his journey from Gospel to Lincoln Center. This conversation highlights the cultural diversity and evolution of music, emphasizing its transformative power to transcend boundaries and foster meaningful connections.

Bridge for Beginners, led by Joyce White

Room 207

Women’s Book Study

The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

Amy Cole and Amy Fair

January 11-April 26, Library

The Wave

Terah Hatter and Wade Hatter

Room 205

Chancel Choir Practice

Adult Choir Room


Women’s Retreat 2024 Recap

The first Women’s Retreat planned since the winter of 2020 was a great success. We gathered at Lone Oak Retreat Center to lay aside the duties and responsibilities of life for 24 hours. We came with the intention of learning and growing in the possibilities of “Living in Wholeness” through our faith and belief that we are made in God’s image. What do Thomas and Peter, through their interactions with Jesus, have to tell us about living in wholeness? Ask one of the women who attended for a complete answer, but we explored the wideness of God’s mercy, and the ways we place human limitations on receiving the inexhaustible supply of grace and struggle with our tendency to try and “earn” grace. We did this with a wonderful retreat leader, the Rev. Dr. Melissa Hunter. We also worshipped together, talked long into the night, connected with each other, and gathered for meals around the table. We will do this next year, and we hope you can join the group!

Treehouse Snack Volunteers Needed

Who’s hungry??? Children when they get out of school! The 14 elementary students in the Treehouse after school program arrive at St. Andrew every afternoon ready to replenish their empty tummies. Fortunately we have a dedicated group of volunteers who help provide snack for them. But we could use a few more people to round out our list. Snack volunteers are provided a list of snack options and are scheduled to bring snack approximately once a month. Please contact our Treehouse snack coordinator Linda Heilig at [email protected] if we can add you to the list.  

Church Landscaping Work Day

Saturday, April 6

The property committee is hosting a church landscape day Saturday, April 6, from 9:00am to noon and needs your help! The committee is asking for volunteers to assist in making the outside yard more beautiful. Please bring work gloves and leaf/hard rakes if you are able. We will be raking up small branches and yard waste, planting grass seed (fescue) in bare areas (under trees), adding fertilizer and some pruning. We will have coffee and light food to start, with lunch food later. Thanks!

Denton Christian Preschool

St. Andrew is starting to collect needed items for the students at Denton Christian Preschool. The items will be collected in March-April. The items needed include glue sticks, paper, kleenex, paper towels, watercolors, children's toothpaste, toilet paper construction paper, liquid hand soap, AA batteries, 9V batteries, and crayons. The items may be placed in the bin marked by the fellowship hall. For any questions, contact Rachel Odei at 940-735-6483.

Communion Volunteers Needed for Presbytery Meeting

Saturday, May 4

Are you an ordained Ruling Elder or Deacon of the Presbyterian Church? Do you love to serve communion? The Session is inviting ordained Elders or Deacons to serve communion at the May 4th Presbytery meeting. If you would like to serve, please sign up using the link below! 

Click to Sign Up

Audio/Visual Volunteers Needed!

St. Andrew is currently recruiting volunteers to serve on its Audio/Visual Team. Between 20 and 30 people use the livestream of St. Andrew’s services each week, including a weekly group at Good Samaritan, so having a large group of volunteers is essential to the production of the livestream. Members of the team run the livestream and in-house sound for worship services and other events at St. Andrew, as needed. Volunteers will receive training and a small stipend each time they serve. Interested? Please contact Lou Korom, [email protected].

Church Office Volunteers Needed

The church office is looking for volunteers to staff the church office from 8:30am-12:00pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Church office volunteers do a wide range of activities ranging from answering phone calls and making copies, to coordinating efforts like notifying volunteers or updating the church roll. Volunteers generally serve one day a week and are welcome to take off whenever is needed. Looking to learn more? Please contact Lou Korom, [email protected].

Items Needed for Our Daily Bread

The diaconate is collecting items for Our Daily Bread. Items may be donated in the box in the Narthex. Current needs are: bottle water, canned vegetables, canned soup, canned Chef Boyardee, canned stew, mac and cheese cups, Rice-a-Roni cups, sugar, Gatorade, travel size shampoo, travel size conditioner, travel size toothpaste, travel size deodorant, cough drops, chapstick, tissues, men's pants (size 36W), men's shirts sizes (2XL and up).

Update from Caitlin Culp

Read the latest update from Caitlin Culp using the link below! In her latest update, Caitlin reflects on a cross-making activity at the church where she currently serves as intern and her devotional practice during this Lenten season.

Click to Read Caitlin's Post

Give-a-Meal - $2.29

St. Andrew donated $696.00 to the Give-a-Meal program in February! Thank you for supporting the needs of those who are experiencing food insecurity during this time. A monetary donation of $2.29 feeds a person in need for a week. Donations can be made by mail or online. Please write Give-a-Meal-a-Month on your envelope or check when giving by mail. To give online, visit and be sure to choose Give-a-Meal from the fund options to the right of your monetary donation.

Screen Printed St. Andrew Items Available Now!

St. Andrew is partnering with online retailer Bonfire to make these screen-printed offerings available anytime through their online store. A small amount of each item will go toward communications projects in the future. Visit the link below to see our storefront!

Visit our Bonfire store here
Feel free to contact church staff via email, text, or phone.
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
300 W Oak St | Denton, TX 76201
(940) 387-3897 | Website | Realm
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