Tuesday night...
the next installment of
 One Stop Jewish Virtual Learning Shop ,

March 24 and 31, 7-9PM

Learn online through Zoom.US

See the individual class descriptions for the link to each teacher's online Beit Midrash
Pesach is coming...
we could use some liberation about now !

with R' Uri Grosberg
offered at 7:00PM and 8:00PM

How can we get excited about Pesach when our world seems to be upside down? What can we hold on to to help us through this challenging time?
Join Rabbi Grosberg for a class you won't forget!
Rabbi Uri Grosberg is a graduate of Yeshiva University. He has been involved with education for over 15 years. He has taught in formal and informal settings to a wide range of Jewish affiliation and age groups. At present, he is promoting Jewish awareness through adult education in various Connecticut cities.
Read Hebrew America with Rona Wall

Advanced 7PM
for those who know the Aleph Bet, and can read, but want to build speed and comprehension

Beginners 8:00PM
Even if you have decided you can never learn to read Hebrew, this class is for you!

Rona has an amazing track record of teaching adults how to read Hebrew, and connect to the language of Creation!
Tuesday Night Talmud with Rabbi Wall
7:00PM (English)
8:00PM (Hebrew)

Many Beit Chaverim folks are currently learning the 1st chapter of
Tractate Makkot - It's a rollercoaster ride of logic. scriptural interpretation, and shifting perspectives. A real workout for the noggin!

The 7:00PM English class is a challenging encounter with Talmud and Talmudic methodology, although no Hebrew is required.

The 8:00PM class will focus on Talmud reading skills, and basic Hebrew reading skills are required