“You haven’t lived through enough?” asked Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway. “We in the community have to realize that if 99% of doctors say to take the shot, you take the shot.”

The Short Vort
Good Morning!

Today is Thursday 29th Marcheshvan 5782
and November 4, 2021

An Ode to the Anti-Vaxer

To tread into dangerous waters, I am going today
Although some would say that I stay away

Covid is here to stay,
Now it’s my turn to have my say.
There are those who claim that Covid is a hoax
Some of those people are really smart folks
They say they know with certainty
That Covid is an absurdity.

What strikes me odd about their claims
Is the fact that none of their “doctors” are men of fame
They search and scour the impure internet
In search of proofs to catch others in their net.
Those same anti-interneters who fought with much ammunition
To rid all Jewish homes of that portal of pollution
Are now the same people who are experts at Google
To “prove” that the rest of us have been bamboozled.
With fringe doctors and videos from YouTube
These anti-neters embrace the web, the very same web which is Assur to use.

This group disseminates its vile filth
By convincing us all that Covid is a myth
Yet, above all, it is most ironic,
That their weapon of choice is that which is demonic
To the internet, they run to which is most sardonic
That which was hated when it spoke about them
Has now become their greatest friend
With links and articles and absurd accusations
They disseminate their falsehoods for the cause of persuasion.
They banter, they scream, and they say that they know
While in truth to others they deal a deathblow

Would you please come to your senses before it is too late
And please don’t leave your lives in the hands of fate
The Torah demands of us to listen to doctors
And to ignore the prattle of professional hockers.
So roll up your sleeve and take the jab
It doesn’t hurt at all, so theres’ no reason to crab

The life you may save might be your own
Never forget your Neshama is on loan
My one desire is for you to vaccinate
I certainly have no desire to see you terminate
Long life and good health will be your lot
And believe you me, this is no plot
I wish you all long life and good health
And while we’re at it, let’s throw in some wealth
So get your shot it won’t hurt a bit
And stop watching sites that are not fit
So heed my advice and get the shot
Don’t worry about your friends who like to mock
Get the shot, and remain in good standing in Hashem’s flock.

“If Not Now, Then When?”- Hillel
Ron Yitzchok Eisenman
Rabbi, Congregation Ahavas Israel
Passaic, NJ