February 11th, 2022 ~ 10 Adar I, 5782
A message from The Head of School
At the beginning of each Jewish month, we have a special Rosh Chodesh project or program. The theme of the programs this year have all been related to our theme for the year: Kehiliah, community. For Rosh Chodesh Adar 1, we had a meaningful project planned that was an extension of something we did on Mitzvah Day. This planned project was quickly postponed when I received a very nice email from C'nai Zecharya, one of our Seventh Grade students and a member of Student Council.
On behalf of Student Council, C'nai asked if our upcoming program (held last Friday) could help with an important project her mother and another member of her synagogue are doing. They are working with Downtown Daily Bread to pack emergency food packages to assist those who are homeless. I was very excited to say yes to this project. Knowing that I would be out of town at a conference, C'nai agreed to lead the project. She organized every aspect of the project and taught the rest of the school about the need they were helping to meet. After the program my daughter shared with me how proud she was to be able to do something to help people who are hungry, and then asked what else our family can do.
I am extremely proud of C'nai! She not only brought her idea to fruition in an effective manner, she did so in a way that inspired others to follow her. As Ruth Bader Ginsberg said "Fight for the things that you care about. But do it in a way that will lead others to join you."
Shabbat Shalom,
Ganeinu reenacts Parshat Teruma by building a traveling temple/mishkan. First we constructed it in the ganeinu room, then like the Israelites of old we "traveled thru the desert" or in our case down the hall to the Myra Sacks Book Nook, and rebuilt our mishkan.
1st Grade Hebrew
Alla Fligelman
We are very proud of our 1st graders because they have just finished the 4th book of Ariot. This means that they are now able to read any word in Hebrew! Not only have they learned how to read, but they have also mastered giving small oral presentations. Their vocabulary is growing fast every day! The students can’t wait to start learning Hebrew script so they will be able to write stories in Hebrew in their first journals like “big kids”.
Mazal Tov kitah Alef!
1st-6th Grade Science
Susan Gaughan
Our first grade engineers explored the different properties of materials used for clothing, such as texture, flexibility, and absorbency. Our engineers used this information to design and build a hat that protects them from the sun. They came up with some great designs!
Our second and third grade scientists studied static electricity. They sure were “shocked” at what they learned!
Our fourth, fifth, and sixth grade engineers studied work and simple machines in science class. As a culminating activity, they created real-life scenarios in which simple machines are used to perform tasks. We now have the ability to feed our fish while remaining in bed! We have builders lifting materials to the top of a building! We have a super high bunk bed with an easy way to get in! Please check them out!!!
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be open in the Café Area of the JCC from February 14th-February 20th. We hope everyone will come to check it out and purchase some books! We are looking for volunteers to help run the fair throughout the week. If you are available to help please email Myrna Rubin at mrubin@silveracademypa.org
Open House
A Taste of Silver & STEM Night
On Tuesday, February 15th we will have our Open Houses: A Taste of Silver from 5:30pm-6:30pm for prospective Ganeinu (Judaic Enrichment Pre-K), Kindergarten, 1st grade students, and their families and STEM Night from 6:30pm-7:45pm for 2nd-8th grades and their families. Please RSVP to Niema Schertz at nschertz@silveracademypa.org by Sunday, February 13th. See flyers below for details.
Afghan Refugee Donation Drive
- Mazel Tov to Silver Academy alumnus, Nina Brodsky, on her engagement to Yonah Weinrib.
- Thank you to C'nai Zecharya for leading our February Rosh Chodesh Project. With C'nai's instructions the students packed care kits for the homeless.
- Thank you to the Graeff and Rubin families for providing Music Club snacks and thank you to Cynthia Graeff, Kimberlea Konowitch and Tammy Reid for volunteering during rehearsals.
- Thank you to our lunch volunteers: Kate Carpenter, Marcy Flicker, Ricki Gold, Cynthia Graeff, Liroz Nimni, Bert and Myrna Rubin, Reva Schertz, Orit Schul, Eva Siegel and Aviva Vishvia. It is wonderful to have volunteers back in the school!
- Thank you to our faculty for planning a special 100th day of school and to our Anonymous Donor who sponsored a fun hot chocolate party for everyone and provided staff care packages!
- We extend our condolences to Rabbi Gewirtz, Varda and their family on the passing of Rabbi Gewirtz's father, Rabbi Aaron Gewirtz. May his memory be for a blessing.
Volunteering for lunch duty is a wonderful opportunity to see your children or grandchildren interacting with their friends and teachers at lunch. We are always looking for volunteers!
Easy ways to support The Silver Academy everyday
Giant Scrip
Susan Leviton has Giant gift cards. If anyone would like to purchase any she will sanitize them, put them in an envelope and do a transfer at her curb. No need to come to her door. Susan can be contacted at 717-608-0190.
Giant gift cards are also available in The Silver Academy Office. Contact the school at 717-238-8775 to arrange for pick up.
- Raise money for our school by using gift cards where you are already shopping! Buy e-gift cards, physical gift cards and reloadable gift cards at face value and use for your everyday shopping. Easily pay online and earn a rebate between 2%-16% that goes right to our school.
Contributions to The Silver Academy are always appreciated and every dollar makes a difference for our students!
Looking for a way to celebrate a birthday or special occasion? Do you have someone you would like to honor? Do you want to make a donation in memory of a loved one? Consider making a donation to The Silver Academy. We will send them a lovely card to share with them that a gift has been made in their honor.
You may contact the school's office to make a contribution or do so online here.
Mrs. Cherepinsky's Music Lessons
Challah With a Twist
Offers Weekly Challah Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers.
- Order your challah by 8:30 pm Thursday evening at challahwithatwist.com. The fresh baked challah will be given to your child to take home on Friday.
- To pay, please send an envelope with your name on it to the school office, including cash, or a check payable to Challah with a Twist, or use Paypal or Venmo.
Challah With a Twist, (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah to the Harrisburg community for over 24 years.
For any questions, please call or text Varda Gewirtz at 717-919-1358 .