October 15th, 2021 ~ 9 Cheshvan, 5782
A message from The Head of School
The month of Cheshvan is traditionally referred to as Mar Cheshvan, the bitter month of Cheshvan. Following the holiday-filled month of Tishrei, Cheshvan does seem to lack the excitement of celebration. It is, however, refreshing to return to the activity that was put on hold to make room for all the holidays. Since our last Silver Summary, our students have had some amazing experiences that supplement their classroom learning. As part of the Better Together program, the 4th-8th grade students went to the Jewish Home and paraded around outside to cheer up all the residents (not just those who participate in Better Together). The older students also got to go on a field trip to hear the Arianna String Quartet play to a very small student audience at the Whitaker Center. Everyone enjoyed a special Rosh Chodesh and Kabbalat Shabbat program with our guest Rabbi Sam Yolen; Rabbi Yolen taught us a bit about the Lebanon Jewish community and played Shabbat inspired music for us. We also began the Musical Theater Club and are starting Chug Omanut (Studio Art Club) next week. With all the exciting activity, Cheshvan seems anything but “mar!”

Wishing you a wonderful Shabbat,

Inside the Classrooms
Susan Gaughan
Highlights from the Science Lab
Our 2nd and 3rd grade scientists have been studying properties of matter. Buoyancy is a property of matter. Our scientists formed a hypothesis as to whether the property of buoyancy can be changed in an object, particularly a ketchup packet. Here you can see them trying! Ask them how they did it and why it worked!!!
Our middle school scientists are studying heredity. If we are going to talk about DNA, then we should take a look at DNA! Check out our scientists extracting the DNA from an onion. Ask them what the DNA looked like!
1st Grade Hebrew Language
Morah Alla
What a wonderful month of Tishrei we had! First graders have started to learn how to read and write in Hebrew with Ariot, our Hebrew program that also introduces them to a fictional class of students their age! They’re excited to read their first books in Hebrew about Kitah Alef! We’ve learned about t'shuvah and tzadaka, we’ve made netilat lulav during Sukkot and danced and sang with the Torah, preparing for the Simchat Torah. It was a wonderful, energetic start of the school year!
Music Field Trip
The students in 4th-8th grade enjoyed a field trip to the Whitaker Center to enjoy a performance by the Arianna String Quartet from St. Louis.

Mrs. Cherepinsky received the invitation for our students to attend the first Soundscapes program of the year, presented and sponsored by Market Square Concerts.

Thank you to Mr. Peter Sirotin, Co-Director of Market Square Concerts and their patrons, for this amazing invitation and opportunity.

Please learn more about the Arianna String Quarter here as well as the Market Square Concert Series here.
Rosh Chodesh - Kabbalat Shabbat
Silver Academy students enjoyed a wonderful Rosh Chodesh and Kabbalat Shabbat program last Friday afternoon.

Our special guest was Rabbi Sam Yolen, from Congregation Beth Israel in Lebanon.

Rabbi Yolen spoke to our students, sang and played his guitar. We enjoyed Shabbat songs and had a wonderful time singing and dancing.

Rabbi Yolen also introduced us to his wonderful partner Stella, who we nicknamed Stella the Shabbat poodle.

We had such a lovely afternoon.
Todah Rabah
  • To Cynthia Graeff, Kimberlea Konowitch, Tammy Reid and Niema Schertz for driving our 4th-8th grade students to the Arianna String Quartet performance.

  • To Rabbi Sam Yolen for performing at our Kabbalat Shabbat program last Friday.

  • To Ricki Gold for reading to the Kindergarten class before volunteering at lunch.

  • To our lunch volunteers: Kate Carpenter, Tracy DeBroff, Ricci and Mike Doctrow, Marcy Flicker, Ricki Gold, Cynthia Graeff, Ann Rosenberg, Myrna Rubin and Reva Schertz. It is wonderful to have volunteers back in the school!
Mazel Tov
  • To David Peiffer, parent of Silver Academy students Michael and Rona, on receiving The Jack Kennedy Memorial Alumni Achievement Award (JKMAAA) from Grove City College.
  • We extend our condolences to the Green Family on the passing of Dr. Robert Green.

  • We extend our condolences to the Kessler/Henshell families on the passing of Beatrice Kessler.

  • We extend our condolences to the Isaacman/Lowy families on the passing of Barbara Isaacman.

May their memories be for a blessing.
Lunch Volunteers Needed
We are looking for a few volunteers to help with lunch duty. Only requires one hour a day. Could be once a week or a couple times a week. Doesn't have to be a whole year commitment. Email Myrna Rubin at mrubin@silveracademypa.org for more information.
Seedling Sale
The Gevers family has generously donated some tree seedlings to the school to be used as a fundraiser.

Seedlings include Red Oak and Eastern Redbud. Sizes are below and look at what they will turn into. Beautiful! Quantities are limited.

Please contact the office or email Amy at aroberts@silveracademypa.org or Kimberlea at kkonowitch@silveracademypa.org to reserve your seedling, arrange for pickup and make payment arrangements. Suggested donation is $18.
 Need new mask lanyards for the new school year?
Order your mask lanyards today!

Plain black or white - $3.00
With beads - $4.00
With name - $5.00

To place an order email Myrna Rubin at mrubin@silveracademypa.org
Did you misplace your old Yearbook?

Did you misplace your old yearbook? We have a few extra copies of most years available. If interested, contact Myrna Rubin at mrubin@silveracademypa.org
Tribute Cards
Myrna Rubin has tribute cards available. If you would like to purchase some contact her at mrubin@silveracademypa.org
Easy ways to support The Silver Academy everyday
Giant Scrip
Susan Leviton has Giant gift cards. If anyone would like to purchase any she will sanitize them, put them in an envelope and do a transfer at her curb. No need to come to her door. Susan can be contacted at 717-608-0190.

Giant gift cards are also available in The Silver Academy Office. Contact the school at 717-238-8775 to arrange for pick up.

smile.amazon.com - The Silver Academy. 

 https://shop.shopwithscrip.com/Login/Enroll  Code: 5417A14L62452 

  • Raise money for our school by using gift cards where you are already shopping! Buy e-gift cards, physical gift cards and reloadable gift cards at face value and use for your everyday shopping. Easily pay online and earn a rebate between 2%-16% that goes right to our school.
Contributions to The Silver Academy are always appreciated and every dollar makes a difference for our students!

Looking for a way to celebrate a birthday or special occasion? Do you have someone you would like to honor? Do you want to make a donation in memory of a loved one? Consider making a donation to The Silver Academy. We will send them a lovely card to share with them that a gift has been made in their honor.
You may contact the school's office to make a contribution or do so online here.

Silver Snapshots
Mrs. Cherepinsky's Music Lessons
Order your Challah
Challah With a Twist

Offers Weekly Challah Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers.

  • Order your challah by 8:30 pm Thursday evening at challahwithatwist.com. The fresh baked challah will be given to your child to take home on Friday.

  • To pay, please send an envelope with your name on it to the school office, including cash, or a check payable to Challah with a Twist, or use Paypal or Venmo.

Challah With a Twist, (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah to the Harrisburg community for over 24 years.
For any questions, please call or text Varda Gewirtz at 717-919-1358 .
Community News