Mrs. Debra Freeburn, Head of School
I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone at Silver and in the Harrisburg Jewish Community for the support and encouragement they have given me as I continue to develop in my position as Head of School. But, there is one person that I’d like to highlight for his continued support, for his ideas and suggestions, and for the ability he has to brighten everyone’s day.
Tony Frei is the security guard at Silver. He put himself through the Police Academy, worked at the 193rd Air Guard Base on the security force, was a Harrisburg police officer, worked with the INA (Information Network Associates) as an armed guard and has been with us at Silver for three years!!! And, I might add, is the nicest guy!!!
In his leisure time, Tony has spent over 15 years mastering the martial arts - specifically hand-to-hand combat, kickboxing, and Taekwondo.
Tony and I spent hours reviewing the safety procedures that were in place at Silver and tweaking them to improve them. Separately, we assessed the building for safety and security, and then made changes to improve our security. We held an in-service for the staff and teachers, where we shared the changes and listened to ideas. Lastly, we put together a new procedural portion of our teacher handbook, outlining these changes.
I don’t know about you, but I like having Tony in the building!! Every school day, he can be seen walking the hallways, going out to recess with your children, accompanying the students into the building during the morning, and then leaving at dismissal. Tony assures our students' safety at bus time, watches the monitors, and merely makes us feel safe with his presence in the building. Plus, he does it all with a smile!!!
I feel much safer knowing that Tony is here!!! Thank you !!!!!!
Shabbat Shalom,