• March 6, 6:00-8:00 pm - Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • March 7, 11:40 - Early Dismissal
  • March 7, 1:00-4:00 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

Lunch Menu - March
Good things happen everyday at The Silver Academy!
Mrs. Debra Freeburn, Head of School

I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone at Silver and in the Harrisburg Jewish Community for the support and encouragement they have given me as I continue to develop in my position as Head of School. But, there is one person that I’d like to highlight for his continued support, for his ideas and suggestions, and for the ability he has to brighten everyone’s day.
Tony Frei is the security guard at Silver. He put himself through the Police Academy, worked at the 193rd Air Guard Base on the security force, was a Harrisburg police officer, worked with the INA (Information Network Associates) as an armed guard and has been with us at Silver for three years!!! And, I might add, is the nicest guy!!!

In his leisure time, Tony has spent over 15 years mastering the martial arts - specifically hand-to-hand combat, kickboxing, and Taekwondo. 

Tony and I spent hours reviewing the safety procedures that were in place at Silver and tweaking them to improve them. Separately, we assessed the building for safety and security, and then made changes to improve our security. We held an in-service for the staff and teachers, where we shared the changes and listened to ideas. Lastly, we put together a new procedural portion of our teacher handbook, outlining these changes.

I don’t know about you, but I like having Tony in the building!! Every school day, he can be seen walking the hallways, going out to recess with your children, accompanying the students into the building during the morning, and then leaving at dismissal. Tony assures our students' safety at bus time, watches the monitors, and merely makes us feel safe with his presence in the building. Plus, he does it all with a smile!!!

I feel much safer knowing that Tony is here!!! Thank you !!!!!!
Shabbat Shalom,

D'var Torah for Parshat Ki tisa 

by Uriel Pavolotzky, 6th Grade

to read this week's D'var Torah
A Peek Inside Our Classrooms
Kindergarten Judaics
Mrs. Yasminah Huberman

Since the beginning of the school year, Kindergarten has been hard at work learning the Hebrew alphabet and words that begin with each letter. This week, we have arrived at the letter פ (pey), just in time for Purim! This has been a wonderful week of learning about Purim...we made hamanantaschen (Oznei Haman) and our own Megillot! Going along with the Purim theme, many of our activities are focused on the four Mitzvot of Purim: giving  Tzedakah , listening to the  Megillah  (twice), giving friends/family gifts of food-  Mishloach Manot , and eating a festive meal-  seudah . Our class loves singing Mishenichnas Adar and Leitzan katan - Little Clown . Kindergarten wishes everyone a Chag Purim Sameach!
2nd Grade General Studies
Mrs. Brandy Hurley

Our students love books and reading, and there is no better time to show our enthusiasm for reading than during the NEA's annual Read Across America event! The event is held March 2nd, the birth date of the beloved author, Dr. Seuss! In honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday and Read Across America, our students shared their love of reading with each other! On Tuesday, the Middle School students joined with First Grade for a reading project. The older students each chose a favorite book to read to a First Grader. Then, students worked with their partners to discuss, write and illustrate highlights from their favorite book. We will display the students' creations as a giant banner, showcasing our school’s love of reading!
Register your student for this fun, academic event!
Development Office News
Mark your calendar now!

 Watch this TV appearance of Oz Pearlman on the  Rachael Ray Show !

​Prepare to be OZmazed and ​ please ​share.

Ongoing Fundraisers

יום לימוד or “Day of Learning”

Dedicate a Day of Learning to honor your grandchild, to remember a loved one,
or to celebrate an important day!

CLICK HERE to learn about this meaningful donation.

Order Your Challah Here!
Challah With a Twist 

Offers Weekly Challah Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers

  • Order your challah by Thursday night at this website: It will be delivered to school on Friday.
  • Send check to school, payable to Challah with a Twist, or use Paypal or Venmo .

"Challah With a Twist", (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah for the Harrisburg community for over 20 years.
Varda Gewirtz,  717-919-1358  
Super Silver Snapshots!
Take a look at our spirited Purim Celebration!

Making Hamantaschen!
Costumes, of course!

A joyful Megillah reading!
Decorating and filling bags with goodies for Mishloach Manot exchange !

Fun "Spirit Days" leading up to Purim!