March 21, 2019 - Adar II 14, 5779
Events at a Glance

  • March 21, 11:40 - Early Dismissal - Purim
  • March 21, 5:30 - Purim Seudah (Taste of Ethiopia)
  • April 5, 2:45 - Kabbalat Shabbat/Rosh Chodesh
  • May 19 - Hebrew at Hershey Gardens (See info below)
A Message from the Head of School
Mrs. Debra Freeburn, Head of School
We are appalled and devastated by the recent, senseless attack on two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. The loss of 50 innocent lives, while attending a place of worship, violates the moral and ethical core of our society. At The Silver Academy, we join the Jewish community and the Jewish Federation of Harrisburg, as well as the Jewish Federation of North America in condemning this violence. We stand in solidarity with the Muslim community.

Safety at The Silver Academy, is today, and always has been, a priority. Our school promotes an environment where students feel supported and safe allowing them to learn at their fullest potential. As you are aware, Mr. Tony is present from the time your child enters school until the time they leave to go home. Tony accompanies the students outside at recess, he is walking the halls, watching the cameras, and maintaining our safety. The mere presence of an armed security officer sends the message that our school, YOUR school, is being watched and that the care and supervision of our children is an important priority. Safety and learning go hand-in-hand, and along with our caring faculty and staff, nurturing environment, positive parent involvement and positive school climate...The Silver Academy remains the BEST school in the area. The spirit to learn, the sense of wonder, our students’ curiosity, the willingness to care about others and our joyful environment are thriving at The Silver Academy.

Again, thank you for entrusting us with the opportunity to watch your child/children grow and mature academically and socially. 

Shabbat Shalom,
D'var Torah
D’var Torah for Parashat Tzav
By Rabbi Berel Wein
to read this week's D'var Torah 
Good Things Happen Every Day at The Silver Academy
CASEF Science Fair
Mrs. Susan Gaughan
Recently our seventh and eighth grade students participated in the annual Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair held at the Harrisburg Area Community College. What a wonderful showing our students made! They presented their science fair projects and answered questions from a panel of judges. Josh Jackson received a first place award for his project. Elez Bell, Benjamin Shvartsman, and Uriel Pavolotzky received second place awards for their projects. Moshe Schertz received an honorable mention for his project.

In addition to his first place award, Josh was selected as a Nominee for the 2019 Broadcom Masters (Math, Allied Science, Technology, and Engineering for Rising Stars) Award. This extraordinary achievement is awarded to the top 10% of middle school science fair participants in the nation. Josh will now complete an online application in order to participate in the national Broadcom MASTERS competition. Entries will be judged during the summer and the top 300 national semifinalists will be announced in September. Thirty finalists are selected from among the semifinalists to receive $500 and an all-expense paid trip to Washington, DC, to participate in the finals week competition. Josh also received the Social and Behavioral Science Category Award for having the highest score in all the Junior Division Social and Behavioral Science projects. He received a $100 cash award.
Benjamin received two special awards for his science fair project. The Harrisburg Chapter of the PA Society for Professional Engineers recognized him with a $150 cash award. In addition, he earned The American Society of Civil Engineers Central PA Award. He received a $200 cash award.

We are so proud of all the students’ accomplishments!
Spreading  Mishloach Manot  Joy with the ELC!
Lindsay Hameroff
As a way to showing love and friendship on Purim, it is both a tradition and a mitzvah to give special food packages called  Mishloach Manot  to members of the Jewish community, This year, Silver Academy students fulfilled this mitzvah by creating  Mishloach Manot  for a group of students in the ELC.

This project was conducted in two parts: first, at our most recent Rosh Chodesh program, students decorated brown bags to hold the  Mishloach Manot  treats. This week, they continued the process by baking Hamantaschen with their teachers, and then packing them into their gift bags, along with fruit, chocolates, and groggers.

On Wednesday morning, 3rd and 4th graders went down to the ELC to deliver their  Mishloach Manot  to students in the Turning 4's and Pre-K classes. The younger children were thrilled to receive their presents, and Silver Academy students had a blast making them.

Chag Purim Sameach , everyone!
3rd and 4th Grade Students Make the Point with PowerPoint
Rabbi Yosef Gewirtz
Having recently learned from Technology Teacher, Gail Rebuck, how to present information with Microsoft’s PowerPoint, 3rd/4th Judaics students prepared and presented their own Chumash PowerPoint production.

Each student chose a verse from the first half of Parshat Toldot, which deals with the birth and youth of Esau and Jacob, twin sons of Rebbecca and Issac. They inserted the Hebrew verse and English translation in text boxes and aligned them phrase by phrase. A table was utilized to exhibit how three or more of the verse’s words were formed from roots (shoroshim) to word with the addition of prefixes (Techiliyot) and suffixes (Sofiyot). A sentence summarizing the narrative and a Rashi problem and solution were included to demonstrate the significance of the verse. Students then chose photos and clip art to add interest and clarity. A pithy and (sometimes) humorous title capped the PowerPoint.

The students then took on the role of the teacher and explained their projects to their fellow students. They did so with confidence and precision. The most important indicator of success was the feeling by all that this type of project should be planned again in the future.
Pi Day Celebration
Mrs. Jane Dalton

The date March 14, written as 3.14, has become known as Pi Day... you may know Pi as that crazy, never ending number used with circles: 3.1415926535. Our 3rd through 8th grade students celebrated this day in math class with a variety of calculating activities using circles and ended class with a yummy (non-mathematical) Pi Day activity!

Students discovered that when measuring the circumference of a circular lid and dividing by the diameter of the lid, the circumference is always slightly more than 3 times the diameter! Students also learned that the more exact the measurements, the closer the ratio is to Pi. Other students estimated the area of circles and then calculated the area using the area formula, (Area = Pi x Radius x Radius). While students had fun exploring the relationship of circles and the number Pi, they were even more excited by the last activity of the class...eating a delicious, personal pie of their own specially selected flavor! After all, what would Pi Day be without real pie?
We are thankful!
Thank you to The Silver Academy PTO for providing the supplies for our Purim celebration!

Thank you to Tammy Reid for baking hamantaschen with the 5th through 8th grade classes. Not only was this a fun project for our students, but these hamentashen were delivered to the 3 and 4 year old classes at the ELC in their Mishloach Manot.
Upcoming Events!
Alumni Giving Circle Continues

Last chance to join this year's Alumni Giving Circle!
The Alumni Giving Circle is having their first virtual meeting on Tuesday, March 26. Silver Academy teachers have submitted grant requests, and Giving Circle members have made generous donations and are ready to discuss how to allocate the funds to help the make the learning experience for our students even better.

Want to join the Giving Circle? Contact Lara Novak at  [email protected] .
Interested in learning more? Click  here .
Please help us get to Israel!
Our 7th and 8th grade students are excited to be planning their trip to Israel in the spring! As a way to help fund the trip, they currently have two fundraising opportunities:
  • First, the students will deliver personal notes (Chai Notes) from you to the Holy Land. Click on the link below for the note, which you can print and return to the school office with your donation. Thank you!

  • You can also support us by planting trees in Israel through JNF. Part of the money you donate will go to our Israel trip. How do you do this? Just click on the link below to go to the "Plant Your Way to Israel-JNF" website and donate away!!

Support The Silver Academy!
Don't Miss This
EASY, Ongoing Fundraising Opportunity!
Giant Gift Cards

  • Purchase these dollar for dollar in the school office, and then spend them the same as cash.
  • The Silver Academy earns 5% - that's $50 earned for every $1,000 sold!
  • You may also purchase by calling Susan at 717-608-0190
Order your Challah!
Challah With a Twist 

Offers Weekly Challah Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers

  • Order your challah by 8:30 pm Thursday evening at The fresh baked challah will be given to your child to take home on Friday.
  • To pay, please send an envelope with your name on it to the school office, including cash, or a check payable to Challah with a Twist, or use Paypal or Venmo.

Challah With a Twist, (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah to the Harrisburg community for over 2 4 years.
For any questions, please call or text Varda Gewirtz at   717-919-1358   .
Silver Snapshots!

Ganeinu and kindergarten love baking...especially yummy hamantaschen!