We are thankful you are part of our
Silver Academy family!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  • Nov 17, 1:15 - Kabbalat Showcase and Read-a-Thon Kickoff
  • Nov 22, 11:40 - Early Dismissal
  • Nov 23-24, No School - Thanksgiving
  • Dec 1, 10:30 - PTO Friday Coffee at Giant - All parents welcome
  • Dec 10, 9:30-11:00 - Chanukah Family Fun and Concert (see ad below)
  • Dec 15 - Shabbat Showcase
  • Dec 19, 6:45 pm - Celebration of Light and Learning
  • Dec 22. 11:40 - Early Dismissal
  • Dec 25-29 - No School, Winter Break
Good things happen everyday at The Silver Academy!
Mrs. Lindsay Hameroff, Lead Teacher
Books Are Magic

As an educator and lifelong reader, few things provide me with as much as joy as seeing the magic of reading through the eyes of a child. Therefore, I was thrilled to see this enchantment in action throughout the past week. 

On Monday, students were introduced to Silver's first annual Read-a-Thon. Over the next few weeks, they are tasked with reading as much as possible, and gathering sponsors who will make pledges based on how much they read, in order to raise tzedakah for the Penn State Children's hospital. The excitement coming from the students is infectious, and we are all looking forward to our kick-off event tomorrow, as we join together for 2,017 seconds of reading! At The Silver Academy, we emphasize the importance of doing what we can for others, especially during this season of giving back, and we can't wait to see the great things our students will accomplish during this Read-a-Thon.

Next week, the magic will continue as students in grades 4-8 have the opportunity to see the book  Wonder come to life on the big screen. Students have read this moving and meaningful novel with Mrs. Wenzelburger, and are very excited to see the movie adaptation together.  Wonder is also incredibly timely tale with a pertinent message, reminding us all of the importance of tolerance, acceptance, and of course, being a true  mensche

Finally, as I think about wonder, I am reminded of a quote by C.K. Chesterson, who once said that " Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." As we head into the Thanksgiving season, I cannot help but look around and reflect on the incredible devotion of the staff, students, and families who make Silver such a unique and wonderful place. I am filled with wonder each day as I see the learning and passion shared in each classroom. I am grateful to be part of such a wonderful community, and especially grateful for each and every one of you, as you all contribute to make The Silver Academy special.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and joyful Thanksgiving, filled with wonder, magic, and gratitude. And of course, don't forget to read!
D'VAR TORAH for Parshat Toldot

by Mikel Garner

to read this week's D'var Torah
Inside the Classroom
Kindergarten General Studies
Mrs. Kate Carpenter
Kindergarten has been very busy and productive so far this year. Here are some of the things we’ve already accomplished:

  • Learned a special birthday song, made special birthday books, and celebrated our first two birthdays with a class party
  • Explored the history of North America starting with the Native Americans and Vikings and ending with Christopher Columbus. (Please look for our history posters on the bulletin board in the hallway to see what we have learned.)
  • Mastered all 52 letters of the alphabet
  • Practiced our calendar skills and made numbers from 1 to 50 using tens and ones
  • Used our Judy clocks to tell time to the hour
  • Met and learned 24 sight words in November and had fun independently reading books during Rainbow Reading time

This week we started learning the story of Thanksgiving. Also new this week, was the beginning of Kid Writing in our new journals. 
4th-5th Grade Judaics
Mr. Ellis Rosenberg

The fourth and fifth grades have been working diligently on their Hebrew vocabulary and conversation skills, sometimes with "chavruta" (study partners), often with members of one grade helping students of the other grade. Other times, the fourth grade works in one center while the fifth grade works in their own center.

The fourth grade has been practicing Hebrew while reading, discussing and learning valuable life skills, such as "Aich Natzliach" (how can we work together successfully); "K'lalay Nimoosim" (Rules to get along with one another), and "Mi Lakach..." (Who took the album--Teaching the concept of giving the benefit of the doubt).

The fifth grade has been studying a variety of topics as well. We read "sh'tai tipot" (two drops--the lesson being that while everyone is different, we can all get along); The book called "Ha'Shaymot sheli", (my name), teaches us how important a good name is. In the book "ha'Baytzah" ( the egg which disguised itself), we learned the importance of being ourselves.

To add a little fun to the Hebrew mix, as we work on our decoding, we have been playing the game of sparkle while reading about the aliens from the far away star of Peridim.    

In addition, the fourth and fifth grades have been spiraling their knowledge of the weekly Torah portion.
3rd Grade Science
Mrs. Susan Gaughan

Third graders were "charged" to use the Van de Graaff generator in Science class!! It was their culminating project on the study of static electricity. You would be "shocked" to hear about all they learned! Just ask a student!!
Catching up with Classmates
Dina Burcat

A member of the Silver Academy Alumni Class of 1998, Dina Burcat, has been cooking and making messes in the kitchen all her life, inspired by her mother and grandmother who set the table (literally!) for some of Dina’s favorite family memories. Dina competed in the 2011 Man-O-Manischewitz Cook-off and the 2014 Manischewitz All-Stars competition, and is excited to return to competitive cooking in the 2017 Kosher Masters contest!

Dina lives in New York City, where she works as the Director of Alumni Affairs at Yeshiva University. She is a very active volunteer at her synagogue, The Jewish Center on the Upper West Side.

Click on this link to see Dina's contest entry video:

We love "Catching up with Classmates"! Do you have any Alumni news or pictures that you would like to include in the Silver Summary?
Please send your picture, story or alumni news to [email protected]

Mark your calendar!
Development Office News
Think of The Silver Academy...
Each year, The Silver Academy students benefit from the philanthropic support from families across our community. With your generous contributions, we can ensure that every child who desires an extraordinary Silver Academy education has access to it. Through philanthropic support, the values of our parents, grandparents, and the generations that preceded them are perpetuated long into the future. Recently, this article was shared with me on why our Jewish Day Schools need so much support from their community and donors. I would like to share it with all of you. http://jewishweek.timesofisrael.com/the-delusion-of-day-school-affordability/

Your gifts enable The Silver Academy to be the extraordinary educational institution serving our community. We are united by our shared Jewish values and history. Please consider making a donation to The Silver Academy Annual Campaign. http://www.silveracademypa.org/annual-campaign.html

Thank you, Shari Dym
(Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program)

Watch this video to learn how...
We need your help!
Don't Miss These
EASY , Ongoing Fundraising Opportunities!  
Register your Giant card! Our school earns $$ everytime you shopt at Giant...
It's soooo easy to help!

Giant Gift Cards

  • Purchase these dollar for dollar in the school's office, and then spend them the same as cash.
  • The Silver Academy earns 5% - that's $50 earned for every $1,000 sold! 
  • You may also purchase by calling Susan at 717-608-0190.
Order Your Challah Here!
Challah With a Twist 

Offers Weekly Challah Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers

  • Order your challah by Thursday night at this website: challahwithatwist.com. It will be delivered to school on Friday.
  • Send check to school, payable to Challah with a Twist, or use Paypal or Venmo .

"Challah With a Twist", (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah for the Harrisburg community for over 20 years.
Varda Gewirtz,  717-919-1358  
Silver Snapshots
Baking in Ganeinu is always fun!

Playing a game of matching Hebrew verbs

Having an impromptu conversation in Hebrew...harder than you think!